Our Mission

Global Hope 365 is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls, locally and worldwide, by advocating for their safety through raising awareness, education, and empowerment. We do this by collaborating with local groups and institutions to help them in solving inequitable practices based on gender. Our focus is on ending harmful practices towards women and girls such as Child Marriage, Human Trafficking, and other forms of Gender-Based Violence.

Our Story

Global Hope 365 promotes global change through local action. When Rima Nashashibi became increasingly aware of the various types of injustices women and girls suffer due to local and global gender-based violence, she founded Global Hope 365 to end the harmful violence women and girls experience in the United States, namely Child Marriage and Human Trafficking. The bedrock of Global Hope 365 is Rima’s lifelong dedication to educate and empower women and girls whereby raising awareness of gender-based violence we become equipped to eradicate Child Marriage and Human Trafficking and halt the life-long trauma victims of such violence endure. To this end, Global Hope 365 educates, empowers, and prevents through community-based local advocacy, education, and training. Read Rima’s full bio here.


Global Hope 365 has ambitious goals for 2021-2022 including advocacy for ending child marriage in California, introducing Human Trafficking Prevention Programs in schools starting with Orange, Los Angeles, and the Inland Empire, increased human trafficking perpetrator penalties including buyers, and continuing with our Raising Awareness, Saving Lives (™) campaign through our speaking engagements and Ambassador Program.

“When you go through a hard period, when everything seems to oppose you, when you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, never give up! Because it is the time and place that the course will divert!”

Rumi, 13th Century Poet





At Global Hope 365, we are working 365 days a year towards our mission to empower women and girls. At Global Hope 365, local actions have global impact. We invite you to explore opportunities to support our mission.