15 March 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers

Firstly, a huge thank you donating Easter Eggs today, to support the work of the Epsom Pantry, and the Good Company more proudly – we collected over 800 Easter Eggs in total!

Whilst the eggs were rolling in, the Geography Team were rolling out – off to Swanage with Year 12 students, to explore the Jurassic coast as part of their A Level fieldwork – we hope they have a great time and some good weather. 

I am hugely grateful to Mrs Jones, Head of History & Politics, for arranging for Year 9 students to hear the testimony of a second-generation holocaust survivor – Bernice. Her testimony, on behalf of her father, took place on Thursday. The girls were impeccably behaved, listened beautifully and asked some really insightful questions – well done Year 9. 

I must also highlight our participation in the finals of the National Schools Squash Tournament in Edgbaston yesterday. Rosebery was the only state school to make it this far. 

Thank you to Year 13 parents and carers who attended their final Rosebery Parents’ Evening virtually this week, as their daughters gear up for their A Level exams this summer. Year 11 Parents’ Evening takes place next Thursday for our GCSE students, and is also virtual, via SchoolCloud. 

The mathematically-minded amongst you may have noted that Thursday was March 14 and therefore Pi Day – well done to ‘Team Maths’ for representing the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter with such sartorial elegance. 

Next week sees Year 8 students begin their Curriculum Refinement process as they get to make some choices about what they study for the first time – all will be revealed in an assembly on Tuesday and then made available via the school’s website. 

But what the girls are most excited about next week is House Cheer, which runs Monday to Wednesday, followed by the Grand Final on Friday – BRING IT ON! 

Have a great weekend everyone.

David Lach


Arrangements for last day of term

Thursday 28 March, school day finishes at 12pm

TABLE OF CONTENTS - click to jump to an entry

Diary Dates - all dates subject to change

Week 2: w/c Monday 25 March

Monday 25 March

Y11 PE Practical NEA Exam

Get Into Teaching Event

Tuesday 26 March

Y8 Curriculum Refinement Evening

Y10 Reward trip 

Wednesday 27 March

Rosebery Singers at Music Festival - Epsom Playhouse

Thursday 28 March

Last day of Spring Term - early finish for students at 12.00pm

Friday 29 March - Friday 5 April

Y10 Ski Trip - Les Deux Alpes

Week 1: w/c Monday 15 April

Monday 15 April

Y11 PE Practical NEA Exam

Get Into Teaching Event

Tuesday 26 March

Y8 Curriculum Refinement Evening

Wednesday 27 March

Rosebery Singers at Music Festival - Epsom Playhouse

Thursday 28 March

Last day of Spring Term - early finish for students at 12.00pm

Friday 29 March - Friday 5 April

Y10 Ski Trip - Les Deux Alpes

Head of Year Entries


As we end another exciting week at school, we are thrilled to see the enthusiasm building among our Year 7 students for the upcoming House Cheer competition. We were so impressed with the organisation, leadership and talent displayed during lunch time practices which only makes us even more excited for Tuesday's event!

Creativity has also been shown in other ways this week. We were pleased to see the creative expressions on the form boards, covered with insights from the 'all about me' worksheets completed during our recent 'exploring my identity' session. The session provided an opportunity for students to delve into the complexities of identity, understanding its significance and beginning to unravel their own uniqueness. Looking forward to next session, Year 7s will gain an insight into stereotypes and their detrimental effects.

Finally, we would like to congratulate Eva C 7PX, alongside Maisy R 8EX, who competed in the TeamGym Southern qualifiers last weekend. They had to get 40 points to qualify and achieved 43 points which meant that they achieved 2nd out of South and North of England. They now have 4 months before the British Finals in Newcastle - we are so proud, well done you two!


7CX: Willow M, Daisy M and Flo S - for taking the lead in our House Cheer and helping each person remember the steps. They have shown patience, kindness and have made this activity such fun for all.

7CY: Annabelle P - for her brave flying during Cheer stunts.

7EX: Polly H, Machaela L and Dulcie S - for spending lunch times making posters for House Cheer.

7EY: Pippa W - for persevering and practising her gymnastics skills.

7MX: Emily B - for always doing the right thing and always with enthusiasm.

7PX: Zara C - for all her hard work in preparation for the Cheer competition.

Miss Canessa - Head of Year 7

Miss Linehan - Deputy Head of Year 7

For all things Year 7, please check out our

Instagram: @roseberyyear7 

Year 7 Website


My favourite part of this week has, without a doubt, been seeing the amount of bronze AIM awards being completed by our students! It's wonderful to see just how consistently enthusiastic and engaged Year 8 are showing themselves to be, and I’m even more pleased at the demand for the silver level of the award starting next week for those students who are interested.

This week, we have had a lovely assembly from Mr Hiller surrounding Science Week, with the theme focusing on sustainability and what can be done to help our planet moving forwards. With that said, it feels prudent to remind students about the impact that they have on the planet (even on a micro level) and to thank those students who, day-to-day make the correct decision on the school site to clean up their rubbish and litter. Sadly, however, the litter in communal spaces continues to be an issue, and every student in Year 8 plays a vital role in keeping the community in a respectable state.

Finally, I’m very excited that next week we will be kicking off our Curriculum Refinement process, when Mr Sheffield and I will be talking Year 8 through the process - I am keen to see just how thoughtful Year 8 will be surrounding their future choices.

Have a lovely weekend!


8CX: Lily M - for always being super helpful and offering to do jobs to assist members of staff.

8CY: India R - for being a supportive friend, demonstrating kindness and throwing herself into form activities.

8EX: Khadija A - for excellent engagement and participation in form time.

8EY: Rosie H - for her dedication to improving in Spanish.

8MX: Cleide M - for her commitment to excellence, integrity, and positivity.

8MY: Megan H - for being the first student in the form to complete her AIM award.

8PX: Isabelle L - for being the first student in the form to complete her AIM award.

8PY: Jasmine T - for her fantastic efforts coordinating cheerleading.

Mr Pingree - Head of Year 8

Miss Morris - Deputy Head of Year 8


It's been a busy week for Year 9, and I could not be prouder of them. It isn’t easy working through what subjects to keep studying moving forward into Year 10, but students are being thoughtful in lessons, asking the right questions and certainly adopting the right attitudes. Information on our Graduation Day on Wednesday 22 May and Activities Week from 11 to 15 July will be sent out next week.

On Wednesday, we had an interactive assembly on ‘Time’ celebrating British Science Week, where Mr Hiller explained where it all began billions of years ago and how advanced we currently are as a planet, outlining the journey we are yet to go on in order to be sustainable.

On Thursday, Year 9 sat and listened impeccably to a second-generation Holocaust Testimony by our speaker, Bernice. The testimony allowed students to take away a huge understanding of the Holocaust event and the impact which followed, and they had an opportunity to ask questions too. In the reflection sessions, Year 9 commented on how much they learnt in such a short space of time, and we are grateful for Bernice for delivering this testimony.

Finally, Year 9 have been using their lunchtimes and form times this week to practice their House Cheer routines. I hope they are well rested and prepared for the Year 9 competition on Wednesday afternoon. Good luck Year 9!

Congratulations also goes to Amy B 9MX for winning this week’s Brave Award. Proud of You!


9CX: Bella Rae B and Elizabeth B - for excellent planning and leadership for House Cheer.

9CY: Annie C and Gracie S - for excellent leadership in House Cheer.

9EX: Lottie D - for her continuous diligence and hard work - especially in her recent Biology assignment!

9EY: Leila P - for excellent leadership in House Cheer.

9MX: Josie F - for great work in Food Preparation & Nutrition.

9MY: Summer S - for her excellent efforts in Maths lessons!

9PX: Ava B - for co-leading the House Cheer lunchtime rehearsals.

9PY: Orla U - for being brave and asking questions in the Holocaust assembly

Mr Waight - Head of Year 9

Miss Fielding - Deputy Head of Year 9


From speaking to Year 10 this week, you get the sense that this is a funny time of year. For some, seeing Year 11 complete their final mock exams and counting down the days to their last day at school has brought home the reality that they will be in the same boat this time next year. For others, they have been very honest in reflecting on how talk of ‘this time next year’ still doesn’t have a sense of urgency for them. The reality is somewhere in between: we don’t want our students to feel that exams are looming nightmarishly, but we would also encourage them to start thinking carefully about the next few months. What habits can they make or break now before it becomes simply too little, too late? As we mentioned at the start of the year, Year 10 is all about being prepared and placing ourselves in the best position for Year 11, Sixth Form, and beyond.

Mr Hewett, Mr Styles and I have been so impressed with the focus students have shown this week. In Maths, students are thinking and working hard and, if I may, I’d like to share how impressed I have been with my two Year 10 French classes, who took the complexities of the imperfect tense completely in their stride and, in some cases, worked with material that I would usually select for my A Level students.

A last reminder that Monday 18 March is our deadline for students to have logged any work experience placements on Unifrog. For those who have not done so by this date, please do not worry; we will be in touch to talk about how we can organise the week.

Finally, thank you to all who attended (and were willing to feedback on) our ‘Evening in the Life’ event last week. The link did not appear to be working last week, so we will try this again HERE. Many thanks in advance for your comments!


10CX: Eilidh M - for representing the school so well in the Year 10 District Netball Tournament where the team finished in third place against some very tough opposition!

10CY: Ellie R - for achieving her 75-merit certificate this week and for being proactive and disciplined in organising work experience!

10EX: Sabirah A - for using Unifrog really well to research possible career paths.

10EY: Kristy G – for her thoughtful questions about work experience and getting into teaching.

10MX: Grace M - for her focus and mature attitude in Biology when reflecting on her recent assessment.

10MY: Tika C - for her consistent effort in Maths, receiving 20 merits for both classwork and homework.

10PX: Nina K – for always acting with integrity and showing kindness to those around her.

10PY: Sushritha T - for her unfailingly positive attitude.

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Mr Hewett - Deputy Head of Year 10


Year 11 have had another great week, and it has been lovely to see students return to lessons with such focus and positivity following the PPEs, making the most of the last few weeks of lessons that they have left. Next week, in form time, Year 12 students will be running sessions to share their advice on how to best use their remaining time to prepare for GCSE exams, speaking from their own recent experiences. Year 11 students will receive their PPE results on Wednesday 20 March in the Main Hall, and on Thursday 21 March we will be holding a virtual Parents' Evening, when students and parents/carers will receive important feedback from teachers about their strengths and things to work on following their mock exams, as well as advice on how to best use this time leading up to GCSE exams to feel as confident and prepared as possible to ensure their successes.


11CX: Freya R - for her continual positivity and calm approach to her mock exams.

11CY: Olivia T - for her dedication and commitment during PPEs.

11EX: Emily G - for her resilience and determination during mock exams.

11EY: Cerys L - for her hard work and determination.

11MX: Lilly B - for showing resilience and keeping positive during mock exams.

11MY: Sarah Q - for showing determination in Maths and fantastic improvement in her mock exams.

11PX: Toni C - for her resilience, positivity and calm determination during mock exams.

11PY: Lucie M - for determination during mock exams, including in PE.

Miss Foster - Head of Year 11

Ms Godwin - Deputy Head of Year 11

Spring Term Extra-curricular Timetables

Please find our Spring Term Extra-curricular Timetables linked HERE.

Get Into Teaching Event

You may have already seen on our social media accounts and website that we are hosting a ‘Get into Teaching’ event on Monday 25 March 2024. This is an informal introduction to a teaching career (primary or secondary) which is predominately aimed at our current and past Sixth Form students.

If your daughter has considered teaching as a future career, or would like to hear more about it, then we would encourage them to sign up to the event by filling in the form HERE. If they cannot attend the event, then please do encourage them to get in touch by filling out the form to express their interest. At the event, we will share information regarding the different routes into primary and secondary teaching, as well as the benefits, including bursary awards for training and to hear from teachers as to why this is such as wonderful career to consider.

Rosebery PSA

Pre-loved Prom Dresses

Have you got a Prom dress languishing in a wardrobe? If so, we'd love you to consider donating it to the Rosebery PSA so that we can help all our students to enjoy their prom celebrations, regardless of their financial circumstances. Please email if you can help.

Selling your property?

If you choose to sell your property through The Personal Agent, they'll donate a percentage of their fee to Rosebery's PSA. Simply inform The Personal Agent that you are a Rosebery parent and then get in touch with the PSA at

Follow Rosebery on Instagram

You can follow us on our Instagram page (@roseberyschool) for updates on events, opportunities and more at Rosebery. 

Art & Design

Year 7 Trip to Wisley

Year 7 were excellent botanical artists at RHS Garden Wisley on Thursday and Friday last week. We explored the world-class gardens and glasshouse with our sketchbooks, took some super photographs of unusual species and really impressed other visitors with our students' mature and skilful approach to drawing from life. 

Students participated in workshops which connected form and function of plant reproduction, before drawing and designing their own imaginative seed pods out of clay. Staff loved how willing students were to ask questions and discuss the things they were seeing.

My personal highlights were drawing with my students in the Japanese Gardens next to a waterfall, before climbing into a pond to retrieve a fabulous bit of homework that escaped there in the wind!

We were also immensely grateful to our parent/carer volunteer supporters, who accompanied us each day. This really makes it possible for all students to attend such a fantastic trip. Thank you!

Students from all year groups are invited to submit a piece of artwork in any media (drawing, painting, mixed media, photography or sculpture) to the Royal Academy's Young Artists' Summer Show. Winners will be part of a special exhibition at the prestigious Royal Academy of Arts. The deadline for submission is Wednesday 27 March.

Years 7 and 8 should email their work to Ms Wiggins. Years 9 to 13 can email Ms Wiggins or submit directly to the RA using this link.

Ms Wiggins - Art Teacher



Year 7: Megan M 7EY

Year 8: Izzy C 8PY

Year 9: Tanya C 9MX

Year 10: Olivia B 10EY

Year 11: Charlotte N 11PY


Merryn H 9CX and Sara V 10EX

Miss Watson - Maths Teacher 


Rotary French Speaking Competition

On Tuesday 5 March, Sophia E 13D and Lucrezia O 12C took part in the Rotary French Speaking Competition at Epsom College. They discussed the very controversial "Tour de France" and "the legacy and impact of Haussmanian architecture on French modern urbanism". The French judges were very impressed and questioned their views with challenging queries! Well done to both of them for standing their ground and convincing their audience. You made Rosebery very proud!


Friday Live continues next week! We are so excited to hear your performances. To sign up, please scan the QR code to sign up for next Friday.


KS3 & KS4 Basketball

Rosebery travelled to Blenheim School on Wednesday afternoon to play in a Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 basketball match. The girls hadn't trained much recently, due to mock exams, so they were a bit worried going into the fixture, however, they needn't have been. The KS3 girls were so excited to get on to the court and played their game first whilst the KS4 girls cheered them on from the side-lines. It was a fast-paced first half, with the ball moving up and down the court at great speed. The girls took a little time to get into the flow of the game and fully warm up, but finished the first half one basket behind Blenheim with a score of 10-8. In the second half, we utilised our tactics much better and thought about the positioning of our team to suit our strengths.

This worked really well and the girls started to find a good rhythm. The defense was strong and made their shots very difficult, and when the ball was turned, we made good use and had many scoring opportunities. When the final whistle blew, it was 24-16 to Rosebery, demonstrating a brave and courageous comeback! Well done!

The KS4 girls then stepped onto the court and, like the KS3 team, did so again with reservations, as they had never played together before and some of them had very little basketball experience. However, as soon as the game started, all of these reservations were soon forgotten! The girls fully immersed themselves in the game and did not stop moving the entire time.

Every ball was chased, defended and pressurised, and resulted in lots of turnovers. The girls were confident to shoot from all over the key and followed their shots well for the rebounds. Blenheim were great competition for us and made us work very hard for every ball. The score was back and fourth throughout the game, and, at half time we were one basket down. A good fight was put up in the second half, but there were some tired legs and red faces and we just couldn't push past their defence. Therefore, the score ended with 14-12 to Blenheim. The girls should be so proud, however, as they put in such a strong performance and did so with smiles on their faces! A big well done to Izzy C 7MY in Year 7 who received Player of the Match for the KS3 team, and to Mia H 10CX who recieved Player of the Match for the KS4 team!

Mrs Hart-Mckee - PE Teacher

Year 7 Football

On Tuesday 12 March, our Year 7 football team competed in a tournament against 9 other local schools. The girls performed extremely well, with Jude Y 7CY, Amelia R 7EY, Scarlett S 7MY and Machaela L 7EX all scoring goals! The girls placed third overall. Well done to all of you involved, you showed excellent team work. 

Miss Elms - PE Teacher

Year 7 Hockey

Well done to our Year 7 hockey team, who travelled to Nonsuch High School for Girls on Monday to play in a hockey fixture. The girls showed tremendous resilience after bouncing back from being 1-0 down to winning 4-1! Congratulations to Morgan W 7MY, Sienna C 7MY and Caitlyn K 7CX for scoring Rosebery's goals and showing great teamwork amongst the attacking players. Our defenders played fabulously as they limited the amount of shots attempted by Nonsuch. Well done to Sienna C 7MY for being voted Opponents' Player of the Match! We look forward to our next fixture. 

Miss Linehan - PE Teacher

Year 10 District Netball

A huge congratulations to the Year 10 netball team who came third in the District Netball Tournament last Thursday. The girls fought hard to secure their win in each match that they played. There were excellent interceptions made by our centre court players; Sophie L 10CY, Tillie F 10CY, Zara Q 10EX and Sophia T 10EX, all of whom managed to turn over centre passes. There was also some spot-on shooting from Freya B 10PX, Carrie L 10EX and Rosie G 10MY, as well as some brilliant defending by Abi W 10EX, Eilidh M 10CX and Rose H 10EX! Well done girls - you smashed it!

Miss Elms - PE Teacher

The Hive

Developing Healthy Sleep Patterns

The attached guide HERE offers tips for parents for helping children to sleep more healthily.

Parenting Workshops

New dates have been released for the next two Talking Teens programmes which are fully funded and so are free of charge. These are all online via Zoom. 

The dates are as follows:

Wednesdays from 10.00am to 11.30am

17 April to 8 May


Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8.00pm

13 June to 4 July

If you would like a place at one of the above workshops, please email .

Free Family Learning Courses

A Family Learning Summer course offer is now live on their website. All of their courses are free and can be found by clicking HERE.

The flyer below gives more information relating to the courses available.


SEND Interventions

It has been a pleasure to have so many students join us for a number of different interventions this term. A big thank you to our Year 12 students who have supported with our reading intervention with our Year 7 and 8 students. Thank you also to parents and carers for reminding their young person in the morning about the upcoming intervention to attend.

Mrs Browne - SENDCo (KS3) and EBSA Lead

External Clubs

Motion Dance

Rosebery Street Dance classes from Motion Dance take place on Wednesdays from 3.10pm - 4.10pm in the Sports Hall Dance Studio. All students are welcome and we hope to see lots of you there!

To book your free trial, please click HERE.

Get your kids active with free local activities this Spring

The Specsavers Surrey Youth Games offers young people an opportunity to keep active and healthy in the Spring. You can click HERE to search by town or postcode to see what's on offer near you. The 6-8 weeks of activity training kick off across 9 of Surrey’s boroughs and districts (excluding Tandridge and Surrey Heath) after Easter.

All our coaches have been handpicked to be friendly and supportive (the emphasis is on having fun and taking part). There’s so much on offer for 7-16 year olds, including:

Families love the Specsavers Surrey Youth Games, and here are just a few quotes from parents and children alike:

Click HERE to book your place now.