University of Granada, May 3rd to 6th, 2023

Workshop on Collective Decisions: Current Trends 


We are pleased to announce the Workshop on Collective Decisions: Current Trends, to be held in Granada on May 3rd to 6th, 2023.

With the organization of the workshop, we pursue the following objectives:

The workshop will be structured around some of the following main topics that reveal a series of challenges corresponding to those faced by society and to which the collaboration between researchers in collective decisions and mathematics can provide interesting answers and proposals.


Those interested in participating (and non-presenting) can register in the following link before April 15. 

The registration fee for non-presenting participants is capped to 400 € including meals and social events.  The payment method is a bank transfer. The bank transfer reference must include “CollectiveDecisions” and the participant’s full name. 

Bank Account: ES58 2100 4224 3913 0072 0546 (University of Granada).
