Grade 11 NRHS Students

At the start of Grade 11, graduation may seem very far away. But it will come quickly! And you will soon be making decisions about your next big steps: whether to work or go to school, where to go to school, what to study, how to pay for it.... etc!

There are steps you can (and probably should) take in grade 11 to make sure you are best prepared to make those decisions when the time comes.

Explore your Post Secondary Options

  • Attend the sessions when post-secondary schools come to visit in the spring and fall. Explore their websites.

  • Attend the sessions where agencies come to talk about career opportunities. Examples of organizations that have presented at NRHS include: RCMP, Canadian Armed Forces, NavCan, Canadian Coast Guard

  • Stop at information booths when organizations or schools are set up in the school foyer. Ask questions. Review their literature.

  • Attend in-person and virtual Open Houses at post-secondary schools.

  • Book Test Drives at NSCC (Currently unavailable due to covid regulations. Watch for it to reopen in 2022.)

Prepare yourself for grade 12 scholarship applications

  • Focus on getting the best grades you can through diligent study and scholarly practices.

  • Get involved in your school and community.

  • Find ways to demonstrate your leadership ability.

  • Read up on what you should be doing in grade 11 to be prepared for applications in grade 12.

Explore who you are using myBlueprint.

myBlueprint follows a comprehensive education and career planning process that meets the learning needs, interests, and aspirations of all students.

You can access myBluepint by logging into your GNSPES homepage and look for the link as picture here. Click "School Account Login". Explore the links. I recommend completing the "Who I Am" quizzes to see what careers may best suit you.

Would you like to walk through the program with guidance? Book an individual or group appointment with Joey Desmond. Joey works with NS Career Connections, but he works IN high schools. He is at NRHS on Wednesday's and Thursday's. Email him to request an appointment.

Questions? Reach out to your Grade 11-12 School Counsellor

Krista Brown