
November 20th - December 3rd, 2019


The following is my Petcha Kutcha presentation for EDUC 5105. I created this presentation to recap my experience with this course.



Creating this presentation allowed me to do a number of things. When first creating the script for this presentation, I went back and reviewed all of the content from each unit. This was a great opportunity to see the information from the earlier units in a new light. My first draft of the script was based solely on that information. It read more like a recap of the course and was not personalized to my experience.

This brings me to the second thing creating this presentation allowed me to do; reflect. Being able to reflect on what I have learned, how it fits in my current teaching situation and how I want to use it in the future was an extremely meaningful experience. If I had finished this course without this reflection, I may have taken a few things from it, but through the reflective process I was able to put serious thought into how I would like to use my new found skills and information and come up with a plan.