Mr. Sommer's Classes


This is Mr. Sommer's twelfth year teaching at Ike and his 25th year overall. He holds a Math and Physics degree from Southwestern College and a Master's in Technology Education from Ball State University. He runs two clubs at Ike, GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) and Ike Games (a game club where students meet to play all kinds of different types of games). Each club usually meets once a week after school.

This year Mr. Sommer will be teaching the following classes:

Period 1: College Algebra/Trigonometry

Period 2: College Algebra with Review

Period 3: Algebra 1

Period 4: College Algebra/Trigonometry

Period 5: College Algebra/Trigonometry

Period 6: Algebra 1

Period 7: Plan

College Algebra/Trigonometry

Remind Group Access Code: @ikeprecalc

Google Classroom Join Code: ovgso3h


Algebra 1

Remind Group Access Code: @ikealg123

Google Classroom Join Code: iucncp4


College Algebra with Review

Remind Group Access Code: @ikecolalg

Google Classroom Join Code: uw6almm
