Year 12 Olympia - What University, What Career?

Friday 10th November Year 12

Our year 12 students attended the What Career? & What University? live event. The event helps students decide on their post-16 options. Whether it’s an apprenticeship, university or further education. 

The Old Operating Theatre

Year 10 recently visisted the Old Operating Theater to complete a session on 19th century surgery and explore the musuem. While there, they were able to build upon their knowledge about anasthetics and antiseptics all while learning more about herbal remedies and surgical instruments. There was also oppoturnities to carry out their own surgery using replicas of surgical equipment. 

Lessons from Auchwitz

During the October half-term, Keerath Kullar and Arvind Sandhu, along with Miss Dzvova, visited Auchwitz-Birkanau to take part in the Lessons from Auchwitz programme. They went on a guided tour of the camp, before partaking in a memorial service. They are currently developing a plan to share their learning with the school community in Januaury. 

In an exciting venture, Year 11 GCSE students embarked on a trip to witness the renowned 'Wicked' musical. The show proved to be a sensational experience, filled with entertainment and joy for all attendees. The students thoroughly enjoyed the captivating performance, making the outing a memorable and enjoyable occasion. Such cultural excursions play a vital role in not only providing entertainment but also in enriching the educational experiences of our students.