1 March 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers

Happy St David’s Day or ‘Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus’ for our Welsh families. 

I cannot believe we’ve reached March, and the weather this week has indeed been very Spring-like, with rain, wind and sunshine – and that was just today! 

This week saw the return of House Charity Week under the stewardship of our New House Captains/ Deputy Head Girls. It’s been great fun for all involved with activities such as dodgeball, just dance, lucky dips and sweet treat sales raising over £750 for good causes. Elizabeth was the winning House, raising £219, so very well done to Iyza S 12A

Curie House is donating to the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, Elizabeth to Oxfam, Malala to Pancreatic Cancer UK, and Pankhurst to Young Minds. 

Year 13 students completed their second set of mock exams (PPEs) this week and Year 11 students are now over halfway through their Pre-Public Exams. Both ‘Classes of 2024’ seem to be very well placed to achieve fantastic results this Summer – I am very grateful for the diligent work of our Exams Team in ensuring these exams run smoothly, and to all teaching staff for the marking, feedback and support that continues to be offered to both cohorts.  

I am also grateful to all teachers and parents and carers who attended Year 9 Parents Evening yesterday – their first in-person Parents Evening, which meant the girls were far more nervous than usual. Any worries were quickly allayed, and once they had figured out the etiquette of the speed dating-esque set-up, they quickly realised how positive the feedback from their teachers would be – for most of them at least! Year 9 students will now begin to consider how they wish to refine their curriculum as they move into Year 10 and which subjects they wish to continue with at GCSE Level. In a similar vein, over the coming weeks we will begin speaking with Year 8 students and families about their upcoming Options Choices, however, please note that these will differ slightly from what has been offered to previous cohorts. A date for Year 8 diaries is Tuesday 26 March, which will be your Curriculum Refinement Evening (Options Evening, in old money). 

Looking forward, next week sees us mark National Careers Week, World Book Day and International Women’s Day – the latter of which will be marked by a series of assemblies by our Executive Headteacher, Ros Allen, throughout the week. In addition, our Year 12 Geographers are off to London to conduct Fieldwork on Monday, on Tuesday all Year 12 Students are invited to Surrey Sports Park to participate in the UK University & Apprenticeship Search, it’s Rosebery Collaborates on Wednesday – so please remember that school finishes at 1pm – it’s then World Book Day on Thursday, as well as our inaugural ‘An evening in the life of a Year 10 student’ for Year 10 parents and carers that evening, and to end the week, Year 7 are off to Wisley with the Art Department on Thursday and Friday (the X side on Thursday, followed by the Y side on Friday), and Friday is of course International Women’s Day. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 

David Lach


Staffing, Timetables and Covered Lessons

We wish Mrs Hatfield-Giraux well as today is her last day before she begins maternity leave. During her absence we are very pleased that Miss Fletcher will take on the role of Head of Sociology. 

We are also delighted to welcome Mr Jovic to Team Rosebery, as a Teacher of Economics and Business Studies. 

As a result of these and some other minor staffing changes, please be aware that student timetables will change from Monday. This will be reflected on Bromcom, and your daughter should also have received a paper copy of her new timetable today. Whilst for most students, the changes are very minor, it is worth her checking her timetable carefully before she packs her school bag for Monday. 

Finally, and disappointingly, we have had an increase in the number of reports from cover teachers and supply staff feeling that some students and classes are lacking focus, becoming over-excited and or behaving differently when their teacher is absent, and when they realise they will have a supply or cover teacher. We are very fortunate at Rosebery, that we have a very experienced and well-established body of teaching staff, with relatively low rates of staff absence. However, when lessons are covered, often to facilitate many of the exciting trips, visits and activities refenced in Rosebery News, we expect our students to show the same level of effort, endeavour and good conduct that they would with their regular teacher, and more importantly, treat those colleagues’ covering lessons, or who are with us as temporary supply teachers, with the same level of respect and courtesy that they would any teacher and in a manner befitting the Rosebery Way. I am grateful for your support in reinforcing this message with your daughter, at home.

Ben Sheffield


TABLE OF CONTENTS - click to jump to an entry

Diary Dates - all dates subject to change

Week 1: w/c Monday 4 March

Monday 4 March - Friday 8 March

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 3

Monday 4 March - Wednesday 6 March

Y11 Mock Exams

Monday 4 March

Y12 Geography Field Trip

Y9 SEND Virtual Parents Evening

Tuesday 5 March

Y12 UK University & Apprenticeship Search - University of Surrey

Get Into Teaching Event

Wednesday 6 March

Rosebery Collaborates - Students dismissed at 1.00pm

Thursday 7 March

World Book Day

Y7 Art Trip to Wisley (X)

An Evening in the Life of a Year 10 Student

Friday 8 March

International Womens Day

Y7 Art Trip to Wisley (Y)

Week 2: w/c Monday 11 March

Monday 11 March - Friday 15 March

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 4

Tuesday 12 March

PSA Meeting

Thursday 14 March

U19B County Netball Tournament

Y13 Parents Evening (virtual)

England Schools Squash Finals

Friday 15 March - Monday 18 March

Y12 Geography Residential Trip

Friday 15 March

House Easter Egg Collection

Y13 Component 2 NEA Scripted Performance Dress Rehearsal Performance

Head of Year Entries


This week we were incredibly grateful to Mr Harvey, who delivered a very thought-provoking and reflective assembly which encouraged our students to consider all aspects of the 'Rosebery Way'. His reminder that respect and kindness should be at the centre of all we do and that we should always have the highest expectations of ourselves, led to some insightful conversations from our students throughout the day. We hope Year 7 will continue to reflect on his assembly and continue to act with kindness and integrity in all that they do!

We are therefore excited to introduce our new rewards initiative - the 'Wall of Fame'! The Wall of Fame, which is located outside of the Year 7 office, will be used to recognise the students in Year 7 who always exhibit outstanding attitudes towards learning, which includes maintaining an attendance of 95% or above, and who also have zero demerits. This wall will be updated weekly, and those who have remain on the wall until the end of the half term will be rewarded with a special prize. We look forward to celebrating with those on the wall at the end of this half term!


7CX: Amelia B and Issy E - for showing support and kindness to their peers.

7CY: Anna B - for being so gracious in choosing our cheer groups.

7EX: Summer M - well done on receiving merits this week for excellent homework and being an enrichment superstar.

7EY: Sienna W - for great motivation and leadership skills, and Drew W - for demonstrating discipline and resilience.

7MX: Ivy M - for always looking out for her friends and acting with integrity.

7MY: Evie O-S - for her commitment to extra-curricular clubs.

7PX: Violet W - for being kind and caring during form time.

7PY: Molly U - for always smiling and being kind during form time.

Miss Canessa - Head of Year 7

Miss Linehan - Deputy Head of Year 7

For all things Year 7, please check out our

Instagram: @roseberyyear7 

Year 7 Website


This week, Year 8 have finally started their efforts on the AIM award, and it is lovely to see that lots of students have been raring to go and are ready to showcase all the phenomenal things they do on a daily basis.

With integrity being a key focus of this award, we had an impromptu assembly this week led by Mr Harvey about the importance of showing integrity in all our interactions with others, and why it is vital that we show integrity even when no one is watching. This is something we really wish to reinforce in Year 8 and are we are so grateful for the vast majority of Year 8 who consistently uphold the values of the Rosebery community.

I have also been witness to some wonderful hard work in lessons this week. I’ve seen PDC classes debating their views on vaping and whether banning these is a proper solution to young people using them. I’ve seen students getting incredibly excited in Maths, competing with each other in preparation for their Maths challenge. My favourite part of the week seeing the creativity shown by Year 8 students, having created various friends and relatives out of clay for Art! Whether a creative or not, every student I saw was completing this challenge with such enthusiasm. Fantastic to see (as ever)!


8CX: Sofia H - for always being the first in school in the morning and is always doing the right thing!

8CY: Liyaana A - for being disciplined, contributing well to her lessons and always doing the right thing.

8EX: Cara VW - for succeeding in their LAMDA exam.

8MX: Fern M - for demonstrating a commitment to doing what's right and upholding high standards, particularly in English, where her efforts have resulted in a consistently high standard of work. Congratulations, Fern on your well-deserved recognition!

8MY: Natalia O - for receiving 32 merits this week. Well done!

8PX: Eleanor J, Amina K, Izzie M and Sophie T - for dedicating time and effort to represent Rosebery in the Ambition Dance Show at the weekend.

8PY: Isla B - for her fantastic work in Spanish lessons. Well done.

Mr Pingree - Head of Year 8

Miss Morris - Deputy Head of Year 8


This week has seen the start of our Year 9 Curriculum Refinement process, starting with some options information shared with you at the beginning of the week, as well as last nights Parents’ Evening. I will write to you separately with more information about this next week.

Students have now also had an Options Assembly on Wednesday, and will have information about the GCSE courses outlined to them during lessons. Whilst this is an exciting time, I understand there will naturally be a lot of questions. We have encouraged students to be inquisitive about subjects, topics and their ability to succeed.

It was a joy to see Drama students taking part in the Frantic Assembly workshops on Monday, a true example of Year 9 being brave! Congratulations to Axelle V 9PX for achieving this week’s Brave Award – we are proud of you!


9CX: Hannah T - for her proactivity in sorting the music for House Cheer!

9CY: Bea E - for achieving 100 merits – well done.

9EX: Amelie DP - for starting to give up her time to help 6 to 10 year-olds in 'My Time 4 Young Carers' club!

9EY: Ava W - for her kindness in always volunteering to help during form time.

9MX: Jenna VDI - for demonstrating kindness by sharing her DOE bakes!

9MY: Amy R - for her excellent efforts during a football lesson!

9PX: Yasmin K - for her contributions to extracurricular activities, and researching her form House Cheer song in her own time.

9PY: Lily C - for producing a fantastic mash-up music piece for House Cheer.

Mr Waight - Head of Year 9

Miss Fielding - Deputy Head of Year 9


Year 10 have continued their hard work this week, and it has been amazing to see. It has been a pleasure to pop into lessons and see the concentration, effort and focus on display. This was especially evident in Maths this week, where students’ hard work was rewarded by the brilliant maths in Action trip, organised by Miss Watson. Thank you too, for your support on our uniform reset, which has contributed to Year 10 looking especially smart as they walk around the site.

Form time this week has focused on supporting students in organising work experience and, as you can see from our Stars of the Week, many students have already found placements and logged them onto Unifrog, the website we are using. Well done to everyone who has already found their placement – once the details are logged on Unifrog, students can relax until placements begin on Monday 8 July! If your child has not yet found a placement, there is still time ahead of the deadline of Monday 18 March. We would encourage students to think about their network of contacts that they may know through extra-curricular clubs, family and friends, the local area or previous volunteering.

Finaly, a reminder that we have our  ‘Evening in the Life of a Year 10 Student', on Thursday 7 March. Spaces are available so if you would like to attend, please complete this form located further down in this issue to give us an idea of numbers.


10CX: Iris A and Hannah B - for organising a great teacher benchball event and raising lots of money for Robotics Club!

10CY: Cristina R - for achieving her 75-merit certificate. Well done!

10EX: Lily B - for being so organised and having her work experience placement on Unifrog already!

10EY: Isabella G and Olivia B – for being proactive in organising their work experience placements.

10MX: Katie M - for being super organised with her work experience placement, and for being the first in the form to have all the admin completed.

10MY: Issy G - for showing resilience in a busy first week back after half term.

10PX: Georgina H - for doing brilliantly in PE this week, and for always having a positive attitude in form time.

10PY: Eliza S - for her success in her recent assessments and because her Physics teacher is always telling me how hard she is working!

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Mr Hewett - Deputy Head of Year 10


The first week of mocks is over! What an amazing start from Year 11, who have been so hardworking and diligent with their approach to exams and the way in which they have conducted themselves this week. It has been wonderful to hear from the invigilators about how Year 11 are being so focused and prompt. We still have another three days to go, so we hope Year 11 manage to have a rest this weekend as well as doing some meaningful revision, ready to start again on Monday. If students have missed exams, please encourage them to go to the Exams Office and to check their emails to find out more information.

We couldn't be prouder of Year 11! Next week, we return to normal lessons on Thursday 7 March, so please ensure that Year 11 are back in perfect uniform and are ready to throw themselves back into their learning.

We will be focussing a lot on our yearbook as well as being exam-ready when students return to form time after mocks. Please ensure that if you would like to order a yearbook and/or hoody, that this is done by Friday 24 May as no orders can be placed after this date. Have a lovely weekend!


11CX: Zarish H - for overcoming adversity and managing to still get into her exam on time, having avoided a falling tree.

11CY: Emma G - for her calm and supportive manner this week.

11EX: Alice T - for her diligence and resilience during the first week of mocks.

11EY: Amelie S - for her improved attendance to form.

11MX: Aimee P - for remaining calm and confident throughout the first week of mocks.

11MY: Elsie M - for being positive and working hard for mocks.

11PX: Amy H - for 100% attendance and working hard during mocks.

11PY: Lola BT - for resilience to take mocks even with foot in a cast and illness.

Miss Foster - Head of Year 11

Ms Godwin - Deputy Head of Year 11

Spring Term Extra-curricular Timetables

Please find our Spring Term Extra-curricular Timetables linked HERE.

Rosebery Robotics - Teacher Benchball Match

This Thursday, the Rosebery Robotics Team organised a fundraiser for the Good Things Foundation and robotics supplies through a benchball match featuring some of our favourite teachers. The Good Things Foundation is a charity aiming to bridge the digital divide within the UK. They take old or broken technology and refurbish it, providing things like free SIM cards to many people who would not otherwise have access to them. They do this through partnerships with companies like Vodafone and via donations from ordinary people. 

We received an anonymous donation that will allow us to finance our robotics supplies, specifically team jackets for the FIRST Tech Challenge on 23 March 2024, allowing all the money from the Teacher Benchball match to go entirely towards the Good Things Foundation!

On the day of the benchball competition, over 150 students attended an exciting match in which Mr Boreham's team prevailed! We would like to thank all the teachers who kindly gave up their lunchtimes to participate and to all the students who came to cheer them on.

We are pleased to offer our parents and carers a Year 10 ‘Evening in the Life…’ Event on Thursday 7 March from 5.30pm, in which you are invited to experience taster lessons in several subjects, led by Rosebery teachers, who are excited to share a glimpse of our daily practice in the classroom.

We believe that this will be a hugely beneficial evening, with you having an opportunity to gain an even better insight about teaching & learning at school, and a greater understanding of the classroom fundamentals that underpin successful lessons at Rosebery. Simply put, this is your chance to experience an evening in the life of a Year 10 student! We should be very grateful if you would RSVP to this event by completing this form.

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Get Into Teaching Event

You may have already seen on our social media accounts and on our website that we are running a ‘Get into Teaching’ event on Monday 25 March 2024. This is an informal introduction to a teaching career (primary or secondary) which is predominately aimed at our current and past Sixth Form students.

If your daughter has considered teaching as a future career, or would like to hear more about it then we would encourage them to sign up to the event by filling in the form HERE. If they cannot attend the event, then please do encourage them to get in touch by filling out the form to express their interest. At the event, we will share information regarding the different routes into primary and secondary teaching, as well as the benefits, including bursary awards for training and to hear from teachers as to why this is such as wonderful career to consider.

Step into the NHS Competition

As part of National Careers Week taking place from 4 to 9 March 2024, we are inviting our Key Stage 3 students in Years 7, 8 and 9 to take part in this competition to submit a fun and lively job advertisement on a chosen NHS career.

As a parent or carer, we would also like to encourage you to support your child should they wish to take part. Families at home have a huge influence over a child’s ambitions and what they think about jobs and the world of work. Your support at home can contribute significantly to your child’s education and aspirations.

Your child will receive an email on Monday with all the resources they need to start. Please click HERE to see a video introducing the competition. For more information, please click HERE.

Rosebery PSA

Helpers needed

Can you spare an hour or two to help us serve refreshments at school events? We need more help on Thursday 7 March. Please sign up by clicking HERE.


We are looking for your help in restocking our school’s Pre-Loved Uniform Shop. As the school year progresses, our stock is running low and we rely on your generosity to ensure that all students have access to affordable uniform and PE kits. 

If your child has outgrown their uniform or PE kit, please donate it to the PSA and drop it off at school Reception. To buy pre-loved uniform, please email with your wish list. 

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 12 March 2024 6.30pm - 7.45pm at school. All parents and carers are welcome. For more information, please contact .

Follow Rosebery on Instagram

You can follow us on our Instagram page (@roseberyschool) for updates on events, opportunities and more at Rosebery. 

Art & Design

Students from all year groups are invited to submit a piece of artwork in any media (drawing, painting, mixed media, photography or sculpture) to the Royal Academy's Young Artists' Summer Show. Winners will be part of a special exhibition at the prestigious Royal Academy of Arts. The deadline for submission is Wednesday 27 March.

Years 7 and 8 should email their work to Ms Wiggins. Years 9 to 13 can email Ms Wiggins or submit directly to the RA using this link.

Ms Wiggins - Art Teacher

Design Technology

Design Recommendations - March 2024

Please click HERE to see our March 2024 Design Recommendations, which include:

Learning Resource Hub

Reading Bingo

Congratulations to Chloe R 7EY who has completed the Reading Bingo challenge. She has earned 16 merits and a book of her choice! 

Student Book Reviews

“Mystery. The Faithful battle to catch the Traitors in a Scottish castle. Will the Faithful win or will the Traitors take it all?” 

Chloe R 7EY

“I loved it because it was very cool and had lots of plot twists, and the bad guy survived which rarely happens”

Amelia R 7EY

“It was very sad but has a very deep meaning and story behind it”

Sophie B 7EY

“A tragic story about Beauty (Horse) who is moved to London to be a working horse. She is hated by the owner. Read the book to find why”

 Morgan W 7MY



Year 7: Amelia O 7EX

Year 8: Izzy C 8PY

Year 9: Lois T 9PX

Year 10: Rowan W 10MX

Year 11: Charlotte N 11PY


Merryn H 9CX and Sara V 10EX

Miss Watson - Maths Teacher 


Friday Live continues next week! We are so excited to hear your performances. To sign up, please scan the QR code to sign up for next Friday.


Year 7 District Netball

Last Friday, the Year 7 netball team took part in a District Tournament at Manor House. Rosebery School faced tough opposition in their first match. The Freemans team consisted of some very tall players and we ended up losing possession due to throwing the ball overhead. In the second half, we worked much better and used short, sharp and accurate passes. Unfortunately, Rosebery lost this match 9-2.

The next two matches were both closely-fought games. The girls performed some great netball, and their communication in the attacking third was much improved. Rosebery managed to beat Cobham Hall School 3-1 and Ashcombe School 2-1.

In the last game, Rosebery faced St Teresas Effingham. During the first-half, the teams were very evenly matched, with the ball travelling from end to end many times without a goal being scored. Some great interceptions were made in the defensive third. At half-time, Rosebery were down 3-2. In the second half, St Teresas brought on a very tall goal shooter. It was difficult to defend against them, as they managed to catch all the high overhead balls right under the post. The team battled hard right up until the final whistle. Unfortunately, this game was lost 6-3.

Overall, Rosebery placed third in their group and were awarded the bronze medal. Congratulations to Evie O-S 7MY, who was awarded Player's Player, and Chloe B 7MY, who was awarded Mrs Garner's Player.

Mrs Garner - PE Teacher

The Hive

Wellbeing Café

Students from Years 7 to 10 took part in craft activities at The Wellbeing Café today, whilst enjoying a hot chocolate and a cookie.

Mrs Jenns - Hive Manager

External Clubs

Motion Dance

Rosebery Street Dance classes from Motion Dance take place on Wednesdays from 3.10pm - 4.10pm in the Sports Hall Dance Studio. All students are welcome and we hope to see lots of you there!

To book your free trial, please click HERE.

Executive Headteacher Commendations

It has been great to see so many students involved in the House Charity week, which has been superbly led by our House Deputy Head Girls. Many congratulations to them and to all students nominated this week.  

Year 7 

Mr Faunce-Brown has nominated Ivy C 7MY for taking a wonderful amount of care and thoughtful effort in supporting another student in Science.  

Year 8 

Miss Monk has nominated Eleanor, Amina K, Izzie M and Sophie T 8PX who brilliantly represented Rosebery at the Epsom Playhouse by performing in the Ambition Dance show.  

Year 9 

Mrs Dever has nominated Kacie C 9PY, Lois T 9PX, Leah L 9EY, Hazel S 9CX, Lottie D 9EX and Summer 9MY for their super engagement in the Frantic Assembly workshop and volunteering to demonstrate with the workshop leader, Miss McCall has nominated Antonia R and Bella S 9EY for demonstrating integrity both in form time and during their lessons, Mrs Saber has nominated Orla U, Susannah R, Evie T, Ellie B, Amelia B, Millie F, Zaynab A, Isobel S, Marnie B, Elsie S and Vivi H 9PY and Afifah O, Abigail W, Zulkaif H, Charlotte H, Izzy J, Izzy M and Amy B 9MX for their excellent and sustained effort in Geography. 

Year 10 

Mrs Burge has nominated Kristy G 10EY, Meg B 10CX, Mia L 10PY and Mina J 10PX for always trying their very best in Geography and for their excellent contributions to lessons and Evie B 10PX, Imy G 10CY, Marie P 10EX and Kirsten K 10MX for their achievement in their latest Geography assessment, Mrs Toye has nominated Chloe S 10CY for always giving her best in cover lessons by being focussed and determined, Mrs Ringer has nominated Hannah B and Iris A 10CX,  Grace B 10MX, Isabella G 10MY, Kay C 10PY, Grecia P-M and Sophie L 10EY for organising an amazing fundraiser for their Robotics club. Their attention to detail was incredible and it was a real team effort. 

Sixth Form 

Mr Breaden has nominated Rania A 12B, Nihariga K 12C, Aishwarya H and Ashley J 12A for their recent progress in Chemistry, Emily C 12C, Naomi G 12E, Stacey B and Lily B 12D, Sadie S and Natasha J 12B for their consistent high-level performance in Chemistry, Catriona B 12E, Isabelle W and Georgia S 12B for their great engagement and independent learning skills and Bethany H 12D for her consistent high-level performance and outstanding support to fellow students.