The Old Operating Theatre

Year 10 recently visisted the Old Operating Theatre to complete a session on 19th century surgery and explore the musuem. Whilst there, they were able to build upon their knowledge about anasthetics and antiseptics all while learning more about herbal remedies and surgical instruments. There was also oppoturnities to carry out their own surgery using replicas of surgical equipment. 

The Imperial War Museum 

To complement their studies on the Holocaust and other genocides, a group of year 9 students visited the Imperial War Musuem. Armed with an iPad and lots of questions, they explored the gallery and returned to the learning suites to explain how and why the holocaust happened. 

Lessons from Auchwitz

During the October half-term, Keerath Kullar and Arvind Sandhu, along with Miss Dzvova, visited Auchwitz-Birkanau to take part in the Lessons from Auchwitz programme. They went on a guided tour of the camp, before partaking in a memorial service. They are currently developing a plan to share their learning with the school community in Januaury. 

Historian of the Term

Year 7: Sahaana Kesavan 

Year 8: Charanpreet Singh 

Year 9: Kulnek Gabba

Year 10: Bhavneet Premi 

Year 11: Amanpal Gill 

Year 12: Nisha Saroye

Year 13: Rhea Madhas

Year 7

This half term, Year 7 have begun exploring the significance of Abbasid Baghdad. They've learnt about the rise of the Islamic Caliphates, the spread of Islam and advancements made in Baghdad in the 8th & 10th centuries. 

Year 8

Year 8 have spent the half term interrogating attitudes towards mental health in the 18th & 19th centuries. They've focused on the experience of women suffering with hysteria, interrogated historical interpretations and explored the treatments offered at Hanwell Asylum. 

Year 9

Continuing their studies on genocide, Year 9 have spent the half term learning about the Cambodian, Rwandan and Bosnian genocide. They have approached the subject with respect and maturity, arming themselves with the knowledge to interrogate why genocide continues to occur and discussing methods to prevent it. 

Year 10

Year 10 have recently completed thier study on Medicine Through Time, wrapping up with learning on antiseptics, anasthetics, penicillin and the NHS. 

Year 11

Year 11 have begun their study of Germany, 1919-1939. Their main focus has been the rise of the Weimar Republic, with students identifying the potential failures of the new state. 

Year 12

Year 12 have both continued their exploration of the path to Indian Independence whilest also learning about civil and minority rights movements in the United States. 

Year 13

Continuing on from last half term, Year 13 are still learning about Public Health whilst also completing their coursework. 

This month in history

The Beveridge Report was published in December 1942. The report recommended the creation of a welfare state to fight social inequality. 

November saw the 100 year anniversary of Hilter's attempt to sieze power in Germany, 1924,  during the Munich Putsch