5 July 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers

Our students, were, once again, the stars of the show at our annual Open Evening. Literally hundreds of students toured our visitors and supported departments across the school. Special mention must go to Chloe R 7EY, Ritaj A 7PX and Neve K 7CY who along with our Head Girls, Jess and Lexie spoke beautifully in the presentation. So many of our visitors commented on how articulate, kind and thoughtful our students are and how proud we must be of them; we are indeed!

It is also fantastic to report that our Year 9 Debating Team comprising Nia D 9MY, Ella P 9PX, Ella S 9EY, Abi G 9PX, Aaliyah -Zaina R 9EY and Lois T 9PX has won the GLF Debating Competition today. They had the tricky task of arguing for the introduction of National Service and in the final argued brilliantly that protest is the most effective method of effecting change. Many congratulations to the team and to Mr Pingree who has once again given so much of his time to coach the girls to this success!

Next week our Year 10 and Year 12 students embark on work experience,  and it has been lovely to hear about the exciting placements that they have secured. This follows a very successful Silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition which over 70 Year 10 students completed. Many thanks to Mrs Watson, Miss Morris and the staff team who gave up their comfortable beds to lead and accompany this fantastic endeavour.

The end of term is in sight, but not before students in Years 7-9 complete a range of challenges and take on new opportunities in Activities Week. Please make sure you are clear about the activities that your daughter is undertaking; information you will find below.

As I write, Sir Kier Starmer is receiving the keys to Number 10.  There appears to be no doubt that across the country people have voted for change. We await with interest and hope, as we do after every general election, about how the new Prime Minister’s promise to deliver that change will manifest itself in our schools.

Whether you decide to put yourselves through another two hours of English football or not tomorrow (Gareth seems not to have received the change memo!), I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Ros Allen


TABLE OF CONTENTS - click to jump to an entry

Diary Dates - all dates subject to change

Week 2: w/c Monday 8 July

Monday 8 July - Friday 12 July

Y12 Work Experience

Y10 Student Futures & Work Experience

Tuesday 9 July

Sports Presentation Evening

Wednesday 10 July - Friday 12 July

Y8 Active Learn Residential Trip

Wednesday 10 July

Y7 Spelling Bee

Y9 St Josephs Enterprise Visit

Thursday 11 July - Friday 12 July

Y9 Bronze Qualifying Expedition

Thursday 11 July

Y7 Whipsnade Zoo

Sunday 14 July - Wednesday 17 July

Y12 Rosebery Iceland Trip

Activities Week

 Wednesday 10 July - Monday 15 July 

For an outline of events, please scroll to the Activities Week section further on in this issue

Week 1: w/c Monday 15 July

Tuesday 16 July - Wednesday 17 July

Non-uniform days for Epsom Pantry

Tuesday 16 July

Celebration Evening

Wednesday 17 July

Last day in school for students    EARLY FINISH AT 12.00pm 

Head of Year Entries


It was lovely to see so many of our Year 7s embrace their first Rosebery Sports Day last week. It was a very colourful affair, full of team spirit and good sportsmanship. It was a wonderful way to end a series of House Games, with many students quoting that we had saved the best until last!

With another busy week for our Year 7 cohort, they have continued to embrace all opportunities presented to them. This Tuesday saw our school community welcome Year 6 students for Transition Day, and it has been a reflective week as to how much our current Year 7s have grown and achieved in the past year.  Our Year 7s acted with maturity and set a great example for our future Year 7s and we are especially proud of our JLT who answered questions with knowledge and accuracy. Our students continued to make Rosebery proud as they were able to use all that they have learnt this year to make them excellent tour guides at our Open Evening yesterday. They had represented the school brilliantly, showing real maturity as they answered a variety of questions and left our visitors feeling well-informed about the transition process.

The achievements of Year 7 also continues outside of the classroom as our Surrey Starlets have been very successful in their age category. The Starlets are very excited about their achievements and the new opportunities that this might bring for them next year.  We wish all those participating in events in the Bournemouth competitions today all the best! 

As the year draws to a close, there is still much to anticipate. Next week, the PE Department will host Sports Presentation Evening to honour our students' sporting achievements. Additionally, Activities Week will begin, with students using form time to discuss the logistics of the upcoming events.


7CX: Brooke G and Christina C - for always showing such kindness and respect to teachers and peers. They have also been nominated for always offering to help with chores and being so positive and enthusiastic in House events.

7CY: Aiza S and Akaansha V - for their fantastic efforts on Sports Day.

7EX: Machaela L - for her amazing performance during Sports Day.

7EY: Chloe R - for demonstrating great courage to speak publicly during Open Evening.

7MX: Imaan L - for her brilliant organisation of the form for Sports Day and for volunteering to run (and finish) the 1500m!

7MY: Grace S - for always being polite and smiley!

7PX: Eva C and Grace E - for being superstars on Sports Day!

7PY: Alvina W - for achieving grade 6 on her piano exam (ABRSM), passing with a merit (127/150)

Miss Linehan - Head of Year 7

Miss Devonish - Deputy Head of Year 7

For all things Year 7, please check out our

Instagram: @roseberyyear7 

Year 7 Website


What a busy week it has been at Rosebery this week and, as ever, Year 8 have been magnificent. I'd be remiss if I didn't start off with how incredible the year group have been in getting involved in the school activities lately, it was a complete joy to see so many beaming faces at sports day, with such wonderful team work, sporting excellence and unity on show.

Furthermore, It always gives me immense pride when we have such brilliant Year 8's representing Rosebery in front of the community, and open evening yesterday was a perfect showing of this. To see Year 8 guiding tours so confidently, whilst being welcoming to prospective families, and beautifully conveying their pride for their school was a real delight. Many families commented on how wonderful their guides were and those who took part can be incredible proud.

This week, I'd like a special mention to go to Rosa F 8EX for achieving a distinction in her Grade 4 flute exam, I'm so proud to hear of your accomplishment (and frankly surprised you have time to fit in anything else in addition to being the most dedicated reader I've ever seen!).

Next week, we will be going on our residential trip, and I'm sure there are many excited students raring to go! More information will be directly given on Monday during form time, so you know as much as possible about the fun on the horizon!

Have a lovely weekend.


8CX: Rosa E and Bethany C - for taking part in the Epsom and Ewell Dance Festival this week.

8CY: Grace D - for always being enthusiastic and her contribution to school teams.

8EX: Megan Elliot - excellent work in Maths this week.

8EY: Rosie H – for winning her shot put competition at the weekend.

8MX: Afseen C - for being such a superstar and enthusiastically giving us an insight into the Islamic alphabet during Culture Week.  

8MY: Catarina S - for her persistent hard work and kindness to all.

8PX: Emma E - for her kind, amiable demeanour towards all members of the Rosebery community.

8PY: Arlette Webster - for her enthusiasm in form time activities this week.

Mr Pingree - Head of Year 8

Miss Morris - Deputy Head of Year 8


As we are fast approaching the end of the Summer Term, I have been so proud speaking to Year 9 students while visiting lessons, watching students in their music performances, celebrating the news of ‘Beyondsage’ winning the Business Enterprise project for 2024, seeing students go off in the school minibus to local primary schools, sharing their Business Studies skills with young people, cheering students on during our Sports Day last week and listening to our students speaking so fondly of their journeys at Rosebery during our Open Evening last night whilst tour-guiding.

A letter has been sent out this week with regards to timings and the drop off location for our whole-year reward trip to Chessington World of Adventures on Monday 15 July. Bronze DofE students will be completing their final expedition on Thursday and Friday next week, with the rest of Year 9 in school taking part in a CSI day and escape room activities.

Have a lovely weekend and rest up for another busy week ahead.


9CX: Jazmin J and Hazel S - for being so helpful in signing up for multiple Sports Day activities.

9CY: Winky C - for breaking the 100 merit mark. Well done!

9EX: Charlotte W - for achieving the most merits in the form this week – well done!

9EY: Molly M and Mia P - for their outstanding musicianship, particularly in helping another group in the Year 9 Concert.

9MX: Dareen B and Amelia P - for signing up to multiple events for Sports Day!

9MY: Luisa H - for signing up to multiple events for Sports Day!

9PX: Yasmin K - for proudly wearing her Ugandan football shirt on Culture Day and telling me about the Africa Cup of Nations tournament, as well as overseeing the Sports Day sign-up sheet.

9PY: Darin A - for being a team player when allocating the Sports Day team activities.

Mr Waight - Head of Year 9

Miss Fielding - Deputy Head of Year 9


They were tired, achy and desperate for a nice warm shower, but the Year 10 Silver DofE group were incredible this week! I cannot tell you how proud I was to see them work together to walk such distances and pass their expedition with a smile on their faces. Even more impressively, they attended extracurricular activities and school the next day with smiles still in place. I was so proud of them for their commitment and resilience, and they are a credit to our school.

It was also fantastic to see Year 10’s enthusiasm for Sports Day last week, with many students being recognised by their form tutors for Stars of the Week. The atmosphere was brilliant, and I hope they made some lovely memories on the day.

Looking ahead, Year 10 will be on work experience next week! The number of students who have secured placements is incredible to see, and we are so looking forward to catching up with them when they return. Please ensure that you have read the letter that was sent home on Wednesday to ensure that you are aware of who is responsible for their safety during the week, and what to do if anything does not go to plan.


10CX: Regan P - for her excellent contribution to the 'Friday Live' concert - whilst in the middle of her mock exams! Well done Regan - you were fab, and Mia H and Eilidh M - for making sure everyone got to their event on Sports Day on time - good management skills girls!

10EX: Shalini B, Lily B and Tilly H - for volunteering to take part in the Sports Day throwing events despite it not being their first choice.

10EY: Alice S - for being a kind and supportive friend, always there to listen and be the voice of reason when others are panicking. Nowhere was this more evident than on DofE this week.

10MY: Rosie G, Cassandra L and Ayushi S - for their resilience and responsibility - representing the form in the Sports Day throws straight after their Physics Mock.

All 10MY Sports Day attendees - for their fantastic attitude on Sports Day, whether competing or supporting, they gave 100% to their house, their year group and each other - well done everyone.

10PX Lottie C and Freya B - for getting the class organised for Sports Day and being proactive and enthusiastic!

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Mr Hewett - Deputy Head of Year 10

Summer Term Enrichment Timetables

Please find our Summer Term Enrichment Timetables linked HERE.

Activities Week

As we approach the end of the school year, I wanted to share with you our exciting plans for Activities Week and our Celebration Days! Each year team has planned an incredible 3 days of activities for our students, whether they are off on trips or staying on site! If a student is unwell, please ensure to ring the school absence line as normal on these days. The plan for the week is available HERE.

On Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 July, all students will take part in a variety of celebration activities both in their lessons and with their year groups. Both days will be mufti days, with a request for donations to Epsom Pantry who will be supporting many families in the local area over the summer holidays. Below is a list of suggested donations from the pantry. We are so grateful for any donations you are able to make. 

We would also like to ask for any uniform donations to be brought in on Wednesday 17 July, this will contribute to our PSA Pre-Loved Uniform sales. Should your daughter need any uniform for September, we will be holding a sale on Thursday 25 July between 3.00pm and 4.00pm. 

Miss Canessa - Director of Student Experience, Citizenship & Transition

Work With Us

We are currently recruiting for a Teaching Assistant and Food & Textiles Technician, further details of which can be found HERE. These are exciting opportunities to join our fantastic team at Rosebery.

Rosebery PSA

50/50 Club

Thank you to all our 50/50 Club members. Congratulations to our winners for June which is a "double winnings" month and the last draw for this academic year:

If you would like to join our 50/50 Club for the 2024-25 academic year, please sign up via ParentPay now. You will be helping to fund vital school activities and projects and could win a great cash prize. Further information is on the PSA page of the school website.

Quiz Night

Mark Friday 18 October at 7.30pm in your diary for the PSA Quiz! Tickets will go on sale in September. 

Revision books and uniform donations

The PSA is grateful for donations of pre-loved uniform and revision books. Please drop items to the school reception.  Thank you!

Art & Design

Year 7 have been busy carving and printing their wonderful Ukiyo-e inspired lino designs as we approach the final weeks of a very creative school year.

Mrs Dacey - Art Teacher


On Tuesday, we had the exciting Business Enterprise Project Final, where six outstanding teams—Bracelet Bliss, Chocolate Drizzled Dreams, Sweet Dreams, NAS Fashion & Co, BeyondSage, and Sweetflix—competed for the ultimate prize: to be crowned winners of this year's competition. The competition was intense, with each team showcasing their innovative products and entrepreneurial spirit.

Our distinguished panel of judges (Mrs. Hawkey and Mr. Sheffield), were joined this year by the business prefects, Georgia S 12B and Lucie G 12C. They evaluated the teams on various criteria, including product creativity, market potential, and presentation skills.

A special congratulations to BeyondSage for emerging victorious! Their slick presentation captivated the judges, and their ability to thoughtfully and thoroughly answer questions on ethical dilemmas set them apart. BeyondSage demonstrated exceptional teamwork and embraced the competition in its entirety, which impressed everyone present.

Well done to all the teams for their hard work and creativity, and congratulations to BeyondSage for their well-deserved win!

Mr Harvey - Business Teacher


As part of Rosechella the drama department had been undertaking a number of activities last week:

Stage Make-up Workshop 

Students enjoyed a special effects tutorial from an industry professional where they created very realistic wounds on their arms! They had a great time learning how to create various effects including cuts, grazes and more gruesome ones with maggots crawling out, or pieces of 'glass' stuck in them! 

Instant Theatre workshop

Year 8s had a lunchtime workshop creating instant theatre using props, lighting, sound and imagination! As our new Year 9 options students I am very excited that they will be a big part of the drama department next year as they clearly have a lot of creative ideas and abilities! 

Musical Theatre Club

Students in this club created a performance of 'Revolting Children' from Matilda. They choregraphed and planed the whole routine themselves - definitely some future theatrical directors in the making! Their energy and enthusiasm was infectious and they did a great performance this week! Well done!

Drama Club

Under the guidance and direction of Year 12 drama students, a group of Year 7s performed their 'Grimm Tale' of Hansle and Gretel. They did a super job - learning all their lines and performing as an ensemble to create all the locations using physical theatre. And some super characterisations too. Well done to all the students and thank you to Mrs House-Lee for running the club. 

LAMDA Showcase

LAMDA students took to the stage for their showcase of duologues and solo pieces in preparation for their exam next week. It was an excellent evening of performances and the students performed with confidence and flair. Well done to all of those who took part and we remain hugely grateful to our teachers Ruth and Susanna for the expert tuition they provide. 


Book Reviews

“Beautiful collection of short stories about a café in Tokyo where customers can time travel. 5 stars”

Shreya G 12C

“I loved it because I enjoy the fantasy aspect of books and I like his style of writing”


“It was about a goddess who is just like any teenager- very insecure- and I think this book relates to many people in spite of her being a goddess"

Hana A 7EY

“It is all about a girl who was never wanted and called a surplus. Soon a new baby arrives and the outside sounds more exciting than dangerous”

Izzy C 7MY

Mrs Spencer - LRH Manager



Year 7: Caitlin H 7CY

Year 8: Sreeya K 8PY

Year 9: Sophia L 9CX

Year 10: Olivia B 10EY


Merryn H 9CX

Miss Watson - Maths Teacher 


Rosechella Gallery

Congratulations to the following students on their fantastic music exam results:


Music Lessons

If you would like to have instrumental or singing lessons at Rosebery, the link for all of the details is HERE.

Mr Holloway - Head of Music



On Monday 24 June we took 9 girls to the athletics fixture at Hinchley Wood School. Despite it being a scorching afternoon, everyone did amazingly well in all of their events. It was a lovely atmosphere and all of the girls cheered and supported one another throughout the afternoon. 


Long Jump - Polly H 7EX - 3rd

High Jump - Caitlyn K 7CX - 2nd

Discus - Thea W 7PY - 1st

Javelin - Phoebe B 7CY - 5th

800m - Francesca A 7EY - 1st

300m - Izzy C 7MY - 2nd

100m - Machaela L 7EX - 1st

200m - Lucy V 7PY - 3rd

Relay - Polly H, Lucy V, Machaela L and Caitlyn K - 1st


After an amazing set of results the girls the girls placed 1st! Well done girls, it was a lovely event and Mrs Hart-Mckee and myself loved watching all of you in your events.

Miss Gallay - PE Teacher

External Clubs

Motion Dance

Rosebery Street Dance classes from Motion Dance take place on Wednesdays from 3.10pm - 4.10pm in the Sports Hall Dance Studio. 

All students are welcome and we hope to see lots of you there!

To book your free trial, please click HERE.

Executive Headteacher Commendations

I am very grateful to the hundreds of students who were in every area of the school last night for Open Evening. They were brilliant ambassadors for Rosebery, our visitors were universal in their praise for them, and we are very proud of them all!  

Congratulations to students nominated for commendations this week:

Year 7 

Mrs Packham has nominated Zara C 7PX for her excellent explanation of the story of the Peppered Moth as an example of natural selection in Science and Mrs Callaghan has nominated Alice M and Sarah M 7PX for their excellent independent research on the Second World War. 

Year 8 

Mrs Blake has nominated Kaylee S, Bella P and Merryn C 8MX who engaged so thoroughly with The Tempest General Election in English this week, Ms Hunter has nominated Abby B and Quinn H 8PX, for their careful attention to feedback which has resulted in excellent attainment and Mr McDonnell has nominated Katelyn L and Imogen E 8EX for complete focus and dedication in an investigation on pendulums.  Ms Wiggins has nominated all students in 8EY who have been one of the most joyful groups she has worked with this year. They bring a fantastic attitude to every lesson.  

Year 9 

Mr McDonnell has nominated Nadia G 9CX and Isabelle J 9PX who have done brilliantly in their new group and led the winning team in the Dragon’s Den activity.  

Year 10 

Mrs Callaghan has nominated Zara Ql 10EX and Autumn P-I 10MY on their running of the mock election desk.  

Sixth Form 

Mr Sharp has nominated Melody M 12A and Jemima M 12B for their great help during transition day.