Hands on Technology

CCRCE has a variety of tools available for students to engage in hands on activities. Maker education encourages students to experience through physical manipulation using digital tools, hardware, construction materials, etc. Below are some tools available for use.

Makey Makey is an invention kit allowing students to turn everyday objects into keyboard input tools. It integrates with programs such as scratch to create interactive, engaging real life inputs.

PASCO offers a variety of scientific measurement tools gauging things like temperature, light, sound and more. The tools interact with the Spark Vue app, allowing for real time interactive data collection.

Robots offer a variety of hands on, real world applications in programming, coding and design challenges. CCRCE supports a number of robots including Bee-bots, Constructabots, Lego Mechanics, Dash and Sphero.

Greenscreen allows for the production of vibrant, imaginative and animated videos. Students become producers when using a greenscreen, recording tools such as tripods, microphones and apps like Do Ink, These tools and programs can be used to transform media and offer new ways of representing in the classroom.

Electronics kits are the best way to learn about electronics and circuitry as well as the structural aspects of computers. CCRCE supports use and application of Spark Fun kits, Snap Circuits and Arduino kits

Stop motion combines artistic mediums, production techniques and technology to produce interesting and imaginative video. Students may work with clay, drawing, pant, paper and more to develop set pieces and film it frame by frame in the development of animated movies using a variety of Stop motion software.

Lego and Keva are building tools students can use to represent learning in innovative ways. Students may complete design challenges, integrate blocks with coding and robotics or explore structures and scientific principles through modeling.

Fabrics allow for lo-tech hands on exploration of creativity. Students may design clothing, fabric creations, integrate designs with video production, affix LED lights, explore textures and design challenges through sewing and cutting.