Dec 17 Concert FAQs

What time does it start? 6:30 PM, with an anticipated end time around 8:30.  Doors open for performers and their supporters at 6:15.  Concert Band (HRA) Members will stay after school on Tuesday to set up and prepare.  Supper will be provided to those students.

Who is performing?  All MRHS Bands, members of the MRHS choir.  Several solos and small ensembles.  Grade six students are invited to attend, but not required.

Where will it be held?  MRHS Cafeteria will be set up with both tables and regular concert seating.  This event will be a concert/coffee house hybrid.

What does it cost? Admission is free, and all are welcome.  However, you can bring cash (only - sorry! to purchase snacks and/or bid on silent auction items to support this year's New York trip. 

What will be the expected audience etiquette?  Once your child has performed, please seat them with you.  All audience members should remain seated quietly while students are performing.  However, the snack table and silent auction will be open during designated breaks and you are encouraged to leave your seat at those times.   You may take photos (no flash, please) and video during the performances.

What should students wear?  Black concert dress.  Holiday accessories, including headwear, are encouraged.