Quizzes and Polls


Quizzes and polls tools can provide teachers and students with immediate feedback and can also be used as an assessment tool. They can be used before, during or at the end of class, as well as after it. For example - examining students' gender attitudes, before and after a lesson that deals with gender issues. They enable teachers to understand students' opinions; to motivate students by creating a game-type-atmosphere.

This activity’s target is to be familiar with quizzes and polls technology and see its varieties of pedagogical advantages in order to be able to use it in academic teaching and learning processes.

Learning outcomes:

Faculty members will be able to:

  1. Identify pedagogical needs of questionnaire/quiz/poll.
  2. Analyze the collected answers to a teacher-developed questionnaire/quiz/poll.
  3. Construct/develop different kinds of questionnaires, quizzes and polls.
  4. Evaluate the use of questionnaire/quiz/poll as ML activity (active, constructive, collaborative, authentic and personalize).

Training manual


מסמך ללא כותרת
Quizzes and polls.pptx


In Civic studies, in a lesson about various government systems, students will be asked to answer about their attitudes towards and against different systems before and after the lesson. “Before” in order to identify the students’ preliminary knowledge and to enable the lecturer to adjust the lesson curriculum according to that, and “after” in order to know what changes are caused as a result of the learning process.


Awedh, M., Mueen, A., Zafar, B., & Manzoor, U. (2014) Using Socrative and Smartphones for the support of collaborative learning. International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education (IJITE), 3(4)

Liu, D. Y. T. & Taylor, C. E. (2013). Engaging students in large lectures of introductory biology and molecular biology service courses using student response systems. Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science.