Year 10 Rugby:

Year 10 has started well this year in PE taking on the unfamiliar challenge of Mr Arthur.

Having not taught many of the current year 10's last year it was interesting to see what the students enjoyed. Of Course, we decided to teach rugby to the boys since September and they have been brilliant and kept each other stimulated using 'Tackle pads' to ensure safety and innovative lesson specifications to learn the art of tackling, defending and attacking space.

The group has been very active and passionate about their lessons this term. It has been a joy that has kept myself (Mr Arthur) and Mr Costa alive and enthusiastic.

Year 11 Boxing:

The year 11's have started their all important GCSE with a bang taking lessons from an externally qualified coach. The coach has enjoyed the coaching as much as the students have enjoyed the skills of boxing. 

Students have learned the range of punches and the defensive techniques which build the 'whole boxer'.

With our coach being an ex-student of the school it is encouraging to see Ethan come back and give the community here at GNSA some expertise which will support their bigger battles both mentally and physically this year.

Year 8 Football:

First up for competition this year, the year 8's formerly led by their head of year Mr Higgins and now Mr Khangura visited Park Academy on the 5th of October.

Unfortunately, the result was not enjoyable as the year 8's lost 7-0 however, the experience for the students from Springfield Road, Hayes was invaluable for them and their 'capital culture' embracing a different school and learning Football further than their playground at GNSA they have now got a baseline of what to improve as they grow throughout their years inside or outside sport.

With 4 more fixtures left to be played this year. I look forward to taking such a respectable group of students to their next outing.

Year 7 PE 

What a gift it has been having such enthusiastic year 7s excited to be involved in PE.

Badminton, Beep tests, Invasion sports, Gymnastics, and fitness testing already in the first half-term which they have seemingly enjoyed and worked hard to engage with each other and the tasks.

The PE department has enjoyed every moment so far getting to know the newest cohort in GNSA secondary.

Year 7-11 Basketball

With two days of Basketball and now a 3rd added weekly to support the student's extra-curricular activity.

Myself and Mr Costa have enjoyed welcoming back the students to work out on the court at Lunchtime and after-school clubs.

With the lucky addition, we have had Mr Davies (English teacher) and Basketball expertise come along to coach the students.

It's exciting to see what can be built this year with the keen individuals and games against other schools.

Girls Football

With the growing excitement around the women's game globally. There is more participation from the GNSA students than ever.

Mondays after school have seen Ms Buykiray and the young students of our school train and play to work on skills to gain advantages over upcoming Football fixtures.

Year 7, 9, and 10 Football

Without playing any fixtures so far. The three year groups have been increasing their ability and skills by turning up to training each week to battle for a place in the school teams and work on their holistic skills further than playing.

Some have approached leadership, teamwork and support for others as they showcase their S.H.A.R.E values each week.

Netball Club

Participation rates have always been high at GNSA when it comes to Netball and working with Mrs Khilnani has attracted even more than before as the club invites all different levels from around the school students are keen to improve their skills each week.

Plenty of drills and promotion of hard work and determination to see when you arrive at Netball Club. 

Indoor Athletics Club

To promote students working on individual plans to target the range of Athletics events on offer in the community.

The GNSA PE department has offered Tuesday lunchtimes to students years 7-9 to work on their aspects of components of fitness which are demonstrated in their event choice from 100 meters, high jump, and many more.

Students have turned up to understand more about the movement, attitude, and nutrition which can boost their results overall.

Rohan Cricket Club

Shout Out to Rohan in year 9 who has shared his and his student colleagues' voice with the PE department.

Rohan approached the department with a written letter asking for a space to work on Cricket drills with others who are interested.

I was proud to present the letter to my PE colleagues to encourage the space to be offered.

Although cricket is usually a Summer term sport the presentation Rohan showed the commitment and direct approach for what was needed.

The students have been working on all techniques of batting and bowling each week on Tuesdays. So, every other school in the borough better be warned these Cricket players are nothing to be messed with.

Karate Workshop

Having invited our local Karate company in to teach some students the activities, skills, and discipline of Martial Arts.

It was great to see students listening and understanding the class in such depth as they committed to the attack and defense that Karate supports.

As confidence grew the power, strength, and control grew with it.