Full-time virtual school

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Can all families opt into the full-time virtual learning program?

All GMSD families are able to opt into our full-time virtual learning program. However, IEPs, 504s, and ILPs are legal documents and may all require a meeting (such as IEP, 504 or other team meeting) to determine the best placement/ services for students. Tennessee Department of Education recommends:

“Vulnerable student populations should be prioritized when considering reopening school for in person learning environments. In person learning provides the opportunities for teachers to increase intensity of support, provide frequent checks for understanding, and alter learning supports continuously. Distance learning will not allow for this level of support to learning”.

What is the time commitment for a family? Will families be able to change from one learning mode to the other if the pandemic situation improves?

For all students in grades K-12, families will need to make a semester-long commitment to their chosen path.

The full-time virtual school will require dedicated staff. To ensure the appropriate staffing and success of the full-time virtual program we are asking families to fully commit for one semester.

When is the deadline for SELECTING full-time virtual learning 2nd Semester?

The deadline for selecting full-time virtual learning is November 9th at midnight. This deadline will provide our school principals and staff the necessary time to build course schedules and class sections.

There are some exceptions for medically documented cases in which parents may switch to full-time virtual mid-semester. Documentation will be required. Those inquiries should be directed to our Student Services Department, 901.752.7900.

Who will be my child’s teacher(s)?

The GMSD Full-time Virtual Program will be staffed internally with appropriately credentialed GMSD teachers. These teachers will be providing support and/or instruction for the equivalent of 7 hours every day.

What will instruction look like at the different grade levels?

Please see the Digital Learning Student Handbook.

Will my child have access to materials (such as textbooks, workbooks, and other curricular materials)?

Yes. Families enrolled in the full-time virtual learning program will be provided with any materials that an in-person student would be provided. Virtual program teachers will reach out to parents and coordinate with families to arrange pickup times for these materials when needed.

Will my child be supplied with a GMSD device for the full-time virtual program?

All students in our full-time virtual learning program will be supplied with a device. If a student currently has a device from last year, that student will keep that device. If a student does NOT currently have a district-provided device, further instructions will be given for distribution plans.

  • PreK-3rd iPads will be provided

  • 4th and 5th Chromebooks will be provided

  • 6th - 8th iPads will be provided

  • 9th and 10th Chromebooks will be provided

  • 11th and 12th Macbooks will be provided

What curriculum will be used?

All students will be using the GMSD adopted curriculum resources whether virtual or in person. Materials will be accessed through our learning management system, Schoology.

What is the time commitment and level of involvement needed by the parent if full-time virtual learning is selected?

In elementary school, students will have a homeroom teacher leading a virtual classroom. However, there may be additional staff that deliver instruction based on their content expertise.

Middle and high school students who opt for virtual learning will be assigned to virtual class sections. GMSD faculty will be dedicated to leading instruction in these classes which will be delivered through a combination of synchronous (live video) and asynchronous (recorded and student self-paced) instruction. Virtual instruction will make use of GMSD adopted curriculum with additional support of standards-based blended learning products.

In all grade levels, the district has provided digital resources that allow the teachers to provide feedback, allow opportunities for student engagement (through Google Hangouts or Zoom), provide instruction through live-recording sessions, and pre-recorded lessons by content experts.

The virtual online program will be the equivalent of 7 hours. We will be providing combinations of virtual live lessons, online independent practice, videos, independent reading, exercise checklists or projects so that students are not participating in a dull day of screen time but are receiving the equivalent of a school day. For PreK-6th grade there will need to be an at home supervisor to help navigate technology, assist the student independent work and other challenges.

*updated July 22, 2020

How much screen time can be expected in the virtual program?

This depends on the student’s grade level, the teacher, the courses and any additional services the student receives. See our Digital Learning Handbook for more information.

How will the choice to opt for virtual learning affect Dual-Enrollment high school courses?

Dual-enrollment courses fall under the purview of cooperating colleges and universities. Dual-enrollment teachers will work with these entities to offer access to instruction to our participating students. As always, all necessary materials - including any materials required to support virtual learning - must be provided by individual families.

Will attendance be taken? Will my child be graded?

Yes, either through visual attendance or through submission of activities and assignments. A virtual student handbook will be published this week to outline the student and parent expectations for both attendance, grading, and other procedures. Please check with your school principal for virtual attendance procedures.