SchoolCloud Parent Meeting
Booking System



The SchoolCloud login page is at:

Once the page is loaded, click the blue button marked Log in with iSAMS Parent Portal - the SchoolCloud system uses SSO (Single Sign-On) through the school's Parent Portal (Gordonstoun Gateway):

The usual login screen for the school's Parent Portal (Gordonstoun Gateway) will be displayed.

Enter the email address and password that you have already set up for accessing the parent portal:


If you need to reset your password for the Parent Portal, please click on the link underneath the Sign In button marked Forgotten your details?

If for any reason you have not already set up a Parent Portal account - or if you are having other difficulties logging in to the Parent Portal - then please contact the Parent Meeting Support Team on:


Once you have logged in to SchoolCloud via the Parent Portal (Gordonstoun Gateway), the screen will show any Parent Meetings that you have been invited to join.

Click on the meeting you wish to attend:

Bookings for the meeting can be made either automatically or manually:

If you choose to make Automatic bookings, you will be taken to a screen where you can set the time period during which you will be available and select the teachers you would like to meet:

If you choose to make Manual bookings, select an available time and click on the green box with a + symbol to book the time slot required - the green box will change to a blue box marked with a tick symbol.

If you wish, you can add a message to the teacher to indicate the points you would like to discuss.

To delete an appointment, click on the blue box - it will change to a red box which you can then click to delete the booking:

Once you have selected the appointment time slots, you will be asked to Accept or Reject the appointments within 2 minutes.

A blue timer bar at the top of the page will show the confirmation time remaining.

NOTE: If you haven't accepted the appointments after 2 minutes then they will be automatically freed up for other parents to book!

Once you have accepted your appointments, the details will be emailed to you.

Click on My Bookings in the menu bar to print your schedule, amend bookings or add the appointments to your Calendar:


If two people (eg a child's mother and father) would like to meet staff at the same time but from different locations on separate devices (rather than individually in separate meetings), the person making the appointment can invite the other person to the Parent Meeting, as follows:

  1. Book the meeting times as above

  2. Click on My Bookings in the menu bar (see above screenshot)

  3. Click on Manage Invites - a new window will pop up

  4. Add the name and email address of the person you wish to invite

  5. Click Send Invite

An email will be sent to the email address containing a link which can be used to join the Parent Meeting on the day it takes place.


Log in to the SchoolCloud system as shown above - leave plenty of time before your meeting starts, so that you can check that everything is set up OK!

The meeting session you booked to join will have a green Join Video Appointments button:


Meetings start and stop at the scheduled times - if for any reason a parent or teacher joins the call late, the meeting will still stop at the scheduled time.

Click the Join Video Appointments button to join the appointment - you will be able to check your video/audio settings.

The Start Appointment screen will then be displayed along with the parent's video image and a set of Microphone (ON/OFF) , Video (ON/OFF) and Device Settings buttons.

The name of the teacher, child and class for the current meeting will be shown at the top of the screen.

Your meeting schedule will be listed at the bottom of the screen.

Click on Start Appointment when you are ready to start the meeting - the teacher will do the same:

When the meeting starts, a red Hang Up Call button will appear below the video windows.

The teacher's video image will appear in the middle of the video window and your own image will be displayed at the bottom of the window.

A blue bar showing the meeting time remaining will appear above the video window.

The bar will change to orange when there is 1 minute remaining, and to red when there are 10 seconds left.

NOTE: The call will terminate automatically at the scheduled end time of the appointment.


  • Each participant in a call controls their own video and microphone settings.

  • The length of calls is typically around 5 minutes (for teacher meetings) or 10 minutes (for tutor meetings).

  • At the end of a call, the parent will be moved on automatically to the next call in their schedule.

  • Calls do not have to last for the full time allocated - the parent or teacher can manually terminate a call early, if they wish.

  • Call quality very much depends on the internet connection at either end of the communication link - if for any reason a call is lost, try joining the call again.


The video call system supports only ONE parent camera per call - it is not currently possible to include additional related parents on the same call using other cameras.


If you have any queries either with making bookings or joining a meeting, our Parent Meeting Support Team will be pleased to help and can be contacted on: