19 January 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers

As Mr Lach mentioned last week, Year 11 students have engaged brilliantly with the programme of intervention sessions before and after school. The Year 11 Drama cohort have also been rehearsing hard for their scripted exam next week and, in advance of that, they gave superb performances to their parents on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. It is wonderful to see how their confidence has grown significantly throughout their course, and they are in a very good place to excel in the exam itself, next week. Whilst all Year 12 students have undertaken internal assessments over the last week, many of our Year 12 and Year 13 BTEC students have been undertaking external examinations, which they have tackled with excellent preparation and resilience.

We were delighted to welcome the new CEO of GLF Schools, Julian Drinkall, to Rosebery on Tuesday. He brings significant experience of Trust leadership in the UK and abroad. It was pleasing that his longest meeting was with members of our Junior Leadership Team who, as ever, gave him a tremendous insight into the culture and community of our school and asked him some very challenging and probing questions.

A priority for our Trust, as it is in every Trust and school in the country, is to address the significant drop in attendance to school by children of all ages, but particularly among girls. 1 in 5 girls nationally are regularly missing school, and whilst attendance at Rosebery is still significantly higher than the national average, we are concerned about the number of students who are absent each day, particularly in Year 11. In many other scenarios achieving 90% would be seen as a positive; however, any child who has attendance of 90% or less is missing the equivalent of at least one day of school a fortnight. When this is extrapolated over a year this level of absence equates to missing over 200 lessons, a volume of new learning that it is almost impossible to catch up on. Obviously, these gaps in learning matter for all year groups, but in Year 11 the imperative to be present is even greater, such will be the impact on GCSE outcomes in the summer.

Poor attendance also makes it more difficult to sustain friendships, to join in with the enrichment activities that support personal development and disconnects a child from their school community. The government has shared its concerns with Gillian Keegan, the Education Secretary, stating last week that ‘attendance is my number one priority. We want all our children to have the best start in life because we know that attending school is vital to a child’s wellbeing, development, and attainment as well as impact future career success.’ Your support in ensuring your daughter attends school every day is greatly appreciated, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you require support to do so.

Ros Allen


Early closure for staff training

A reminder that school closes at 1.00pm for students on Wednesday 24 January for staff training. 

A message for parents and carers

Please can we ask parents/carers to remind students to be more organised in terms of items that students need to bring into school with, as we have a large number of items dropped off at reception on a daily basis. 


Diary Dates - all dates subject to change

Week 2: w/c Monday 22 January

Monday 22 January - Friday 26 January

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 3

Y11 DT Textiles NEA Day

House Netball & Football

Sister Act: The Musical - Act 1 late rehearsal

Tuesday 23 January

House Netball & Football

Y9 Theatre Trip - The Witches, National Theatre, London

Wednesday 24 January

U12 District Netball

Rosebery Collaborates - students dismissed at 1.00pm

Thursday 25 January

U13 District Netball

House Netball & Football

Y12 Parents Evening (in-person)

Sister Act: The Musical - Act 2 late rehearsal

Friday 26 January

Y11 DT Product Design NEA Day

Sunday 28 January

Sister Act: The Musical - Main Hall rehearsal

Week 1: w/c Monday 29 January

Monday 29 January - Friday 2 February

Taiwanese student visitors on site 

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 4

Monday 29 January - Wednesday 31 January

Y13 Art ESA

Monday 29 January

Y11 Music Composition NEA

Tuesday 30 January

KS4 Squash Tournament, Epsom College

Sister Act: The Musical - afterschool rehearsal

Wednesday 31 January

Y11 Poetry Live - The Dome Theatre, Brighton

Sister Act: The Musical - afterschool rehearsal

Thursday 1 February

U12 & U13 County Netball Tournament

Y7 Parents Evening (in-person)

Friday 2 February

Wellbeing Cafe

Sunday 4 February

Sister Act: The Musical - weekend rehearsal

Head of Year Entries


During assembly this week our students were informed that form captain elections would be taking place. Students were asked to prepare and deliver a 1-minute speech to their peers to outline their ideas for the role. We are so proud of every single student who demonstrated such bravery and courage when speaking in front of their class. A big congratulations to the following who are now Year 7 form captains: India S 7CX, Neve K 7CY, Machaela L 7EX, Sophie B 7EY, Imaan L 7MX, Lily S 7MY, Ritaj A 7PX and Lucy V 7PY.  

Today saw the launch of ‘Bounce Back’, an initiative designed to encourage our Year 7 students to bounce back into Rosebery life at the start of the new year. Not only will our students be taking part in a workshop on navigating their new friendships, but further sessions will also see them taking part in a series of activities that are designed to inspire students to overcome obstacles and embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. To reward students for their efforts in bouncing back, we will be having a daily prize draw for the remainder of term. We will be announcing daily winners on our Year 7 Instagram account (@roseberyyear7) so please do give us a follow. 

We look forward to House Games next week which sees all of Year 7 involved as they compete in both football and netball. Will 7PY remain the champions, or will someone else take 1st place?! 


7CX: Elif A - for showing kindness and integrity to those around her.

7CY: Emilia F - for her excellent and well thought out Form Captain speech.

7EX: Polly H - for her amazing kindness towards her peers during the Elephant’s Tea Party. Well done for all your support during the ETP.

7EY: Sophia F - for demonstrating resilience since returning from the Christmas break.

7MX: Kendah D, Emma D P-M, Imaan L, Edie M and Yasmin S - for having the courage to put themselves forward to be Form Captain.

7MY: Lucy C - for her fantastic start back after the Christmas break.

7PX: Aria M and Daisy R - for helping us all to make memory bracelets during the Elephant’s Tea Party.

7PY: Zahira M - for being determined and demonstrating excellent effort across the curriculum, especially in History lessons.

Miss Canessa - Head of Year 7

Miss Linehan - Deputy Head of Year 7

For all things Year 7, please check out our

Instagram: @roseberyyear7 

Year 7 Website


This week has been focused on the relaunch of the house system and the nominations of our house captains. While Year 8 have been super keen and have had our form captains since September, it has been lovely to hear about the excitement and dedication that some form elections have prompted! A huge well done to all of those that have taken on the role, and to those who showed ambition in going for it.

This week has also been the first week where our Sixth Form coaches have led our 'stronger together' sessions during form time, focusing on friendship, resilience and managing conflict. Year 8 engaged in these wonderfully and it was great to see that they had such thoughtful contributions and that they were so respectful of both each other and the Sixth Form coaches.

Next week brings us our latest round of House Games. We’re so excited to see the competition, but most importantly the motivation and teamwork that these events bring!


8CX: Leah G - for being consistent and always showing integrity.

8CY: Katie S - Katie has been praised by her teachers for making a great positive start to the Spring term.

8EX: Mariam E - Mariam read 6 books (5 Harry Potter books and The Hunger Games) in only two months.

8MX: Lucy C - for her infectious, cheerful demeanour in form times and around school, coupled with her determination and effort in lessons.

8MY: Amalie M - for always bringing a determined and positive attitude to lessons.

8PX: Sophie T and Jaimie-Leigh P - for representing the Rosebery community in a national dance competition - well done!

8PY: Leah S - for her fantastic number of merits!

Mr Pingree - Head of Year 8

Miss Morris - Deputy Head of Year 8


This term we have had a drive on working together as a community and re-building our house system, resulting in student elections for House Captains in each form group. We are so proud of those of you who have volunteered to lead your form groups and represent each house.

We are noticing that Year 9 as a whole are showing more fear than bravery at times in lessons and in class discussions, and there is a fear of getting something wrong and making mistakes. However, this week, during my lesson visits, I was thrilled to see so many students wanting to show me what work they are most proud of, including some Sociology assessments where a number of students received full marks – well done again! We are working on activities during form times to encourage students to communicate more clearly with each other (the 1% Club literacy questions are very popular at the moment!).

It was a joy to see our Sixth Form coaches offer such professionalism during the coaching sessions this week. I know that last term, the students grew in confidence as a result of this and we are excited to see the journey that our current group of students will go on. If this is something you think your child would benefit from, please do get in touch.

Check out our updates and student celebrations on our Instagram page (@roseberyyear9) or on our X page (@RoseberyYear9).


9CX: Amber C - for being nominated as our Form Captain!

9CY: Amber S - for displaying positivity during form time.

9EX: Gaby P - for becoming our Form Captain - congratulations!

9EY: Bella C - for demonstrating determination and working very hard in Food Preparation and Nutrition.

9MX: Amy B - for her great start to the term, receiving lots of merits across her subjects and for having a really positive attitude everyday.

9MY: Lottie S - for her excellent help with our new form book recommendation display!

9PX: Tiana W - for making an excellent start at Rosebery, taking up opportunities and greeting me with a smile every morning.

9PY: Evie T - for an excellent performance in the local pantomime on Boxing Day; Miss Cooke and her kids loved it!

Mr Waight - Head of Year 9

Miss Fielding - Deputy Head of Year 9


The Year 10 team continue to be impressed with the positivity coming from our students as we continue this half term, and teachers are frequently sharing news about their classes being determined, disciplined and ambitious for themselves in lessons.

We also love hearing from students about the activities they are involved in, away from the classroom, such as coaching football teams, performing at prestigious concert venues and participating in sporting activities around the world, to name just a few. We are so proud of our students and their talents, and these activities help them to become well-rounded and independent citizens of the future.

In form times this week, we have been encouraging students to think 'outside the box' when it comes to where their passions may lead in the future. As well as opportunities to make their passion their work, we also spoke about the soft skills that hobbies can give them. Even socialising with friends is important for developing skills such as the ability to read people, communicate and empathise with others, all of which can be useful attributes in a future job opportunity.

Finally, this week saw the exciting re-launch of the House system and the election of our form captains. Congratulations to those who were elected!


10CX: Iris A and Hannah B - for being brilliant ambassadors for Rosebery at the First Tech Robotic Challenge Day - well done!

10CY: Jess B - for putting herself forward for form captain and for having the most amazing career prospects! Also Jess F - for always being a polite and friendly presence in form time, having good attendance and always doing all the right things day-to-day. It doesn't go unnoticed!

10EX: Carrie L and Sara V - for an amazing first full week back and earning 19 merits each! Both Carrie and Sara are always so diligent and conscientious and are such wonderful people to have in form time and in my Maths lessons.

10EY: Sophia G - for getting so many merits this week - well done for putting in such a great effort!

10MX: Layla G - for her resilience and perseverance in her horse riding.

10MY: Harpreet K - for her generous contributions to 10MY's Christmas community project.

10PX: Sophie B - for showing creativity, enthusiasm and commitment to the arts in both Drama lessons and during rehearsals for the school show.

10PY: Darcie W - for being named Player of the Match for her hockey team. Also Mia L - for scoring in last week's match for her football team.

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Mr Hewett - Deputy Head of Year 10


As always it has been a brilliant week for Year 11 who have been giving their all to their learning. The change in timetable students have had to deal with has not been easy, and with the weather some mornings this week being as cold as -6 degrees, it truly shows how dedicated Year 11 are to achieving their best in their GCSEs. It was lovely to see some of the Year 11 Drama performances this week as they prepare for their NEA exam next week. A huge well done to all students who have completed their MFL oral exam as well. It is certainly a busy time for our students, but their enthusiasm is unwavering.

A highlight of the week was recognising students who had achieved outstanding progress and have achieved beyond what was predicted for them. It is lovely to reward students and this is just the start for Year 11, as we want to recognise more and more of these achievements before the end of the year.

Furthermore, this week we have started collecting photographs from students for the yearbook and I am so pleased with how many we have recieved. It really does capture just how much they have accomplished as a year group here at Rosebery. As you will know, a letter has been sent home regarding the Year 11 yearbook and hoodies. Please ensure that you read the letter and, if you are wanting to purchase either a hoodie or a yearbook, this should be done through the link and password that was provided in the email by the deadline of Friday 24 May. We will not be able to add to the order after this cut-off date.

We hope Year 11 have a lovely weekend!


11CX: Keely L - for her improved punctuality.

11CY: Molly M - for her much improved start to 2024.

11EX: Zahra V - for her resilience and determination towards her French speaking mock.

11EY: Alicia H - for her improved punctuality to form this year and achieving lots of merits since the beginning of term.

11MX: Nuri P - for working really hard preparing her French speaking mock.

11MY: Izzie H - for her resilience and hard work towards her Spanish speaking mock.

11PX: Saima J - for her excellent determination in all of her intervention sessions.

11PY: Anna S - for excellent determination in her English intervention.

Miss Foster - Head of Year 11

Ms Godwin - Deputy Head of Year 11

Spring Term Extracurricular Timetables

Please find our Spring Term Extracurricular Timetables linked HERE.

National Apprenticeship Week

National Apprenticeship Week runs from 5 to 11 February 2024. This is an annual, week-long celebration of apprenticeships and anyone involved with them. The week brings together businesses and apprentices across the country to highlight the positive impact that apprenticeships can make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy.

The theme for this year is ‘Skills for Life’, reflecting on how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career. As a parent or carer, you want to be able to guide and advise your child towards the best opportunity for them, and there are so many options available to your child upon them leaving school. 'Amazing Apprenticeships' have created Parent Zone to help you to explore these options. Click HERE to visit the site.

The latest Parents & Carers Apprenticeship Pack is available to view on our website by clicking HERE.

As well as this, the National Apprenticeship Show is taking place in February at Sandown Park. They are holding a parent, carer and individuals open event which is taking place on Tuesday 27 February from 3.30pm to 6.00pm. For more information and to register, please click HERE.

Mrs Keaveney - Student Careers, Guidance and Health Mentor

Join our Student Newspaper

Mrs Ringer - Director of Student Experience, Citizenship & Transition  

Rolling Read Programme

The Rolling Read continues on Monday 22 January for Years 7 & 8 only. Students will have 15 minutes at the start of every period 3 lesson next week to read their own book for pleasure. The period in which the Rolling Read takes place will change each week as follows: 

Thank you for your support!

Miss Hoban - English Teacher & Literacy Lead

Rosebery PSA

Pre-loved Uniform

We have a great stock of pre-loved uniform, PE kit and some coats. These offer great value, with funds we raise helping to support the school. Please email to place an order.  

Selling your home?

If you choose to sell your property through The Personal Agent, they will donate a percentage of their fee to Rosebery PSA!  Just mention that you are a parent or carer linked to the school and let us know as well.

Helpers needed

Can you spare an hour or two to help us serve refreshments at school events? To sign up and see the full list of dates click HERE.

Rosebery PSA

Work With Us - Exams Invigilators

Please click HERE to find out more information or see our 'Vacancies' page on our website.

Follow Rosebery on Instagram

You can follow us on our Instagram page (@roseberyschool) for updates on events, opportunities and more at Rosebery. 

Design & Technology

Click HERE to find out more information about how to enter this year's Young Talent of Tomorrow Fashion Design Competition and to be in with a chance to see your design become a reality on the catwalk at Graduate Fashion Week 2024.

Miss Shillito - Head of Design & Technology: Food Preparation and Nutrition & Textiles 


Sister Act: The Musical

Our production of Sister Act: The Musical will be taking place in February and tickets are now on sale! 

Over 100 students are involved in the show and preparations are well underway to bring you an evening of uplifting songs, entertaining characters and a host of dancing nuns!

Please come and show your support for the students who are working so hard to create a show to remember. 

Tickets are available for anyone to purchase, so please do share the ticket link with people in the wider community who would like to come along!

The performances will take place at St Paul's Church, Cheam
(a modern, comfortable venue with plenty of space for audience and performers alike)!

The PSA will be selling refreshments before the show and during the interval so you will also be helping to raise valuable funds for the school. 

Please click HERE for ticket information and bookings. 

We look forward to seeing you there!


Mrs Dever - Head of Drama


Year 7 Netball - Rosebery v Howard of Effingham

On Thursday 11 January we took two of our Year 7 netball teams to Howard of Effingham School for a game. All the girls played tremendously well and battled right to the end. Unfortunately, the girls lost the first game with a score of 15-1. However, not a single one of them gave up, supporting one another and working well as a team right the way through.

Sienna W 7EY, who played in wing attack, was chosen by the opposition as their Player of the Match for her amazing marking and interceptions. It was very close in the second game with a score of 8-7 to Rosebery who managed to take home the win. Polly H 7EX, who also played in wing attack, was chosen by the opposition as their Player of the Match for her fantastic interceptions throughout the game. Well done girls, keep up the good work!

Miss Gallay - PE Teacher

Year 10 Netball - Rosebery v Manor House School

The Year 10 netball team travelled to Manor House School on Tuesday evening to play on what has now been termed the 'coldest night of the year'. The girls played brilliantly, despite the chill, and didn't let it impact their performance. The first quarter was tough and the girls didn't quite get into the swing of it, therefore losing possession unnecessarily which led to a four goal deficit. Going into the second quarter, the girls played much better and started getting the ball into the D more effectively, finishing the first half only one goal down.

The third quarter was, again, a very close contest to watch. The score remained with one goal in Manor House's favour, so it was all to play for in the last quarter. The girls stepped up and within minutes were firing on all cylinders. Carrie L 10EX and Freya B 10PX were moving around the D superbly to create much needed space to receive the ball and take the shots. Manor House couldn't quite keep up despite a good fight. The final score was 18-11 to Rosebery and was such a good game to watch and umpire. Well done girls! A particular congratulations goes to Freya B who was awarded Player of the Match. 

Mrs Hart-McKee - PE Teacher

Learning Resource Hub (LRH)

Book Recommendations

“We both love books from the Dystopian genre. We especially like this series because there are many mysteries to be solved and there is never a dull moment”

Katelyn L 8EX and Olivia L 8EY

“It is a really interesting story about ‘man's future in space’ and explores ideas of what could happen in the future and in the exploration of the solar system”

Alice S 9CX

“The book was chilling my bones as I turned the pages; ‘nail biting’. 

I would describe it as a page turner”

Khadija A 8EX

“I loved it because it was intriguing and life affirming. It's about Rowan and her little sister Stroma who are left to fend for themselves after their father left and their mother lost it”

Lily B 12D

The British Library Fantasy Quiz

Click HERE to find out more information about the upcoming Fantasy Quiz at Epsom Library.

Dungeons & Dragons Introduction Event

Want to try Dungeons & Dragons? On 25 and 27 January, come along to Epsom Library to try something new this year. Click HERE for more information.

Mrs Spencer - LRH Manager



Year 7: Christina S 7EX

Year 8: Sofia H 8CX

Year 9: Regan M 9EY

Year 10: Amy H 10PY

Year 11: Gretel H 11CX


Merryn H 9CX, Sara V 10EX and Lauren L 11CY 

Miss Watson - Maths Teacher 

The Hive

Wellbeing Café

The next Wellbeing Café, for students in Years 7 to 10, will be at lunchtime on Friday 2 February in the Main Hall.  

The Café is hosted by our Wellbeing Ambassadors and students can enjoy a hot chocolate whilst engaging in craft activities and games. 

Parent Wellbeing Service from Barnado's

The Parent Wellbeing Service offers support to parents or carers whose children are experiencing poor mental health and wellbeing such as anxiety, depression, stress, self-harm and eating disorders.  For more information, please see the attached flyer by clicking HERE. Parents/carers are able to self-refer, however if you would like the school to support with the referral please contact .

Smartphone Safety Tips

National College has produced smartphone safety tips.  The guide is attached HERE for your information. 

Mrs Jenns - Hive Manager

External Clubs

Motion Dance

Rosebery Street Dance classes from Motion Dance take place on Wednesdays from 3.10pm to 4.10pm in the Sports Hall Dance Studio. All students are welcome and we hope to see lots of you there!

To book your free trial, please click HERE.

Executive Headteacher Commendations

I am delighted to recognise the achievements of the nominated students below:  

Year 9 

Mrs Hatfield-Giraux has nominated Yasmin N and Hannah T 9CX for their excellent homework on social surveys, Mr Holloway has nominated Sophie M 9PX for getting a magnificent Merit in her Grade 4 flute exam. 


Year 10 

Mr Boreham has nominated Freya B, Polly F, Annabelle C, Sophie L and Evie W 10EY, Elena D, Rosie R, Grace C, Ellie H and Sushritha T 10PY, Anisha G, Lilia H and Hafsa K 10EX, Suraya K and Sophie P 10CX, Stephanie L 10MY, Hannah E and Alice S 10MX, Alison E, Sara S T, Matilda S and Emily T 10PX and Mia H and Sophie L 10CY for their outstanding effort to prepare thoroughly over the Christmas holiday for their Geography assessment, Mrs Burge has nominated  Gianna C D S 10CX, Sara V 10EX, Emily M 10CY, Grace B 10MX, Freya B and Anna J 10PX for their consistently excellent effort and attainment in their Geography lessons, Miss Reilly has nominated Niamh K 10PY for always going above and beyond to ensure her homework is completed to a high standard, Iona P 10MY for always completing her homework so efficiently, Ayushi S 10MY for always working to the best of her ability and remaining focused and engaged in all her Maths lessons, Sadie T 10MX for always being focused and engaged in her Maths lessons and always completely her homework to an excellent standard, Alice S 10MX for always being a kind, considerate and focused student in all her Maths lessons. Alice supports her peers in all her Maths lessons in such a kind and supportive manner, Marie P 10EX for working hard independently to ensure that she make progress in Maths. I am really starting to see the fruits of her hard work, Katie M 10MX for always being focused and engaged during her Maths lessons and always working hard, Mina J 10PX for always contributing so brilliantly during her Maths lessons and Hannah E 10MX for always completing her homework so efficiently. 


Year 11 

Mrs Hatfield-Giraux has nominated Anna S 11PY, Amelie S 11EY and Swami M 11MX for their determination in their Sociology revision and for really pushing themselves to perfect their 12 marker technique. 


Sixth Form 

Mrs Hatfield-Giraux has nominated Silvana A-N 12D, Esther S 12E, Iyza S 12A, Emma A and Lucrezia O 12C for their excellent contributions in a class discussion; they were offering excellent links to sociological evidence, contemporary examples and were able to confidently analyse and evaluate each other's ideas and Mrs Fogarty has nominated Annabel W 12E, Nancy A and Stacey B 12D for their outstanding start to Psychology A-level and their exceptional achievement in the mid-year assessment.