Gifted Outcomes

THINKING SKILLS: Given a topic/situation, the learner will define and classify the problem(s), make connections, and draw distinctions, analyze information objectively and critically (reflectively developing a relationship between facts and values), and differentiate truth and beliefs from his/her understanding of what is logically and realistically possible.

TS 2.1 Analyze abstract thinking skills modeled by others.

TS 2.2 Compose lower-level questions to develop a foundation for higher-level inquiry.

TS 2.3 Reflect upon learning experiences.

TS 2.4 Apply analogical thinking to identify relationships between two unfamiliar items or events to identify an unknown.

TS 2.5 Apply deductive reasoning of general to specific information to analyze and organize sets of limited clues to reach logical conclusions.

TS 2.6 Distinguish fact from opinions.

TS2.7 Inventory, compare, and contrast attributes of varying objects and ideas.

TS2.8 Identify, analyze, and evaluate information in order to make decisions, solve problems, and establish priorities.

TS 2.9 Appraise implications and consequences of personal actions and decisions.

CREATIVITY: Given a real-life situation, the student will be able to select from divergent thinking, analogical thinking, visualization, attribute listing, morphological analysis, synectics, intuitive thinking, spontaneous thinking, creative problem solving, and/or the creative process in an appropriate manner to develop a workable solution(s).

CR 2.1 Demonstrate fluency by brainstorming to generate a large quantity of ideas, thoughts, products, or plans to a given prompt.

CR 2.2 Demonstrate flexibility by adapting given ideas, thoughts, products, or plans for many different uses.

CR 2.3 Demonstrate originality by using given objects in ways different from their intended purpose.

CR2.4 Elaborate on given ideas, thoughts, products, or plans to create new possibilities.

CR 2.5 Demonstrate synthesis by combining given ideas, thoughts, products, or plans in unusual ways.

CR 2.6 Experiment with various materials and tools to create products related to personal interest or subject matter.

CR 2.7 Identify and explain how and where different cultures record and illustrate stories and history of life through art.

INFORMATION LITERACY: Given a real situation, the student will identify and define the problem, design a research plan appropriate to the problem, conduct the investigation, decide on the most appropriate media for the dissemination of findings/solutions, and present the results before an authentic audience.

IL2.1 Identify topics for research based on interests.

IL 2.2 Formulate questions for study.

IL 2.3 Analyze topics to determine needed research

IL 2.4 Interpret research from teacher-approved resources.

IL 2.5 Assemble information to provide new knowledge or understanding in a particular area.

SUCCESS SKILLS: Given a real-life situation, the student will utilize effective organizational, decision making, goal-setting, project management, and time management skills, including controlling impulses and adapting to unforeseen circumstances, in order to develop solutions to problems and achieve goals whether working individually or as a leader or member of a team.

SS2.1 Individually demonstrate the ability to maintain self-control of emotions and actions in a variety of situations.

SS2.2 Individually identify and assess the merit and or importance of personal characteristics, ideas, interests, preferences, and products.

SS2.3 Identify occupational areas of personal interests and aptitude through classroom experiences.

SS2.4 Demonstrate the ability to accepts responsibility for given tasks and consequences for actions in a variety of situations.

SS2.5 Demonstrate the ability to organize, prioritize, and complete tasks in a timely manner.

SS2.6 As a group leader, effectively work with group members to keep the group on task.

SS2.7 As a group member, demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills.

AFFECTIVE SKILLS: As a gifted learner, students will develop self-acceptance and awareness and demonstrate responsibility for personal growth along with awareness of personal and cultural diversity in others by recognizing forms of bias and stereotypes in order to respect unique beliefs and experiences in themselves and others by understanding and embracing giftedness, appropriately coping with stress in order to become healthy, responsive, contributing, and productive members of classroom communities and society as a whole.

AS2.1 Assess individual learning styles, interests, personality styles, and expression preferences.

AS2.2 Identify feelings and emotions in self.

AS 2.3 Develop behavioral strategies appropriate to the situation.

AS 2.4 Identify and assess strengths and weaknesses as a baseline for improvement.

AS 2.5 Analyze, evaluate, and respond appropriately to various forms of body language (non-verbal clues)

AS 2.6 Participate in community-building skills

AS 2.7 Recognize contributions and achievements of various cultures.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Given the need to retrieve and/or disseminate information, the students will select and utilize the most appropriate media based upon available resources, technology, audience, and time available, for the most effective communication of information, ideas, feelings, and concepts and correctly interpreting those of others.

CM 2.1 Communicate complete thoughts, give directions and instructions, participate in informal speaking activities and storytelling activities.

CM2.2 Demonstrate effective listening behaviors in formal and informal settings.

CM 2.3 Give appropriate feedback and contributions of relevant information.

CM 2.4 Follow oral directions with three or more steps.

CM 2.5 Analyze various types of writing (including poetry)

CM 2.6 Create original written products based on real or imagined circumstances to communicate ideas and feelings.

CM 2.7 Write over short time frames (a single setting or a few class times)