Ceramics in changing times during Antiquity

From Monday 19th to Friday 23th, September 2022, in Granada (Spain)

From September 19th to 23h, 2022, the International Doctoral Summer School Ceramics in changing times during Antiquity, will offer PhD students and early career doctors from all over the world the opportunity to present their ongoing or recently completed research, getting qualified comments from some of the most renowned experts, and be advised in regard to their postdoctoral projection.

The seminar is specially designed so that researchers who are beginning their research career can present their research linked to their doctoral thesis and other works in progress, before high-level and prestigious academic reviewers in the field of archaeometry and technological studies in various chrono-cultural periods. In this way, they will be able to discuss and comment on their research within the discipline at a global level, taking into account the latest advances in material characterisation techniques.

Mentoring by professors from the fields of Archaeology and History will be facilitated, as well as a fluid academic exchange with peers with similar research interests. The aim is to generate opportunities for collaboration between young researchers from different disciplines related to Archaeology, History or Anthropology.