Research Resources
Database Information
Online research databases and other resources are available for you to access from school and home. Please see or email Ms. McDaniel ( for login and password information.
Google SCholar
Academic research when academic resources are not available, or to supplement academic databases
Free, familiar, and relatively easy to search
Searches for scholarly articles, abstracts and books, but not popular magazines, newspapers or Internet articles
Allows you to save both citations and articles to read later
Does not allow users to limit results by peer reviewed, full text materials, or subject/discipline
Items retrieved are not necessarily peer-reviewed
Full-text versions of many items indexed are not available for free through the Internet
Does not provide notice of when its materials are updated
Citation trackers can be difficult to use and inaccurate
Does not provide the criteria for what makes its results "scholarly". Results often vary in quality and it is up to the researcher to determine which of the results are suitable for their purposes.
The Bottom Line:
Google Scholar is a great place to begin your search, but should not be the only resource you utilize. Be sure to evaluate all information for authenticity.
Formatting & Citations