一 年 級
My Favorite Color
I like And I don’t like
Pete The Angry Cat: I Love My White Shoes
二 年 級
Dear Zoo
Yo? Yes!
How many elephants?
Alphabet Ice Ceam
三 年 級
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?
Lemons Are Not Red
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
四 年 級
Hey, Who Made This Mess?
The Bad Seed
Are You My Mother?
My Friend Maggie
五 年 級
Polar Bear, Polr Bear, What do You Hear?
Today is Monday
What's the Time, Mr. Wolf?
There's an Alligator under My Bed
六 年 級
Steve Jobs
Gulliver’s Travel 2
Nile Crocodile
New Year’s Day