Locke's Music

Mr McNall

Dance files 2021.pdf

Google Classrooms: Please copy your link to join the classrooms

my email is s.mcnall@tvdsb.ca if there are any problems - 

Thanks everyone

8B au22nhh 

8M  xde4drx 

7/8  nu6d2xk 

7J o4v6apw 

7F zj57oqe 

6W  ozjnekh  

6N 3u2txen 

6K gr2bcvi 

5/6 5l27acd 

5S  l4quppu 

4/5 mmypswb

4H lki3fkm 

ASD xmeivsb 


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Mr. McNall

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African Drums are coming March 23rd - April 3rd