How do I know if a child is a gifted learner?

This is a question that many teachers ask. Knowing how to identify a gifted learner can truly enhance these students' learning opportunities. This can also increase your understanding of specific students! 

Even if a child proves to be bright, they too need acceleration and challenges. It may not be to the level and extent of a gifted learner, but this may help you to distinguish how to approach, prepare, and accelerate both gifted and bright students alike through differentiation. 

Gifted Learner vs. Bright Learner.pdf

Not all gifted learners look the same!

We get told a lot of times that specific students express explicit and certain behaviors that would discourage teachers from recommending for testing

However, not all gifted learners will fit into the mold of a typical "gifted" student. Here are 6 other behaviors of children with giftedness and talents.

Access our teacher resource folders by clicking on your grade level to find activities to engage, accelerate, and challenge your students who show gifted potential or show high achievement levels. 


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CATalyst | Mrs. Carlson & Mrs. Godwin

Created by:BGodwin