8 March 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers

We have marked International Women’s Day this week, with students across the school nominating the women who have inspired, included or empowered them, reflecting the key themes of the event this year. In my assemblies I have highlighted the reasons why IWD is sadly still necessary, asking students to reflect on the way in which women are disproportionately affected by a lack of access to education, by poverty, by war, by the gender pay gap, by lack of political representation and by the negative impact of climate change. However, I have also highlighted that despite this gloomy context, women around the world, including in Ukraine, Russia and Iran, are showing great resilience and determination to effect meaningful change, and are leading the way in presenting challenges to authoritarian regimes, despite the evident risks in doing so.  

However, the message that I really wanted the girls to take away from our assembly was that we have within us the power to empower ourselves; to become stronger and more confident, to understand our self-worth and to take the freedoms afforded to us to determine the choices which will benefit ourselves, our families and our communities. This can be hard; we all naturally suffer from self-doubt; life throws us many challenges and we can feel that if we ask for help, we reveal our weaknesses, rather than understanding that by seeking support, we are, in reality, showing how strong we are.  Finally, I urged the girls to see that one of the biggest barriers to female empowerment can be the way in which women and girls treat other women and girls, and that as Michelle Obama, one of the most inspiring and empowering women of all time says,  we all have the power to ‘lift others up….when they go low, we go high!’ through kindness, empathy and support.  

In addition to International Women’s Day, we marked World Book Day on Thursday with the sharing of our favourite reads, a book swap and a baking competition (naturally!). It has been a very busy week for trips, with Year 7 exploring art in nature at Wisley, Year 12 visiting London for Geography fieldwork and the University of Surrey as part of National Careers Week and the PE team taking numerous teams to fixtures, including last Sunday when our Year 11 netballers went to Charterhouse School to play in the Surrey Finals against many of the top public and private schools in our county. They acquitted themselves brilliantly, missing the semi-finals by only 0.16 of a point! Finally, it was a joy to see so many Year 10 parents and carers in school last night who participated brilliantly in a series of taster lessons and other activities! 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Ros Allen


TABLE OF CONTENTS - click to jump to an entry

Diary Dates - all dates subject to change

Week 2: w/c Monday 11 March

Monday 11 March - Friday 15 March

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 4

Tuesday 12 March

PSA Meeting

Thursday 14 March

U19B County Netball Tournament

Y13 Parents' Evening (virtual)

England Schools Squash Finals

Friday 15 March - Monday 18 March

Y12 Geography Residential Trip

Friday 15 March

House Easter Egg Collection

Y13 Component 2 NEA Scripted Performance Dress Rehearsal & Parents' Performance

Week 1: w/c Monday 18 March

Monday 18 March - Friday 22 March

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 5

Monday 18 March

Y13 A Level Business & Economics Grade Booster - Vue Cinema, Stratford

Tuesday 19 March

Y8 Options Assembly

Y9 Innovative Pitching and Awards Day

Y11 Music Trip to Yehudi Menuhin School

SEND 'Revision & Study Skills' Workshop

Wednesday 20 March

Psychology Grade Booster - Vue Cinema, Shephards Bush

Y11 PPE Results Assembly

Thursday 21 March

Y11 Parents' Evening (virtual)

Friday 22 March

House Cheer Final

Saturday 23 March

First Tech Robotics Competition Event

Head of Year Entries


We had an inspirational start to the week as Ms Allen delivered our Monday assembly to mark the start of International Women's Week, highlighting the achievements of inspirational women and recognising the barriers women may face especially in the workplace. As part of our focus on inspirational women this week, our Year 7 students had the chance to express their gratitude by writing postcards to influential women in their lives. It was lovely to see our students engage with themes of empowerment and appreciation during the week in form time.

We are not sure where the time is going, as we are well over halfway along the Year 7 journey! Our next event is fast approaching, which is designed to allow our Year 7s to explore all aspects of their identity during two form time sessions. Through thought-provoking discussions and engaging activities, we will allow our students to discuss what it means to be unique individuals in a diverse world. Our aim is to empower students to embrace their true selves, challenge stereotypes, and foster a culture of acceptance and inclusivity.


7CX: Zainab S - for always being so positive, kind and helpful in form time.

7CY: Phoebe L - for her excellent contribution to the dance section of our cheer routine.

7EX: Amber T - for your excellent enthusiasm in House Cheer, it has been great to see! Well done for attending lunch time practices and contributing so many ideas for the event.

7EY: Naomi P-M - for always being positive and resilient.

7MX: Sofia L, Cecilia P and Yasmin S - for taking the responsibility to coordinate the form cheer production with such maturity.

7MY: Chloe B - for her fantastic performance at the Year 7 District Netball tournament.

7PX: Emily M - for the lovely welcome she gives each and every morning.

7PY: Annabelle E - for achieving 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze model during a Gymnastics Competition.

Miss Canessa - Head of Year 7

Miss Linehan - Deputy Head of Year 7

For all things Year 7, please check out our

Instagram: @roseberyyear7 

Year 7 Website


This week there has been many things that have been noteworthy for Year 8, the most being our inspiring assembly to mark International Women’s Day led by Ms Allen, highlighting the obstacles that have been overcome as well as ones that still exist for women today. I know that Year 8 were incredibly thoughtful around this topic and produced some lovely postcards to commemorate the women who have empowered them in their form times on Wednesday, which have been a joy to read.

We also enjoyed World Book Day yesterday, and it was lovely to see how many Year 8s were engaging in the related activities, specifically the creation of all the amazing bakes. I feel very lucky to have a year group who throw themselves headfirst into all the exciting activities on offer at school (and long may it continue).

It would be a missed opportunity not to recognise a few incredible achievements of Year 8 individuals this week. After our recent launch of the AIM award, I am incredibly pleased to congratulate Jade V and Eve W 8CX for being the first two to complete this award after only one week! This is a wonderful achievement and really showcases your commitment in setting yourselves high personal standards. This is fantastic work from both of you. I have also been delighted to hear about the recent success of Jaime-Leigh P 8PX and her dance school. Jaime-Leigh and her team recently travelled to Essex for their unified street dance competition, and not only put in a wonderful team performance, but won the competition too! This is another great achievement, and another wonderful showing of a Year 8 whose commitment and dedication has earned them recognition. Well done Jaime-Leigh!

Finally, I’m pleased to share with you an initial timeline of our Curriculum Refinement process for Year 8 as we move towards choices for Year 9. Please see the following graphic for some initial dates. The key date for parents is Tuesday 26 March, which is our Curriculum Refinement Evening. As a school, we will communicate to home further information via letter next week.

Have a lovely weekend!


8CX: Abi H - for always doing the right thing and being a positive role model to others

8CY: Alice N - for being a supportive friend, always doing the right thing, and always demonstrating kindness.

8EX: Rose H-L - for great achievement in her LAMDA exam. Well-done!

8EY: Emma B - for excellent contributions to the form's discussion on diversity

8MX: Skala C - for being such a polite and helpful form member alongside excellent attendance, impeccable uniform presentation, and consistently giving her best effort in all lessons. Well done Skala!

8MY: Darci V-R - for consistently leading the merit table and being a positive role model for younger students.

8PX: Maeve W - for being very helpful by supporting her peers in class

8PY: Millie D - for her high standards and positive attitude every day.

Mr Pingree - Head of Year 8

Miss Morris - Deputy Head of Year 8


On Wednesday, Ms Allen delivered a thought-provoking assembly about International Womens Day, which encouraged Year 9 to be empowered and aim high. The message of inspiring others to understand and value women's inclusion helps us to work together to forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. This was an appropriate message for Year 9 as we embark on our Curriculum Refinement journey. I asked Year 9 to reflect on what they aspire to do in their careers as they get older and to use this as a springboard into their option subjects for Year 10.

It has been a joy seeing students work on their House Cheer routines ready for one of the biggest House events in the Rosebery School calendar! I was also welcomed into lessons, including the work on war poetry in English and Business Enterprise planning in Business Studies.

A reminder to please check your child's pencil case over the weekend and ensure they are fully equipped for lessons next week.

Congratulations to Rosie M 9EX for winning the 'Brave Award' this week!


9CX: Alice S - for her continuous diligence and for always acting with integrity.

9CY: Rosie S - for leading the 9CY cheerleading effort.

9EX: Charlotte L - for achieving a high number of merits so far this term - well done!

9EY: Connie D - for perseverance and determination in Music.

9MX: Afifah O - for her excellent effort in Maths this week – well done.

9MY: Ava T - for her excellent efforts in sociology lessons!

9PX: Alicia H - for achieving over 100 merits (the highest in the form group) and zero demerits.

9PY: Freya B - for her continuous effort to be positive, with only merits so far this half term.

Congratulations to Rosie M 9EX for recieving this week's 'Brave Award'

Mr Waight - Head of Year 9

Miss Fielding - Deputy Head of Year 9


Thank you to everyone who joined us for our ‘Evening in the Life of a Year 10’ event on Thursday. We greatly enjoyed having you as our students for the evening, and we hope that you were able to see a small snapshot of your child’s daily life here at Rosebery.

As it is International Women’s Day today, our assembly this week was led by Ms Allen, whose words on this year’s theme, ‘Inspire Inclusion’ highlighted the obstacles that many women have overcome to create the opportunities that women and girls have today. Despite the progress that has been made, there are of course many barriers still faced by women and girls in the UK, and around the world, and we hope that this message generated some thought and discussion.

Looking ahead to next week, there will be food bank collection on Friday, when students can also come to school in non-uniform in exchange for bringing an Easter Egg to donate. There is a bonus this year, with house points on offer for the house who donates the most, so please be as generous as possible! Please also bear in mind that it is a school day and that the weather is still unpredictable, so students should be dressed suitably.

Finally, the deadline for students to find a work experience placement (Monday 18 March) is fast approaching, so please encourage your child to network, think creatively and speak to those who have already secured placements as to what worked for them. Mrs Keaveney, our Careers Advisor, is always on hand to help students who are unsure, so please go to see her in The Hive. 


10CX: Emma R and Maja P - for being so diligent in form time and for using every spare minute to be fully prepared for assessments.

10CY: Tiffany L - for being super proactive with applying to work experience placement opportunities and seeking support from Mrs Keaveney in her own time when needed.

10EX: Esme S - for brilliant focus while studying and when working on poetry.

10EY: Elif K - for her hard work, which has clearly paid off in her most recent English assessment.

10MX: Katie M - for her excellent effort and hard work in English this year. Well done!

10MY: Charlotte B - for taking the initiative to sort out your work experience placement and making positive use of any offered support.

10PX: Ava T - for doing brilliantly in a recent dance show; we heard that you were amazing!

10PY: Lily T - for being so proactive and the first to confirm her work experience.

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Mr Hewett - Deputy Head of Year 10


I can't believe that Year 11 have completed their final round of mock exams this week. They should be very proud of the way in which they managed their revision and time during this time. Now we are back in lessons, and Year 11 have just under 7 weeks to really push themselves and make every second count. Although it was difficult to get back into the routine of normal lessons and uniform, Year 11 have handled it so well, and we hope the weekend brings them time to rest and reset. Well done!

We ended the week with a very thoughtful assembly led by Ms Allen all about International Women’s Day, greatly placed to remind Year 11 about the barriers to overcoming challenges, as well as always aiming high. We hope it served as a source of inspiration as they continue their GCSE journey and start to make decisions about Sixth Form.

As always, it doesn't ever slow down. We have NEAs next week, so good luck to students who are completing their PE and Music NEAs! Year 11 will be having their mock results assembly on Wednesday 20 March during period 5, where we will be discussing next steps and how to get the most out of their learning and revision for the Easter break, as well as receiving their mock grades. As students begin to receive their results, it is important to listen to the feedback and hopefully build their confidence in what they already know and can do well, as well as learning from their mistakes.

Have a lovely weekend!


11CX: Keely L - for being a supportive friend as well as working so hard during the mocks.

11CY: Imi W - for representing Rosebery in the National Squash Finals next week in Birmingham.

11EX: Maja L and Jessie P - for representing Rosebery in the National Squash Finals next week in Birmingham.

11EY: Caitlin H and Mae S - for their hard work and punctuality to form.

11MX: Riya P - for showing great discipline this week.

11MY: Lucia S - for her hardwork and proactive approach to revision for mocks.

11PX: Lily C - for an improved focus during this round of mocks.

11PY: Rosie H - for being so focussed during the mocks and working hard. 

Miss Foster - Head of Year 11

Ms Godwin - Deputy Head of Year 11

Student News

Miss Monk would like to congratulate Rachael H 8PX in receiving a place on the U13 England National Ice Hockey Team. Her hard work, determination and resilience has paid off and what an amazing achievement this is. We wish you all the success with future fixtures and I’m sure we will be queueing up for your signature soon! 

At the start of the year, Autumn P-I 10MY took part in London's New Year's Day Parade. Autumn, along with her Mum, was part of the parade and their charity won the award for the best float. The presentation took place this week, where Autumn was presented with a medal and the charity with a prize of £15,000 - what a fantastic achievement! 

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Spring Term Extra-curricular Timetables

Please find our Spring Term Extra-curricular Timetables linked HERE.

Please see the flyer below for more information about next Friday's House Easter Egg Collection. The day will also be a non-uniform day.

Rosebery PSA

Help us raise funds

Sign up to 'easyfundraising' and see your favourite brands donate to Rosebery PSA whenever you shop with them. It's really simple and it all adds up! Click HERE to find out more.


We are looking for your help in re-stocking our school’s Pre-Loved Uniform Shop. As the school year progresses, our stock is running low and we rely on your generosity to ensure that all students have access to affordable uniform and PE kits. 

If your child has outgrown their uniform, or PE kit, please donate it to the PSA and drop it off at school Reception. To buy pre-loved uniform, please email with your wish list. 

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 12 March 2024 6.30pm - 7.45pm at school. All parents and carers are welcome. For more information, please contact .

Follow Rosebery on Instagram

You can follow us on our Instagram page (@roseberyschool) for updates on events, opportunities and more at Rosebery. 

Art & Design

Students from all year groups are invited to submit a piece of artwork in any media (drawing, painting, mixed media, photography or sculpture) to the Royal Academy's Young Artists' Summer Show. Winners will be part of a special exhibition at the prestigious Royal Academy of Arts. The deadline for submission is Wednesday 27 March.

Years 7 and 8 should email their work to Ms Wiggins. Years 9 to 13 can email Ms Wiggins, or submit directly to the RA using this link.

Ms Wiggins - Art Teacher

Design Technology

Rotary Young Chef Competition

On Saturday 3 February, three Rosebery students competed in the District round of the Rotary Young Chef Competition. The local round was held at Rosebery School in November, and these three finalists were selected for the District Round, held at Merton College. There were 16 competitors from local schools, with 3 finalists selected to enter the Cluster Round that will be held at Havant & South Downs College in Hampshire on Saturday 16 March.

Students needed to produce two dishes for two people within two hours, all under a budget of £18. Students also had to consider the presentation of their dishes, the menus and the table settings.

We are so proud of Emma R 9CY for coming first in the District Round. I would also like to praise Zaynab H 8MX and Jasmine Z 8MY for their excellent work in the District Round as well - there was stiff competition from all students and getting to this stage alone is very impressive.

Miss Shillito - Head of Design & Technology: Food Preparation and Nutrition & Textiles 

Learning Resource Hub

Reading Bingo

Congratulations to Chloe R 7EY who has completed the Reading Bingo challenge. She has earned 16 merits and a book of her choice! 

Student Book Reviews

“It was interesting to find out how children similar to my age lived in a refugee camp. Very sad, but a lovely book! ” 

Hana A 7EY

“This book had me at the very first page - a dark and breathtaking fantasy romance. I was utterly absorbed in it. Perfect for fans of Holly Black and Leigh Bardugo”

Grace B 10MX

“It follows the story of Millie, a recent parolee, who is homeless and in need of a job. When she gets hired by Nina and Andrew as a live-in housemaid/nanny, she becomes entangled in the secrets and scandals of the household she serves. It is an absolutely addictive psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping twist that is impossible to put down. 10/10”

Miss Elms


KS3 Junior Maths Challenge Club

After the conclusion of the National Cipher Challenge, the KS3 Maths Club is returning, now with a focus on preparing for the Junior Maths Challenge. Students have completed a Junior Maths Challenge relay recently in Maths lessons, so they have seen the kind of interesting multiple-choice problems the Maths Challenge includes. If you love problem solving, come along to M19 on Friday lunchtimes for some great Maths puzzles and biscuits! 


Year 7: Dulcie S 7EX

Year 8: Sreeya K 8PY

Year 9: Katie B 9PY

Year 10: Ellie L 10PY

Year 11: Charlotte N 11PY


Merryn H 9CX and Sara V 10EX 

Miss Watson - Maths Teacher 


Friday Live continues next week! We are so excited to hear your performances. 

To sign up, please scan the QR code to sign up for next Friday.


Year 9 Netball

Last Friday, our Year 9 netballers went to Manor House School to play in an exciting tournament against other schools, as part of the Netball Districts. The group displayed great teamwork and determination throughout. The sportsmanship between the girls was very supportive and was a joy to watch unfold. In each game, every student tried their best and had a fantastic time playing some very competitive netball.

The players demonstrated excellent and consistent shooting and defensive techniques, making it a challenge for both teams to be able to shoot and score. Although Rosebery didn't win overall, the girls won two of their matches, which I could not have been more proud of. Well done girls and keep up the hard work.

Miss Fielding - PE Teacher

The Hive

Club4 HAF Holiday Camps in Surrey

The Government has funded local authorities across England to run fully-funded HAF (Holiday Activity & Food) camps for children who receive benefit-related free school meals. These camps (known as ‘Club4’ in Surrey) run in the Easter, summer and Christmas holidays and offer healthy food and fun activities for eligible children aged between 4 to 16.

For more information, please click the link HERE.

Parenting Courses

Parenting courses and advice is available from the Surrey Family Information Service. For more information, visit their website by clicking HERE.

Mrs Jenns - Hive Manager


SEND Workshops

Thank you to those who have attended our workshops so far this term. If you were not able to attend, or would like to review our last session, please find the slides by clicking HERE.

Our next workshop is on Tuesday 19 March from 5.00pm to 6.00pm. It will focus on revision and study skills for SEND students and is applicable for all students in Years 7 to 11. Please complete this form to let us know if you can attend so that we can ensure that we have a big enough space to occupy those attending. 

External Clubs

Motion Dance

Six: The Musical

Motion Dance are pleased to offer an exciting opportunity for Rosebery students to perform at Epsom Playhouse next term. See the attached flyer to find out more.

Street Dance

Rosebery Street Dance classes from Motion Dance take place on Wednesdays from 3.10pm - 4.10pm in the Sports Hall Dance Studio. All students are welcome and we hope to see lots of you there!

To book your free trial, please click HERE.

Executive Headteacher Commendations

Year 7 

Miss Darch has nominated Elle R and Pippa W 7EY for their excellent practical work in Science. 

Year 8 

Mrs Saber has nominated Sofia H, Penny S, Abi H, Bethan D, Mia C, Mabel F-T, Bethany C, Jade V, Rosa E, Scarlett T, Lily M, Amy S, Leah G, Amy M, Nicole B and Sofja P 8CX for their integrity and diligence, in Geography and Ms Wiggins has nominated Sofia M 8PX, Scarlett T and Amy M 8CX who all attained 100% in their Product Design assessments, as well as taking a central role in the design of an innovative product.

Year 9 

Mrs Burge has nominated Emily L-P 9PX for her positive attitude and engagement in Geography. 

Sixth Form 

Ms Babo has nominated Sophia E 13D and Lucrezia O 12C for being great ambassadors of Rosebery School at the Rotary French speaking competition and Miss Keoshgerian has nominated Charlotte M and Lucy P 12E, Melody M 12A, Tanna P and Evie B 12D, Louisa B 12B, Lucrezia O and Emily W 12C for their excellent commitment to and engagement with the recent heritage workshop.