To inspire our students in a love for Geography so that it’s a subject of choice in school and beyond
Geography is about the world we live in. It is about how our physical world interacts with our human world, and how these physical and human elements vary spatially and temporally around the world, at local, regional and global scales. It is also about the skills we need to interpret these interactions, including fieldwork. Indeed, the breadth of fieldwork opportunities for learning is the element that distinguishes our subject from others.
It is, by its very nature, a hugely relevant subject. The physical and human pressures on our world - global warming and its impacts, conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, the Covid-19 pandemic, tectonic events, the causes and impacts of international migration and inequality, the pressures of the growing population compared with resources, globalisation and how it is being influenced by growing issues of identity and sovereignty - are the issues that we as global citizens are concerned with. But they are the same issues that Geographers at all levels in our school - from Year 7 to 13 - explore and learn about. Hence the relevance of the subject.
Curriculum Overview
The 'Big Pictures'
Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

KS3 Learning and Assessment Journey



Meet The Team
Sean Szerezla
(Subject Leader)
Josephine Panioty-Morgan
Sarah Saunders
Jasbir Heer
Sarah Weeks