14 June 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers

It has been wonderful to celebrate the rich diversity of the Rosebery community this week, and it was wonderful to see so many of our students wearing clothes that represent their culture or identity today. 

I am also delighted to report that 12 of our Sixth Form students completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh qualifying expedition this week, hiking and camping through the French Pyrenees. I am hugely grateful to Ms Godwin, Miss Morris and Mrs Watson for making such experiences possible. 

I was also very proud of our Sixth Form Politics students this week, who connected with Evan Davis regarding the upcoming general election, and subsequently appeared on the Radio 4 PM show, with our Head of Sixth Form, Mr Phillips, on Monday. It was wonderful to hear Ella-Neve, Jemima and Noreen speak so eloquently, despite their understandable nerves.  

Helping shape and champion our girls and young women as future leaders and as conscientious and engaged citizens is exactly what we are about at Rosebery School, so if you do get a chance to, please have a listen via the links below. 

You can either go to BBC Sounds and skip to 49 minutes or click the following link to access an in-house screen recording, noting you may be prompted to download the file to access it:  

Our Sixth Form Student Leadership Team are busily preparing to mark Pride Month at Rosebery, in the final week of June, and to highlight and celebrate the social-acceptance, achievements and legal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in society, and within the Rosebery community of students, staff and families. More broadly, they will also take the opportunity to empower all members of the Rosebery community to be more inclusive, to take pride in who they are, and to ask us all to take a moment to remind us all to champion the virtues of kindness, compassion and respect - to embody the Rosebery Way and to be #RoseberyProud of each other. I’ve written a little more about Pride at Rosebery below. 

It seems that today’s entry has ended up somewhat focused on Rosebery Sixth Form, so I’ll keep that theme through to the end. Our Sixth Form students really do embody the life and soul of Rosebery, and I am delighted that we have a record number of students attending our induction day on the 24 June. It is so pleasing that so many of our Year 11 students are planning to stay at Rosebery, but also that an ever increasing  number of external students are now looking to join Rosebery Sixth Form from other schools and settings – the word is now out there about how remarkable the Rosebery Sixth Form experience is, which, coupled with exceptional A Level results, that ranked in the top 5% of Schools in 2023, and the fantastic destinations our students secure, mean we really are the number one choice for girls in Epsom, Ewell, Ashtead and beyond! And of course, come the 5 July, our offer will remain VAT free – it’s never too late to apply.

David Lach


Marking Pride Month at Rosebery School

At Rosebery School we feel it is important to acknowledge the various events, parades and festivals, that will be held in the UK and around the world, to mark Pride Month, to celebrate the social acceptance, achievements and legal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in society. 

It is incumbent upon us, as a school, to ensure that all of our pupils understand the importance of equality and respect and learn about the protected characteristics, such as sexual orientation, during their secondary education and how such characteristics, including gender reassignment in adulthood, are protected by the Equalities Act. 

Whilst we are, of course, mindful that any taught elements of RSE relating to sexual orientation and transgender people are addressed sensitively, and are age appropriate in content and approach, this does not diminish the importance of Rosebery School continuing to champion equality, diversity and inclusion for all members of the Rosebery community, including students, staff and families during the month of pride. For some of our older students, this also means helping them be proud of who they are, irrespective of their sexual orientation, or indeed if they are beginning to question their gender*. 

Therefore, we will be asking all members of the Rosebery community to take Pride in who they are this month, and to use this moment to remind us all to champion the virtues of kindness, compassion and respect, to embody the Rosebery Way and to be #RoseberyProud of each other. 

*During any acknowledgement of Pride at Rosebery, we will be clear with all students that an individual must be 18 before they can legally reassign their gender. This means that a child’s legal sex will always be the same as their biological sex and, at school, boys cannot be legally classified as girls or vice versa. We will be clear that gender identity is a contested and complex subject and acknowledge and protect the right to hold the view, that many people do not consider that they or others have a separate gender identity from their biological sex. 

TABLE OF CONTENTS - click to jump to an entry

Diary Dates - all dates subject to change

Week 1: w/c Monday 17 June

Monday 17 June - Friday 21 June

Y11/13 Public Exams

Y7, 8 & 9 End of Year Assessments

Y10 Mocks

Y7/8 Rolling Read - Period 3

Monday 17 June

Y12 Drama Component 1 NEA Devised Tech/Dress Rehearsal & Evening Parents' Performance

Tuesday 18 June

English Schools Cup - Regional Final, Ashford

Wednesday 19 June - Wednesday 26 June

Rosechella Arts Festival

Wednesday 19 June

Art Exhibition Open Evening 5-7pm

Thursday 20 June

Y11 Leavers' Day & Prom

Friday 21 June

Y7 Bake Sale for Great Ormond Street Hospital

Week 2: w/c Monday 24 June

Monday 24 June - Tuesday 25 June

Y13 Public Exams

Y10 Mocks

Monday 24 June - Wednesday 26 June

Rosechella Arts Festival

Monday 24 June - Thursday 27 June

Y7/8 Rolling Read - Period 4

Monday 24 June

Y12 Drama Component 1 NEA Exam

Tuesday 25 June

Y13 Leavers Celebration

SEN Pre-Transition Mixer Workshop

LAMDA Showcase

Y13 Prom

Wednesday 26 June

Bronze DofE Assembly

Students dismissed at 1.00pm

Summer Music Concert

Thursday 27 June

Sports Day

Silver DofE Assembly

Friday 28 June

Inset Day

Head of Year Entries


With the Year 7 end of year assessments well underway, it is great to see so many of our students attending homework club and applying knowledge learnt from form time sessions to help them to prepare for their remaining assessments.

It was lovely to hear Miss Croft give a very inspiring assembly this week to prepare the Year 7s for Sports Day. The stories of Sky Brown, the world's youngest athlete specialising in skateboarding and surf boarding, was a reminder that anything is possible! It was exciting to hear shortly after that assembly, that our own students are also making great strides outside of the classroom. We would like to congratulate Naomi F 7CX for achieving an Intermediate level in Windsurfing. What a remarkable achievement!

This week also found students celebrating Culture Week, with form sessions focusing on the topic of identity. We particularly enjoyed Wednesday's lunchtime activities, which included a global food sale (with some of our students bringing in dishes from their culture for others to try). We loved hearing about Isla R 7MY's Bulgarian dish, and were amazed by the great dishes being sold in the quad by Leah N 7EX, Elise J 7PX, Jude Y 7CY, Isla C 7EX, Alice C 7MX and Morgan W 7MY. We concluded this week with a culture and identify mufti day, and it was heartening to see some of our students embracing their heritage, which prompted insightful and open conversations.

Next week is also a big week for Year 7. We wish our Year 7s all the best for the rest of their assessments next week. The end of next week sees some of the year group involved in a bake sale for Great Ormond Street Hospital, and on Thursday, forms start the first round of competitive events which contribute to their Sports Day tallies - good luck to everyone who is competing in a throwing event! I hope you can channel your inner Sky Brown!


7CX: Poppy E and Flo S - for always being so kind and polite every day, and for always being so friendly to everyone.

7CY: Robyn T - for always being polite and kind to everyone.

7EX: Leah N and Isla C - for bringing in food for culture week! Leah made a delicious savoury rice cake called Idli originating from South India and Isla made a yummy traditional Scottish tablet.

7EY: Malia L - for showing kindness to those around her.

7MX: Edie M - for her match winning contribution in rounders.

7MY: Scarlett S, Juno B, Amelia W, Ivy C and Isla L - for their participation in Rosebery's Got Talent!

7PX: Aurelia E - for a fantastic week of learning, well done.

Miss Linehan - Head of Year 7

Miss Devonish - Deputy Head of Year 7

For all things Year 7, please check out our

Instagram: @roseberyyear7 

Year 7 Website


End of year exams are in full swing, and it has been great to see Year 8 engaging with their study skills sessions that have been a part of their form times and using these to help them succeed in their preparations. I’ve been incredibly proud this week of how Year 8 have been throwing themselves into Culture Week, from wearing clothing that represents who they are, to baking and making food from different nations to sell in our Culture Week food sale, I have enjoyed learning about the different cultures that combine to make our Rosebery community. A special well done needs to go to Natalia O 8MY and Khadija AI 8PX, who created loom assemblies that shared different elements of their cultures and explained different traditions from different countries. Natalia’s presentation about Polish culture, and Khadija’s presentation about Pakistani and Indian culture respectively were incredibly insightful and I am so proud that we have students who are willing to share this with not only their own year group, but the rest of the school. Well done to the both of you!

Have a lovely weekend!


8CX: Mia C - who has been nominated by her Geography teacher for all of her hard work this half term.

8CY: Alice M - for implementing what she has learnt from the revision sessions in form and completing fantastic flashcards for Science.

8EX: Rebecca P - for painting a brilliant picture of a relative's dog.

8EY: Maisie B - for being such a positive and supportive member of the form group.

8MX: Kate S - for her consistent exemplary attitude towards learning, her kindness, and her willingness to help others; you are a fabulous role model, Kate - well done!

8MY: Natalia O - for creating an engaging and insightful presentation for Culture Week!

8PX: Amina K - through hard work and determination, Amina has achieved a role for her 'Aladdin On Ice' panto in December!

8PY: Saoirse VDV - for her enthusiasm and friendly smile every day.

Mr Pingree - Head of Year 8

Miss Morris - Deputy Head of Year 8


With Year 9 assessments now well under way, I continue to be so proud of Year 9 and what they are achieving. In a week where we have been celebrating culture and identity, it has been a joy seeing everyone getting involved in discussions, trying new food dishes from around the world and today wearing something that represents themselves.

Next week, we will be celebrating creativity with our Rosechella event starting on Wednesday. Year 9 Music students demonstrated this beautifully this week during their performances on Wednesday and Thursday evening. We really do have a lot of talent in our year group! Many more performances are still to come from Wednesday 19 to Wednesday 26 June, such as dance workshops, stage make-up classes, mask workshops and much more.

Finally, thank you to those that met the deadline for our year group reward day at Chessington World of Adventures on Monday 15 July. Tickets for the park have now been purchased, so if you did not meet the deadline your child will be expected to take part in activities at school.
For those not attending Bronze DofE on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 July, we have planned for two immersive days of activities in school which are on ParentPay for you to pay and give consent for.


9CX: Yasmin N - for her brilliant input for our form Wordle sessions.

9CY: Lilith T - for her consistent hard work in her lessons. Well done!

9EX: Katie C - for her impressive 24 merits this week – well done!

9EY: Abi P - for her consistent hard work in her lessons. Well done!

9MX: Josie F - for her excellent progress and effort for her end of year assessment in Biology.

9MY: Zoe B - for her excellent determination with Wordle and Connections!

9PX: Jenny H - for steaming up the Sparx Maths leaderboard & for receiving 0 demerits throughout Year 9 – well done!

9PY: Susannah R - for an impressive 200+ merits this year so far and 0 demerits.

Mr Waight - Head of Year 9

Miss Fielding - Deputy Head of Year 9


Here we go! Mocks have begun, and we are so proud of how Year 10 have been preparing for these exams, using all the revision strategies that have been shared with them in form time and on our ‘Ready for Mocks’ Day. Now that students have completed the first couple of exams, we would like to ask them to reflect on how they prepared, whether there was anything that could have helped the process be any smoother, and how they will look after themselves to ensure that they have the stamina to sustain themselves through a busy period. As usual, we recommend taking regular short breaks, eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep, as well as continuing to allow time for the things that make them smile.

We are aware that, as a year group, Year 10 have created a culture in which they take exams seriously; and that is to be applauded. They are to be credited for wanting to engage with their learning so far and for being motivated to do their very best. However, we would also like to remind everyone that this year group, due to Covid, have never done a formal exam like this – not even SATs. While Year 6 seems a long time ago, the fact that this was raised in our recent Student Voice session is testament to their long memories and perhaps explains some of the nerves. While it is important to do your best, we want students to also keep in mind that this is the first attempt, and they are not expected to be perfect, by any means! It is a time to learn what works and what doesn’t, and to move forward armed with this information, to be even better prepared in future.


10CX: Serina S - for persevering so well with her work experience placement and securing a place in a short amount of time - well done for your excellent persistence!

10CY: Jessica H - for being a pleasure to have in form time, for always having perfect uniform and for engaging well with form time revision for the mocks.

10EX: Avneet J – for putting loads of effort into Maths, and always asking for feedback on how to improve.

10EY: Sophia L - for acting with integrity every day, never failing to approach every lesson with hard work and a smile.

10MY: Stephanie L and Georgina M - for exploring their interest in Maths by signing up for the Further Maths class

10PX: Amelie M – for getting a merit in her grade 3 singing exam - excellent!

10PY: Keira E - for her consistent effort and great attitude in Maths.

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Mr Hewett - Deputy Head of Year 10


Well done Year 11 for another fantastic week! A lot of the year group sat their final exam today and have left for the weekend feeling overjoyed that they are done and are so close to being able to enjoy their summer. Good luck to those that have their final exams next week.

We are so excited to celebrate with Year 11 on Thursday next week with their celebration morning at school, followed by their prom in the evening, from 7.00pm; information was sent home this week. It is going to be an amazing day, celebrating their time together as a year group, and to reward them for the success they have had with their exam season.

There is just one more week until the longest summer of their life begins. We hope they are ready to dance the night away on Thursday! Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Foster - Head of Year 11

Ms Godwin - Deputy Head of Year 11

Summer Term Enrichment Timetables

Please find our Summer Term Enrichment Timetables linked HERE.

Young Reporter Scheme

As a thank you for students taking part in the Young Reporter Scheme, a tree has been planted in Madagascar on our behalf. You can view the tree certificate HERE where you can see its location and information about the tree. 

The Young Reporter Scheme has been running since 2008 in partnership with Newsquest Media Group. It is a quality programme, delivering lectures and teachings to help mould young people, not only into the world of the media, but also into worthwhile careers for the future.

We will be running this scheme again in school during the academic year from 2024–25 for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. Please do look at their current video which explains more about the scheme.

For more information, please see Mrs Keaveney in the Hive or click HERE.

Art and DT Exhibition

Our Art and DT Exhibition will take place on Wednesday 19 June from 5.00pm to 7.00pm at Rosebery School. We hope to see many of you there!

Work With Us

We are currently recruiting for a Pastoral Support Officer and Food & Textiles Technician, further details of which can be found HERE. This is an exciting opportunity to join our fantastic team at Rosebery.

Rosebery PSA

Volunteers needed

We'd love it if you could spare some time to help at school events this half term. We need help on Wednesday 26 June from 5.45pm to 7.45pm. Details and the sign up sheet is available HERE.

Revision books and uniform donations

The PSA is grateful for donations of pre-loved uniform and revision books. Please drop items to the school reception.  Thank you!

Help us to raise funds

Sign up to 'easyfundraising' and see your favourite brands donate to Rosebery PSA whenever you shop with them. It's really simple and it all adds up! Click HERE to find out more. 

Any questions? Email us on



Year 7: Rebecca E 7MX

Year 8: Sreeya K 8PY

Year 9: Anna M 9CY

Year 10: Charlotte S 10PX


Merryn H 9CX

Miss Watson - Maths Teacher 


Rounders - Rosebery v Esher High

On Monday afternoon, a group of Year 7 and 8 girls travelled to Esher High School for a rounders match. We had all extremes of weather whilst we were there, from sunshine to torrential rain, followed by thunder, to top if off! But the weather did not dampen the girls' spirit and they were excited to be playing.

The Year 8 team fielded first and had some great early catches, resulting in getting half the team out! This helped keep Esher's rounders to a minimum. Our girls then took to bat and took a narrow lead of 4½ - 3, after the first innings. In the second innings, it was very wet and both teams were struggling to get round first base and had to play with caution. It was very close, with both teams making some minor errors in fielding and letting the opposition get halves when they could have been prevented. The final score was very close, but Rosebery came away with the win by 1 rounder - well done girls! A particular well done to Niamh P 8CY and Luella D 8CY, who both received Players of the Match awards.

The Year 7 game was umpired by the Esher teacher, so unfortunately I didn't get to see all the action. However, the girls lost a few players early on due to stepping out of the batting box, so that is an 'easy fix' that can be worked on in training! Due to losing players, Edie M 7MX got to have quite a few bats and scored some great rounders with the pressure of having to get back to have the next bat (not an easy task!). Her heroic performance awarded her Player of the Match from the opposition which was well deserved! The final score was 6-3 to Esher.

Rounders - Rosebery v Ashcombe

On the afternoon of Wednesday 5 June, Rosebery's Year 7 and Year 9 girls played rounders against The Ashcombe School. In the Year 7 game, the fielding was particularly good, restricting Ashcombe to 2½ rounders in the first innings and just the 1 rounder in the second innings.

Rosebery batted well and scored many half rounders, by taking good risks and managing to get to second base securely. The final score was Rosebery 7½ - Ashcombe 3½ .

Well done to all the girls who played in this game, particularly to Kendah D 7MX, who was awarded the Opposition's Player. 

In the Year 9 game, Rosebery displayed some great batting, scoring many full rounders in the first innings. The fielding was good (as was the communication) and Rosebery managed to get many of the opposition team out. This game was played with great team spirit, with everyone encouraging each other throughout the game. 

The final score was Rosebery 13½ - Ashcombe 9. This was a fantastic result, well done girls! The Opposition's Player was awarded to Phoebe B 7CY, who was playing for the Year 9 team. 

Rounders - Rosebery v St Andrew's

On a beautiful sunny afternoon, Rosebery took four teams to play rounders against St Andrew's. It was a fun and friendly fixture which was enjoyed by everyone who took part. The results were as follows:  

Year 7 - won 9 - 7

Opposition's Player: India S 7CX
Coach's Player: Lucy C 7MY

Year 8 - lost 11 - 5½

Opposition's Player: Kendah D 7MX (playing up from Year 7)

Year 9 - won 13 - 10½

Opposition's Player: Jemima S 9CX
Coach's Player: Jemima S 9CX
(Jemima scored an incredible 7 rounders for her team. Wow!)

Year 10 - won 11 - 5

Opposition's Player: Mia H 10CX
Coach's Player: Carrie L 10EX

Mrs Garner - PE Teacher

The Hive

Wellbeing Café

The next Wellbeing Café for students in Years 7 to 10 will be at lunchtime on Friday 21 June in the Main Hall. The café is hosted by our Wellbeing Ambassadors and students can enjoy a drink and cookie whilst engaging in craft activities and games.

Active Surrey

Active Surrey are running a day of family fun at Surrey Sports Park on Saturday 15 June. From 9.00am to 5.00pm, enjoy free activities for all ages! Activities include football, climbing wall, hover ball archery, circus skills, skateboarding, hammer strike, chill-out zone and many more!

More information is available by clicking HERE.

CLUB4 (HAF) Holiday Camps in Surrey

The Government has funded local authorities across England to run fully funded HAF (Holiday Activity & Food) camps for children who receive benefit-related free school meals. These camps – known as ‘Club4’ in Surrey – run in the Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays and offer healthy food and fun activities for eligible children aged 4-16.

Please click HERE for more information.

Mrs Jenns - Hive Manager

External Clubs

Motion Dance

Rosebery Street Dance classes from Motion Dance take place on Wednesdays from 3.10pm - 4.10pm in the Sports Hall Dance Studio. 

All students are welcome and we hope to see lots of you there!

To book your free trial, please click HERE.

Executive Headteacher Commendations

I am delighted to highlight the following students nominated for commendations this week:  

Year 7 

Mrs Dever has nominated Machaela L and Polly H 7EX for excellent characterisations in their Skellig rehearsals, Mrs Coombes has nominated Amber C 7PY and Poppy D7EX for writing, memorising and performing an outstanding soliloquy as Hermia and Isla C 7EX for writing, memorising and performing an outstanding soliloquy as Cassio and Mrs Callaghan has nominated Beth G and Zara C 7PX for their excellent work on the impact on the English Civil War.  

Year 8 

Ms Starr has nominated Megan H 8MY for consistently working hard and being kind in Science. 

Year 10 

The Physics department have nominated Rowan W and Grace B 10MX for achieving Gold in the Junior Physics Challenge, a national competition organised by the University of Oxford, Mr Hiller has nominated Daisy S 10CY, for showing such a positive can-do attitude in Chemistry over the summer term, Mrs Coombes has nominated Sresta T 10EX, Nithilam M 10CX, Sophie M and Lottie C 10PX for their dedication to revision tasks in English, Ms Starr has nominated Elif K 10EY for her willingness to contribute and share her high level of understanding in Biology and Niamh K 10PY for her hard work and determination with preparing for the Biology mock. 

Sixth Form 

Mr Phillips has nominated Ella-Neve D 12B, Noreen I 12E and Jemima H 12A for overcoming nerves and the unknown to perform brilliantly in a National Radio Broadcast on BBC Radio 4 PM with Evan Davis. We are very proud of you!