GPA School Song

Greatest Love

Ornelas - 6th Grade

Math and Science

The mission of Gompers Preparatory Academy is to accelerate academic achievement for all students through a college preparatory culture and curriculum.

Virtual Office Hours: M-F: 8am - 9am and 2pm - 3pm email:

Time: 9:00 am - 9:45 am

Google Class Code: 24dctuo

Google Class Code: ilwmn2u

Time: 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm

Google Class Code: vyhthtw

Time: 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm

Google Class Code: 5gy7k4s

When I say, Our Time ! ... you say, "My Time."

When I say, Our Time ! .... you say, "On Time!"

Good Eagles are never late and rarely absent

GPA has one of the highest attendance rate in San Diego County

Distance learning using zoom


  • Limit distractions

  • Mute microphone

  • Turn on Video

  • Frame your body (Chest to head)

  • Look at the screen

  • Uniform checked and Smile

  • When responding to a peer, say "Thank you (persons name)..."

When Honoring say:

"Please unmute your microphone and with a Smile and Enthusiasm repeat after me

(Good morning - Good afternoon - Thank you), Ms. Ornelas

Always remember, everything WE do is to help you reach your goals.

So, dream BIG!

August 31, 2020

Dear GPA Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to Gompers Preparatory Academy! I hope you take some time to navigate my Teaching Board. I am truly excited that we have this opportunity to get to know each other. My first concern is that your child feels comfortable and does not get anxious or frustrated. I would love for you to send me an email and tell me a few things I should know about your child.

Distance learning can be challenging for families. Many of you may be wondering how you can help your student succeed this year.

Here are some tips:

  1. Make sure the learner is on time and ZOOM ready.

  2. Make sure the computer is fully charged the night before.

  3. Make sure the student has dressed appropriately and in GPA attire .

  4. Know your child’s schedule, start time, and their teachers.

  5. Parent may attend Zoom classes anytime.

  6. Be involved throughout the day.
    i) Check-in
    ii) Make sure learner is on task as well as taking necessary breaks

  7. Follow-up at the end of the day.
    i) How did you do today?
    ii) Did we meet our goals?
    iii) What did you learn today?
    iv) See if they finished the assignments or not

  8. Keep in contact with the teachers

  1. PowerSchool for Parents, monitor

  2. Monitor daily progress, making sure students are getting their assignments turned in.

Expectations for Students

  1. Make sure your surroundings are proper

  2. 100% attendance to all Zoom meetings - make it a goal

  3. Participate in every class session

  4. Leave a respectful digital footprint by not sharing embarrassing, illegal, or inappropriate content.

  5. Adhere to the GPA Technology Use Policy (pg. 17)

  6. Complete and turn in assignments on time.

Parents, if your child is ill and will not be able to participate for the day, please email the attendance office at and me at

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. I am here for you! Together we can make this school year the best one yet! Go Eagles!