Welcome to 4 Sim 2019-2020

Parent Contact: lsim@hrce.ca or Remind App

Student Contact: lsim@gnspes.ca or Google Classroom

Class Check-ins: via google classroom Monday & Friday 11 am-12 pm. *Students can log into our google classroom where we will all be able to chat together about the weekly assignments. This is not required, but I will be available for video chats!

Office hours: 11 am - 12 pm Monday- Friday or schedule a time for support/conversation that works for your schedule. I will also do my best to check my email regularly and the remind app.

Support teachers:

Mme. Carole Bradley Office hours: 8:30-9:30 am daily Email CBradley@hrce.ca

Amy Barry Office hours: 8:30-9:30 am daily Email ABarry@hrce.ca

What to expect:

  • Students will be given a week learning schedule. The overview of learning will be posted on here and shared to your email. The overview will look much like the weekly homework but there will be additional information about Math and Writing. I will provide you with a suggested learning schedule for each day but work at a pace that best suits your family and your child. Additional information and specific activities will be posted to students Google classroom account.
  • Below are links to Reading, Writing and Math- I will put suggested links for extra practice there.
  • Class Codes:

Splash Learn for Math: EHJRCU

(I do have kids passwords if they need them)

EPIC Books for reading: lks8952

Prodigy Game for math: 42F3A8

(Use gnspes and password to log on)

  • Google Classroom Code: mbygns3
  • Please check out the government website for more support: https://curriculum.novascotia.ca/
  • The provincial government included a calendar of learning activities that provide a range of learning experiences that support literacy, numeracy, and physical and mental health. Click HERE to find out more!