The History department aims to provide students with a safe environment where all learners feel they have the confidence to try their best and succeed. To excite students and garner curiosity to go beyond what is taught in the classroom. To challenge thinking through presenting historical problems and clashing historiography, dispelling the misconceptions of history as “true” or “false”. To broaden perspectives by including world histories, historians and evidence thus becoming understanding and appreciative of diversity and accepting members of society. For students to develop reflectiveness and self awareness of their strengths and how to progress further to become better historians.

For students to leave school unlocking an understanding of their personal present and armed with a skillset to create positive change in the future by learning about the past.

Curriculum Overview

History overview 2021_22

The 'Big Pictures'

Year 7

Y7 Big Pictures.pdf

Year 8

Yr 8 Big Picture.pdf

Year 9

Yr 9 Big pictures.pdf


KS4 Big Picture.pdf


KS5 Big Pictures 2022-2023 .pdf

KS4 Video

Meet The Team

Steven Atwell

John Perkins

Renee Dzvova

Laila Alrobey