Saturday, April 27th, 2019

Your 2019 EdCamp London Ignite Speakers!

5 Minutes, 20 Slides!

If you've never been to an EdCamp before, you can expect a day of bold, organic, participant-driven conversations.


Saturday, April 27, 2019

8:30 AM – 2:30 PM EDT


Sir Arthur Currie Public School

2435 Buroak Drive, London, ON N6G 0L5

What is an Ed Camp?

Ed Camps are un-conferences. There is no schedule of predetermined workshop sessions or presenters. Topics for sessions are decided upon by participants at the event, where discussion and collaboration are key to a successful learning experience.

Sessions are facilitated by anyone and session ideas are brainstormed at the beginning of the day. Participants with experience are encouraged to speak-up during sessions. Open discussion and a willingness to share, drive the learning at Ed Camps.

Ed Camps operate off of a model called, the "rule of two feet". Participants show up to a session they think might interest them (no registrations or sign-up). This model empowers participants to find sessions that best meet their needs. If a session isn't working for them, they are encouraged to find one that is!

Best of all, Ed Camps are FREE!

How does it work?

Ed Camps have popped-up worldwide over that past few years. Visit the Edutopia article linked on the right-hand side, to learn all about how an Ed Camp typically works and the purpose it serves.