Glyn School Parents' and Carers' Academy

COVID-19 Alert

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to postpone classes. We will let you know when our classes will resume.

The Glyn School Parents' and Carers' Academy was developed to help Parents and Carers understand what technologies are being taught to their children at Glyn School. It is our primary goal that each Parent and Carer who attends the sessions, not only walks away with an understanding of the technologies we use, but also to have a very good understanding of how they can support their child through the use of those technologies.

As adults, it is essential that we continue to learn, so we have created this course where we will provide you with learning materials. It is important that as a school, we support you, our Parents and Carers, to help ensure that you understand the types of technologies your child is using at Glyn School.

When you are ready to take the course, the link is here.

Questions and Answers

What is the Glyn School Parents' and Carers' Academy?

The Glyn School Parents' and Carers' Academy is a school created and supported by the Headteacher to help develop Parents' and Carers' skills and their ability to understand what technologies their children are using at Glyn School.

How long is each course?

Each course last four weeks with the first one starting on the Wednesday 22 January. So each course has four sessions.

When will the Academy start?

The Academy will start on the 22 January, run from 7:00 - 8:25pm and each course will run for four weeks.

How many people will be in the class?

The class will consist of 15 Parents or Carers on a first come first serve basis.

Who will be teaching at the Academy?

The teachers running the Academy will be teachers from Glyn school with the occasional outside professional coming in to share their knowledge with the group.

What are the goals of Academy?

The goals of the Academy are to help develop Parents' and Carers' skills in terms of using the technologies their children are using at Glyn School; to support the community with adult learning and to help individuals who have no experience with technology to start learning new skills and not feel left behind.

How do I get involved?

As a Parent or Carer, you will receive notice through the school's newsletter, emails, social media and other ways the school communicates with Parents and Carers. You can also signup by clicking on the 'Join Us' page in this site.

Is there a way that I can continue my learning after my sessions are over?

Yes, we have created a free mini course for Parents and Carers that they will have access to, even if they do not take the course. However, because of my commitment to the Parents and Carers, I have created a course that you can purchase that goes more in-depth into not only how to use the Google platform, but how we are using it in departments at Glyn School.

All of the videos and documents in the free mini course are also included in the full course.

What will you be teaching at the Academy?

Because of the school's mission to help develop students' knowledge of the Google Platform, we thought that it would be most beneficial to teach Parents and Carers what we are teaching their children in terms of how to use the Google Platform. We think this would be a better use of both the Academy's, Parent's and Carers' time because then all parties involved will be on the same page in terms of their learning.

What should I bring to the lessons?

This is up to you. If you wish to bring paper and pencil to take notes that is fine. Being able to take notes might help you remember what you have learnt during the sessions.