Experience Cloud Page is blank

An Unauthenticated Experience Cloud landing page which hosts a flow is blank. 

No errors are displayed, no debug logs are produced

Chrome Developer Tools shows very little but has got "ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE"

I recently produced a Salesforce Experience Cloud site built on Lightning Web Runtime which allows unauthenticated access to a Flow.  The flow does a very lightweight identify verification process, executes few simple queries to display the results to the visitor and logs details of what records are viewed.

Version 1 was developed in a Developer Sandbox, promoted through the test and verification process into UAT and finally production.  Everything was great.

The users liked it and asked for more, so I released V1.1.  Again, developed in a Developer Sandbox and promoted into UAT.  In the Developer Sandbox it worked fine. 

In UAT, you could preview it in the Experience Cloud builder both as an Authenticated User or a Guest User and it behaved exactly as it was supposed to, however, if you visited the site outside preview mode as an unauthenticated user, the page was completely blank. 

We compared the configurations of the two sandboxes line by line and everything was identical

Mr Google (or any other search engine) was no help as it gave no results for the error message combined with any of my scenarios. ChatGPT just hallucinated!

So then began the process of elimination:

It seems that despite running in System Mode, the flow still runs as the Guest User. Granting the Site's Guest User profile explicit access to the APEX Class fixed the issue in the UAT environment. Now when you inspect the APEX Class's security settings, both the System Administrator profile and the Site Guest Profile have access to the class.

What is really strange is that in the Developer Sandbox, only the System Administrator profile has access to the class, so the line by line comparison would never have answered the question.

I had assumed that if you are using Salesforce and your instances are on the same release, that they would behave the same.

Perhaps not?