7 June 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers

One of the key tenets of our vision and values as a school is our commitment to support our students to become ambitious, compassionate, thoughtful, kind and fulfilled young women, capable of meeting the challenges that life will throw at them, confident that they can pursue the careers of their dreams, and to be able to contribute positively and powerfully to the communities in which they work and live. Therefore, we were thrilled to welcome back a number of inspiring, confident and highly successful alumni who are pursuing careers in F1, medicine, engineering, digital media, fashion and sport, who have attended Oxbridge and Russell Group universities, have taken on leadership roles and have volunteered extensively, have undertaken apprenticeships, have started their own businesses and have lived and worked abroad. Our Year 12 students were given a tangible insight from these highly professional young women, all in their early 20s,  about the struggles and joys of adult life and the feedback shows that they are so much more ready to absorb key messages and words of wisdom from those who were literally in the same position as them only a few years ago, than from those of us who are (slightly) older and work in a field which they feel they know so well!  

Our Year 10 students have enjoyed two sunny days on their Geography fieldwork, our Year 12 Gold Duke of Edinburgh students have flown to the Pyrenees to start their demanding final expedition, and we are very proud of the students in Years 8 and 9 who were on ball patrol for the hockey internationals at Lee Valley this week and of the way in which all Key Stage 3 students are working hard in preparation for their end of year assessments.  

We were visited this week by several colleagues from the GLF Trust Secondary Education Team and from other GLF secondary schools to carry out a School Effectiveness Review, during which they visited lessons and met with many staff and students. As ever, our students were wonderful ambassadors for the school and were very articulate about their experience at Rosebery.  We greatly value having external eyes on our work, to confirm our evaluation of the school and the priorities we have set for our continued development. As part of this process we are seeking the views of staff, students and parents/carers about the school and we would be very grateful if you could complete this survey by Monday 17 June.  

It has been incredibly moving to hear from the veterans of the D-Day landings, the 80th anniversary of which we commemorate this week. Their humble and self-effacing accounts belie the bravery and heroism which they and thousands of other men and women showed. As conflict continue to rage in Europe and beyond 80 years later, it is also a stark reminder of the way in which the freedoms for which those D-Day soldiers fought, and which we still enjoy today, should never be taken for granted. I urge you to seek out the various documentaries featuring these remarkable people on the iPlayer with your daughter this weekend.  

I will conclude by referencing another incredibly powerful and inspiring moment this week - the message from Rob Burrows, released on his death at the age of 41 from Motor Neurone Disease. The former rugby league player has demonstrated such courage to raise the profile of this horrific illness, and has, alongside his friend Kevin Sinfield, raised millions of pounds for research to find a cure. He embodied so many of the qualities that we hope to instil in our young people to which I referred earlier, and his call to arms for the way in which we can and must have agency to make a difference to ourselves and to others, no matter what challenges face us, and to make the most of every day that we have together, is something that we can and should respond to.  

‘My final message to you is whatever your personal battles, be brave and face it. 

 Don’t waste a moment. In a world full of adversity, we must still dare to dream.”  

Have a good weekend. 

Ros Allen


TABLE OF CONTENTS - click to jump to an entry

Diary Dates - all dates subject to change

Week 2: w/c Monday 10 June

Monday 10 June - Friday 15 June

Y11/13 Public Exams

Y7, 8 & 9 End of Year Assessments

Y7/8 Rolling Read - Period 2

Rosebery Culture Week

Monday 10 June

SEN Pre-Transition Mixer Workshop

Tuesday 11 June - Wednesday 12 June

Y10 Geography Fieldwork, Tillingbourne

Wednesday 12 June

Y9 Music Concert

PSA Meeting @ 6.30pm

Thursday 13 June

Y9 Music Concert

Friday 14 June

Cultural Identity Day (Non-Uniform)

Week 1: w/c Monday 17 June

Monday 17 June - Friday 21 June

Y11/13 Public Exams

Y7, 8 & 9 End of Year Assessments

Y10 Mocks

Y7/8 Rolling Read - Period 3

Monday 17 June

Y12 Drama Component 1 NEA Devised Tech/Dress Rehearsal & Evening Parents' Performance

Tuesday 18 June

English Schools Cup - Regional Final, Ashford

Wednesday 19 June - Wednesday 26 June

Rosechella Arts Festival

Wednesday 19 June

Art Exhibition Open Evening

Thursday 20 June

Y11 Leavers' Day & Prom

Friday 21 June

Y7 Bake Sale for Great Ormond Street Hospital

Head of Year Entries


It has been a pleasure observing our Year 7 students settle in following the recent half-term break and witnessing their maturity in gearing up for their end-of-year assessments. Throughout this week, our Year 7 cohort has been actively participating in a 'Drills for Skills' session during form time, as part of a series of sessions meticulously designed to cultivate a set of revision strategies to support them with their studies. This week's focus has centred on the creation of personalised revision timetables, to aid their time management and organisational skills. In the forthcoming weeks our tutors will explore a variety of revision strategies, including the use of mind maps and dual coding techniques to optimise our students' revision processes.

Looking ahead, our Year 7 students will immerse themselves in Culture Week, an engaging initiative featuring an array of tutor-led and student-led activities aimed at exploring themes of identity and dispelling stereotypes. This initiative aligns with the meaningful discussions on diversity and inclusion that transpired during PDC lessons in the previous term. Next Friday, we will also have a non-uniform day, where we suggested a donation of £1 which will be donated to charity.

We are also delighted to announce that this week marked the introduction of Miss Devonish as the new Deputy Head of Year 7. Miss Devonish brings a wealth of enthusiasm, experience and dedication to her role, and is excited to be getting involved in Year 7 activities and popping into form times and lessons.


7CX: Bea P - for always being kind and respectful to those around her.

7CY: Rosa M - for great participation in the ‘Drills 4 Skills’ session on how to revise.

7EX: Melina C - for her brilliant behaviour and attitude in school. Well done for staying on zero demerits and receiving merits for excellent classwork and effort.

7MX: Emma DPM - for having the courage to go first out of everyone in delivering her soliloquy in English.

7MY: Alexa H and Aimee L - for putting themselves forward for Rosebery’s Got Talent next week - Team 7MY will be behind you!

7PX: Olivia L - for her welcoming greeting every morning.

7PY: Gracie G and Francesca P - for being so happy, polite and kind to others. 

Miss Canessa - Head of Year 7

Miss Linehan - Deputy Head of Year 7

For all things Year 7, please check out our

Instagram: @roseberyyear7 

Year 7 Website


It has been a true pleasure to welcome Year 8 back to school after what I hope was a refreshing and relaxing half-term break. As ever, the group have displayed such a maturity and diligence when it has come to preparing for their upcoming end-of-year assessments, and I’ve been delighted to see the volume of hard work Year 8 are undertaking to ensure our final few weeks before curriculum refinement begins are purposeful.

Looking to the future, students this week have been asked about their preferred groupings for our Active Learn trip, and this will coincide with the virtual information evening that will take place on Monday 10 June (as hosted by Active Learn at 6.00pm). This is a Microsoft Teams event and the link to which will be shared with you today. Following this, please do get in touch if there are any more specific questions that are not answered during the evening.

Upon returning to school on Monday and opening my inbox, I was met with a deluge of successes from our Year 8 students which I am thrilled to share with you. Firstly, Jaime-Leigh P 8PX has had yet another success in her dancing career. Jaime-Leigh competed in a competition over half-term and, in her jazz solo, claimed second place. Not only is this a fantastic achievement, but the fact that this was the first time you have competed in this style makes this a truly wonderful feat! We are so pleased for your successes and your determination to add new styles to your repertoire!

Sticking with the dancing accolades, over the past weekend, Sophie-Anne B 8EX qualified and competed in Blackpool for the national UKA Ballroom and Latin American Finals. It’s incredible to hear about your successes in making it to a national competition final. Not only this, but after dancing in four different rounds, picking up a 4th place and two 2nd places for her three dances is a magnificent achievement. Very well done Sophia-Anne!

Finally, an aquatic achievement for Aoife C 8MY. This past weekend, Aoife and her team, Kingston Synchro, took part in the London Regional Championships for artistic swimming. This had elements of both team and individual performance. Aoife came home with the gold in the individual figures competition for grade 3 (ages 13 to 15), and to add to the success further, then went on to compete in the combination team routine (ages 13 to 18), with the team also bringing home the gold! This means the team are now heading on to the National Combo Cup in July with their routine. We’ve all got our fingers crossed for you and cannot wait to hear about the next stage of this.

As ever, these endeavours outside of school remind me what a wonderful year group this is, with so many individual and collective talents both in and out of the classroom. I’m incredibly proud of all three students I’ve written about this week, as well as all of those who have previously shared and continue to share their successes outside of school. 

Finally, next week will bring a change to our year team, and I’d like to offer a massive congratulations to Miss Devonish, who has assumed the role of Deputy Head of Year 7. In the same breath, I’m excited to welcome Miss Lovett to the team, who will be taking on 8CY as form tutor from next week, moving with the form into Year 9 in September.

Have a lovely weekend! 


8CX: Jade V - for being a fantastic Rosebery ambassdor when talking to visitors about the school this week.

8CY: Grace D and Marisol F - for their contributions with the rounders tournament against Ashcombe School.

8EX: Sophie-Anne B - for participating in Blackpool ballroom dance competition and winning the second title.

8MX: Auguste M - for displaying consistently high effort and contribution in all subjects. Well done Auguste!

8MY: Catarina NDS - for excellent effort in lessons and in form time last week!

8PX: Sophie T - for being a positive role model to all her peers in 8PX.

8PY: Lia G - for leading on the form charity project.

Mr Pingree - Head of Year 8

Miss Morris - Deputy Head of Year 8


I have been so impressed with Year 9’s attitude to learning this week, not only during their assessments but in lessons and social time too. This half-term always brings a sense of change, as we are seeing less of Year 11 and 13 students as they are well into their examination timetable, and therefore Year 9 are now officially in Upper School.

In my assembly this week, I spoke about being ambitious and about the positive changes we can make to help support this. With this comes choices that we have to make. Most often we go for the easy option over the more challenging one because we have done this before and it was OK. I asked Year 9 to reflect on the choices that might be more challenging for them, like trying something new, or something that might be a little scary. I never forget as a child learning to ride a bike, or going down that really fast slide in the park, or leaping onto the tyre swing thinking 'what if?’. It is moments like this that, when we take that leap, it's having courage and being brave which ends in results that make us smile.

The final week of last half-term was my favourite during this academic year. The positive attitude from everyone during our Graduation Day (which continued with our Silent Disco and Bronze DofE was a joy to be a part of. I cannot wait to see these skills being developed further during our Activities Week events on 11 and 12 July. For students not taking part in DofE, we have a CSI day and Escape Room day set up for them, with the whole year group then celebrating the year with a day at Chessington World of Adventures on Monday 15 July. These activities are on ParentPay, so please pay and give consent if you haven’t already done so.

Wishing you a lovely weekend. 


9CX: Jemima S - for her involvement in the international Hockey event in preparation for the Olympic Games.

9CY: Candace S - for receiving over 100 merits. Well done.

9EX: Lucy T - for her 100% attendance, with a smile on her face and excellent uniform - an exemplary performance!

9EY: Isla AB - for her great progress in Spanish and Maths.

9MX: Millie W - for her great start to the half term with uniform and effort in lessons. Well done.

9MY: Baneen Z - for her excellent progress in Science lessons!

9PX: Ella C - for her excellent effort in all subjects throughout lower school.

9PY: Daisy S - for excellent classwork in English.

Mr Waight - Head of Year 9

Miss Fielding - Deputy Head of Year 9


Welcome back! We hope you have had a restful week and are ready for our final half-term of Year 10.

Now that we are in the final six weeks, mocks are the obvious focal point for our students. This week in assembly and in form time we have been helping our students to feel prepared with bite-size revision activities and lots of information about what to do, where to go and what to bring. Each day of the mocks, our form tutors will be talking students through the timetable and checking that they have the correct equipment, so that students can get into a routine of exam preparation. We would be grateful if you could ensure that your child has the essentials: scientific calculator, clear pencil case, black pens, pencils, highlighter, ruler, protractor and compass, plus a clear water bottle with any plastic labelling removed. Please be aware that students will not be allowed to take electronics such as mobile phones or smart watches into the exam room, and we advise that these are left in lockers or at home, as we cannot take responsibility for these items.

On a lighter note, this week the first of our GCSE Geography classes explored the River Tillingbourne, obtaining valuable data for their classwork and trying not to fall in the river in the meantime! Additionally, we were blown away by the 67 students who stayed after school on Tuesday to explore the possibility of taking GCSE Further Maths – phenomenal dedication! Finally, our students have been on Ball Patrol for the GB Hockey game this week, congratulations to Georgie H 10PX, Sophie S 10EX, Rowan W 10MX, Tilly H 10EX, Amy F 10PX, Grace C 10MX, Hannah B 10CX and Grace B 10MX, we hope it was a wonderful experience! 


10CX: Scarlett M - for contributing to form activities so well and following instructions first time of asking - thank you!

10CY: Sophie L and Tilly M - for engaging really well in the revision tasks set in form time ahead of mocks.

10EX: Sresta T - for always being so hard-working and polite, and embracing the challenge of GCSE Further Maths.

10EY: Elena A, Freya B, Nicole B-R, Louise B, Tia C, Annabel C, Isabella G, Sophie L, Grecia P-M, Lucy S, Yashita S, Maia T and Emma W – for their bravery and curiosity in going to find out more about GCSE Further Maths by attending the session this week.

10MX: Jocelyn B, Ida S and Rhea T - for their amazing GCSE Music performances at the end of last half term.

10MY: Zara S - for her excellent effort in Maths throughout Year 10. Well done.

10PX: Amelie M and Nina K - for being brave and performing in the Year 10 music concert! Well done!

10PY: Faith B – for her consistently good effort in Maths. Keep it up! 

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Mr Hewett - Deputy Head of Year 10


I hope Year 11 had a wonderful and relaxing half-term but that they have come back determined more than ever to do well. I cannot believe we only have 10 days left until the final GCSE exam. Although it probably doesn't feel like it for Year 11, this time has flown by and they continue to impress us with the positivity and resilience that they have demonstrated continuously during the exam season.

Excitingly, we have Leavers' Day and Prom on Thursday 20 June to look forward to. Year 11 will be invited into school from 8.30am to 10.50am to celebrate their last day together as a year group. More news will follow next week. We will then be finishing off with the Year 11 Prom to celebrate not only the end of exams, but to commemorate their time at Rosebery together as a year group.

There really isn't long to go, so I hope that Year 11 have a lovely weekend with a balance of relaxation and revision, and give their last two weeks everything they have got.

Good luck for next week Year 11! 

Miss Foster - Head of Year 11

Ms Godwin - Deputy Head of Year 11

Summer Term Enrichment Timetables

Please find our Summer Term Enrichment Timetables linked HERE.

Rosebery PSA

50/50 Club - May Winners

Congratulations to our 50/50 Club winners for May:

1st - Sue Irons (155)

2nd - Wendy Barr - (31)

3rd - Alan Harris - (136)

PSA Summer Raffle - buy your tickets now!

Be in with a chance of winning one of these fabulous prizes in the PSA Summer Raffle: 

Tickets are available on ParentPay for £1 each (minimum spend of £5) and the draw will be made on Friday 5 July. Thank you to our sponsors who are helping the PSA to raise funds to benefit all the students. Please note that ticket numbers will be issued by email from Monday 17 June onwards.

Volunteers needed

We'd love it if you could spare some time to help at school events this half term. We need help on Wednesday 26 June from 5.45pm to 7.45pm. Details and the sign up sheet is available HERE.

Next PSA Meeting - Wednesday 12 June, 6.30pm at Rosebery School


Rosechella is an exciting celebration of the visual and performing arts that is taking place at school during lesson and social time. It is a weeklong festival from Wednesday 19 to Wednesday 26 June where students will be able to enjoy an array of theatrical performances, art, music, media installations as well as drama and dance workshops. Please see below for the packed schedule of live performances, taster sessions, stage makeup workshops, LAMDA show case, music concert and the incredible annual art exhibition.

Students will have the chance to attend a special effects stage makeup workshop with an industry professional, on either Thursday 20 or Friday 21 June at lunchtime. There will be a cost of £5 to take part, which includes materials. Places are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Payments will be able to be made on ParentPay from 3.00pm on Wednesday 12 June. 

Design Technology

June Design Recommendations

Please click HERE to see our June 2024 Design Recommendations, which include:

Miss Lovett - Head of Design & Technology: Product Design & Resistant Materials


D-Day 80th Anniversary

D-Day was one of the most important events of World War II. Also known as Operation Overlord, D-Day was when over 150,000 British, American and Canadian troops stormed the beaches of Normandy. This operation was one of the largest amphibious attacks in military history. The Battle of Normandy lasted from June 1944 to August 1944 and was the beginning of the end to the Nazi's control of Western Europe. 

To remember this day in history, here are some historical fiction book recommendations set during World War II:

It is a novel narrated by Death. The story follows a young girl named Liesel in Nazi Germany. Following the death of her younger brother, Liesel goes to live with a foster family which is where her love for reading (and stealing) banned books begins. As World War II worsens, Liesel starts to understand the terrible actions of the Nazi regime as her foster family hides a Jewish man named Max in their basement. Throughout the entire story, Death weaves its way in and out of Liesel’s life. The Book Thief discusses the horrors of the Nazi regime and the importance of books in understanding the world around us. 

This novel is about Marie-Laure, a blind young girl living in Paris with her father while he works at the Museum of Natural History. When the Nazi occupation of France begins, Marie and her father move to Saint-Malo, carrying with him a precious jewel from the museum. Meanwhile in Germany, a boy named Warner is a technologically savvy orphan whose skills earn him a spot for a mission to track the resistance to the Nazi occupation. Undeceived by the role that the Nazi’s play in the war, Warner takes on a path to see the war for himself, which is also where he crosses paths with Marie.

Age rating 15+

In France near the beginning of World War II, Vianne’s husband, Antoine, leaves for the Western Front. When the Nazis invade France, Vianne goes through extreme lengths to keep her family alive and safe, which becomes especially difficult when Nazi soldiers appropriate her home. The story also follows Vianne’s younger sister, Isabelle, who falls madly in love with Gaëtan, a French partisan. Isabelle joins the French resistance where she becomes a target for Nazi intelligence. The Nightingale is a novel that gives the perspective of the life that women faced on the home front, and how it was truly a war of their own. 

Age rating 17+

Aunty Iris always treasured her small painting of a boat, painted by her close friend, Alfie, many years before. Her nephew, Michael, is inspired to try and find out what actually happened to Alfie in World War II. He embarks on a journey that takes him across the Channel into France, learning a profound lesson along the way about service and the surprising power of memory.

Mrs Spencer - LRH Manager



Year 7: Emily M 7PX

Year 8: Sreeya K 8PY

Year 9: Candace S 9CY

Year 10: Amelia L 10CY 


Merryn H 9CX

Miss Watson - Maths Teacher 


Dates for the diary

Congratulations to the following

Friday Live

Friday Live continues next week! We are so excited to hear your performances. 

To sign up, please scan the QR code to sign up for next Friday.

Music Clubs



On Wednesday, 12 students from Years 8, 9 and 10 represented Rosebery School at the FIH Pro League Hockey as ball patrollers. Their responsibilities included organizing flags, managing balls leaving the pitch, and promptly responding to umpire decisions during the matches. This event marked the final opportunity for international teams to compete and prepare before the upcoming Olympics in Paris.

The day started with a journey to Lee Valley Hockey Park, where the students witnessed an exciting match between GBR and China Women's teams. The game extended to 34 penalty shuffles due to ending in a 2-2 draw. Subsequently, the students observed the beginning of the men's game between Great Britain and Spain to familiarize themselves with their duties. Following this, they prepared for their role by gaining their kits and learning various tasks, such as ball placement and managing equipment during halftime.

After a brief break, the students readied their water bottles in the ball patrollers' carrier and began their ball patrol experience. They proudly displayed the flags of the USA and Germany for the women's match before assuming their positions. The final match they oversaw was between Ireland and Germany. After the game, they had the opportunity to meet the players and one of their coaches, Nick Page, who also conducts hockey sessions at the school during the Autumn and Spring terms.

It is evident that the students thoroughly enjoyed this experience, and we trust it will be a lasting memory for them. Special thanks to Mrs. Hart-Mckee and Miss Galley for accompanying the trip. Well done girls, you were a credit to Rosebery.

For those interested in viewing their involvement, the game highlights can be accessed HERE.

Miss Fielding - PE Teacher

U15 Rounders

On Wednesday, our U15 rounders team played a fixture against Box Hill School, where the girls played two innings consisting of 30 balls. The team had some excellent bowling from Sophie L 10EY and some great batting from Abi W 10EX, Carrie L 10EX and Sara V 10EX. Overall, Rosebery won the first innings with a score of 15 - 4, before also winning the second innings with a score of 9 - 5.5. Eloise BG 10CX was voted Batter of the Match, while Shalini B 10EX was voted Fielder of the Game. Well done to all that took part - you played amazingly! 

Miss Elms - PE Teacher

The Hive

Active Surrey

Active Surrey are running a day of family fun at Surrey Sports Park on Saturday 15 June. From 9.00am to 5.00pm, enjoy free activities for all ages! Activities include football, climbing wall, hover ball archery, circus skills, skateboarding, hammer strike, chill-out zone and many more!

More information is available by clicking HERE.

Free courses from NHS Children and Family Health Service

The Children and Family Health Surrey NHS are offering free courses to Surrey children and families. Please see the link HERE and a full list of courses available.

Some of the courses available are listed below:

The link HERE takes you to the Surrey County Council website.

Mrs Jenns - Hive Manager

External Clubs

Motion Dance

Rosebery Street Dance classes from Motion Dance take place on Wednesdays from 3.10pm - 4.10pm in the Sports Hall Dance Studio. 

All students are welcome and we hope to see lots of you there!

To book your free trial, please click HERE.

Executive Headteacher Commendations

Many congratulations to the students nominated this week.  

Year 7 

Mrs Blake has nominated Emilia F, Alexis K-N, Ciara M, Annabelle P, Georgia J and Robyn T 7CY for their excellent delivery of their Shakespeare Soliloquies, Miss Ravelo has nominated Francesca A, Hana A, Sophie B, Maia G, Iona H, Jasmine L, Saanvi M, Naomi P, Sophia P, Amelia R, Lauren R and Olivia S 7EY and Lucy C, Ivy C, Daisy C, Ciara C, Emilia H, Lily S, Grace S and Morgan W 7MY for their excellent effort and dedication to their Spanish homework this year. Ms Randall has nominated Lily M, Yube C, Lydia S and Phoebe N 7CX for bravely volunteering to be the first to perform their soliloquies in English. Their effort was very impressive, Mrs Saber has nominated Skyla H-P 7EX for her more ambitious attitude to learning this term, Mr Boreham has nominated Grace B 7MX for her outstanding artwork and contribution to the community, Cecilia P 7MX for her courage and maturity in asking for help and Bea P 7CX for her efforts over half term with her geography revision. He has also nominated all of his form 7MX, for being so kind and supportive towards each other especially this week in English when they all had to deliver their soliloquy which their teacher, Miss Hoban, said were outstanding!  


Year 8 

Ms Wiggins has nominated Ophelia G and Cleo M 8CY for their consistently thought-provoking, engaged, and sincere discussion in every single Citizenship lesson, Mr Lowde has nominated Aoife C 8MY who has won gold in her individual artistic swimming competition, and is heading to Sheffield for the team routine championships, Ms Ravelo has nominated Francesca B, Aoife C, Clara G, Amalie M, Catarina N D S, Hafsa Q, Elodie S, Bea T, Darci V-R and Jasmine Z 8MY for their excellent effort and dedication to their Spanish homework this year.  Mr Boreham has nominated Cleide M and Fern M 8MX for their efforts over half term with Educake Geography revision and Mrs Saber has nominated Sofja P 8CX for her more ambitious attitude to learning this term. 


Year 9 

Mrs Saber has nominated Taylor V B 9PY for her more ambitious attitude to learning this term and Mr Boreham has nominated Merryn H 9CX for her efforts over half term with Educake Geography revision. 


Year 10  

Ms Cooke has nominated Bethany H and Tilly W 10MY and Alice S and Angelie S 10MX for the excellent effort and progress they have made on their Media NEAs and Mr Boreham has nominated Mia H 10CY, Shalini B 10EX, Sophie L 10EY, Alice S 10MX, Stephanie L 10MY, Alison E 10PX, Elena D and Sushritha T 10PY for their efforts over half term with Educake Geography revision.