9 February 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers

We have reached February half term, the mid-way point of the academic year, and I am hugely proud of what our girls have achieved thus far, and excited about what is yet to come. 

The highlight of the year to date, undoubtedly, has to be Sister Act. This evening, the cast and crew will deliver their third and final performance, to a sold-out auditorium, and we could not be prouder of the students, staff and all of the volunteers, who have come together to make this show such a success. Reviews and photos will follow, after half term! 

Special mention and thanks must go to Mrs Dever and the Drama Department, Mr Holloway and the Music Department, as well as Miss Elms from PE, for making the magic happen and for the hours and hours of time they have given to rehearsals – and to Mr Dray and the Art Department for their time spent design and creating staging and props. 

I must, as ever, also thank the PSA for providing refreshments; I am confident they will have made well over £1,000 by the end of tonight’s show. In these increasingly austere times, where all public and council services are being stretched and squeezed, their work and fundraising for the school, is invaluable. 

Separate from the work of the PSA, the option to donate to the Rosebery School Fund, remains live via ParentPay, and we are hugely grateful to those families who regularly donate to this fund. If you are able and willing to consider donating again, please do so, via ParentPay. 

Have a lovely half term break 

David Lach


Uniform, conduct and punctuality

As ever, when we pause for a holiday, we would like to remind students and families of the expectations regarding uniform, conduct and punctuality. Please ensure that your daughter returns from half term with the full and correct school uniform, guidance for which can be found on the Rosebery website.

Students with incorrect uniforms should expect to be challenged and sanctioned, and this includes those who do not follow the guidance with regard to make-up and jewellery - so please make sure you have been through this with your daughter, and do not allow her to attend school wearing makeup or jewellery beyond a single stud earring.  

It is also important the students arrive to school and lessons punctually, and again, students who are late should also expect to be challenged and sanctioned. 

Finally, we are aware that a very small minority of students have been found to be behaving in an anti-social manner on their journey to and from school, or in and around Epsom town centre. We would like to remind all students and families of the importance of modelling the Rosebery Way, and conducting themselves in a positive and proper manner in the local community where they serve as ambassadors for the school. 

End of indoor 'Winter Break' zones

February half term marks the end of our period of ‘Winter Break’ during which the students are permitted to use inside spaces during break and lunch times, every day. On our return from half term, we revert to our usual expectation, that students are outside at break and lunch time, unless they are using the canteen or library.  

TABLE OF CONTENTS - click to jump to an entry

Diary Dates - all dates subject to change

Week 1: w/c Monday 19 February

Monday 19 February - Friday 23 February

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 1

Y13 PPEs

Tuesday 20 February - Wednesday 21 February

Y11 Food Preparation & Nutrition NEA Days

Tuesday 20 February

Y10 Dry Ski Slope lessons, Sandown

Wednesday 21 February

LAMDA Showcase

Y10 Dry Ski Slope lessons, Sandown

Thursday 22 February

Y11 Trip to Southwark Cathedral, London

Week 2: w/c Monday 26 February

Monday 26 February - Friday 1 March

Y11 Mock Exams

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 2

Monday 26 February - Tuesday 27 February

Y13 Mock Exams

Monday 26 February

Y11 early lunch, 12.00pm

Wednesday 28 February

Y12 'Take to the Stage' workshop

Y12/13 Shakespeare Creative Heritage Workshop

Thursday 29 February

Y9 Parents Evening (in-person)

Friday 1 March

Y10 Maths in Action - Emmanuel Centre, London

Sunday 3 March

U15, U16 & U19 Surrey County Netball Finals

Head of Year Entries


As we reflect on the final week of what has been a short but action-packed half term we are filled with immense pride. The resilience and courage displayed by our Year 7 students during our 'Bounce Back' initiative was truly commendable - well done to those who received prizes for their efforts! It was also wonderful to see how engaged students were with our Friday form time workshops, focusing on friendships, self-belief and using failure as a stepping stone for success. We hope that students took away the key messages from those sessions and recognise all of the amazing things they are achieving every single day!

To conclude the final week of this half term, Year 7 celebrated the wonderful friendships they are beginning to make and recognised each others' acts of kindness as we celebrated 'Palentine's Day'. Almost 500 lollies were delivered to students (and staff!) on Friday morning - we were blown away by the kindness that was shown!

It would also be impossible not to mention the incredible 'Sister Act' school production that has been taking place over the past three days. The dedication, talent and sheer effort demonstrated by our students were nothing short of extraordinary, and we were particularly proud of the Year 7 students that were involved - you are all superstars!

We hope our students and families have a restful half term break and we look forward to another action-packed half term after the break!


7CX: Caitlyn K - for being kind and caring to those around her and for always making an effort with everyone in the form.

7CY: Georgia J - for being really enthusiastic about Palentines and patiently waiting for her Palentines slips.

7EX: Hannah L - for being a superstar by achieving merits for excellent effort in lessons. Well done for solving the puzzle in the numeracy session during form time this week.

7EY: Sophia P - for being relentless and always aiming high – well done.

7MX: Drew M - for being such a great friend and always doing the right thing.

7MY: Millie Y - for always being such a positive member of 7MY and for her lovely Palentine's Day messages 

7PX: Sarah M, Moriah Q and Aria M - for being great buddies for the Taiwanese guest students.

7PY: Enya T - for showing kindness by helping other students within the form.

Miss Canessa - Head of Year 7

Miss Linehan - Deputy Head of Year 7

For all things Year 7, please check out our

Instagram: @roseberyyear7 

Year 7 Website


For such a short half term, there has been so much to be impressed by, and this week has been all about celebrating that with our Year 8s. Our celebration assembly has certainly been the highlight of my week so far. I'm so proud of all those who have been awarded for their achievements this half term, and I know 8CY worked tirelessly this half term to make sure they won the form movie afternoon yesterday (fuelled by a lot of snacks of course). Special mentions go to Niamh P 8CY for achieveing almost 100 merits in the past 5 weeks of term, as well as Eleanor J 8PX and Florence H 8EX for winning individual rewards from Miss Morris and me respectively for consistently showing all the qualities we endeavour to encourage with our motto of 'Ambition, Integrity and Motivation'!

The culmination of this half term is our production of 'Sister Act', which I have heard many wonderful things about. Miss Morris and I are so excited to go this evening and we cannot wait to see the product of months of hard work by the cast (and Year 8 in particular)! Please do come and say hello to us if you’re in attendance!

Looking forward, with spring time and the days getting a bit longer, there are lots of things to be excited about in the coming weeks after half term. The event which I am certain will excite many is the annual House Cheer competition, with more information to be announced in form time on the first week back. We also have World Book Day, the launch of the AIM award, and the all-important Curriculum Refinement Evening, as we start to move Year 8 towards making some choices about their future studies. We will confirm all the information and next steps after half term.

I hope you all manage to have a restful half term, and we will see you all soon!


8CX: Bethany C - for all of your help in assisting with the Taiwanese Buddies.

8CY: Tianna F - for always having a positive attitude and being a kind and helpful friend.

8EX: Shanaya K and Mariam E - for jointly creating a poster about rules of kindness for the form.

8EY: India E - for excellent contributions to the form discussion on cyberbullying.

8MX: Merryn C - for being such a kind, reliable form member and a fantastic role model and buddy to our visiting International students.

8MY: Aoife C - for being such a helpful and welcoming buddy to Claire these past 2 weeks!

8PX: Abby B - for determination and discipline in the rehearsals for Sister Act!

8PY: Lia G - for excellent engagement in form time activities.

Mr Pingree - Head of Year 8

Miss Morris - Deputy Head of Year 8


This has been a shorter than usual (but by no means less tiring) half term, as there have been so many, jam-packed, activities. I am incredibly grateful to everyone who took part in the House Games events, and we are all eagerly awaiting information about House Cheer next half term!

Miss Fielding led our celebration assembly this week, asking students to reflect on what they are proud of and what have they done to be ‘brave’ since Christmas. Special mention goes to Izzy J 9MX for getting zero demerits and Hannah T 9CX for getting 100% attendance. Congratulations to Orla U 9PY for achieving the most merits, followed by Evie T 9PY in second place and Matilda SF 9CX and Susannah R 9PY in joint third place. 9CX received the form prize for having the least demerits, while 9MY enjoyed their movie afternoon yesterday watching Sing 2 (with appropriate snacks)!

As this half term draws to a close, I could not be more proud of our Year 9 students who have excelled in our school production of Sister Act. The cast and band sounded and looked fantastic, and it will certainly be a memorable event in years to come.

Finally, as I mentioned at the start, it has been a very tiring five weeks, so please rest up and recharge over the half term break. We look forward to Year 9 Parents' Evening on Thursday 29 February, which will provide an opportunity to discuss progress made in all subjects, as well as thinking ahead to Year 9 Curriculum Refinement process later in the term.


9CX: Matilda SF - for being joint third in the year for the highest number of merits.

9CY: Chloe H - for being an inspirational leader for the marshmallow tower challenge.

9EX: Katie C and Jasmine W - for helping our Taiwanese visitors to have a great visit to our school.

9EY: Ellie W - for working so hard resulting in earning 5 merits in one day!

9MX: Zulkaif H - for promoting Sister Act so well and working really hard in the rehearsals.

9MY: Matilda S - for hard work in Spanish lessons!

9PX: Molly G - for the support provided to one of her friends.

9PY: Taylor VB - for random acts of kindness to help others.

Congratulations to Ava W 9EY for earning a Brave Award

Mr Waight - Head of Year 9

Miss Fielding - Deputy Head of Year 9


As you read this, we will be eagerly awaiting the final performance of Sister Act – what a way to round off a half term that has been short but incredibly busy! We are incredibly proud of our Year 10 cast members, not just for their talent and courage, but also for the way in which they have juggled a very demanding rehearsal schedule with an equally demanding timetable. We know that many of them have managed to fit in revision and other extra-curricular opportunities alongside their obligations to the show, and we are both proud and impressed at how calmly they have navigated it all. The same also goes for Mrs Dever, form tutor for 10PX, who has been instrumental to the show!

In addition, this week we celebrated the wonderful work of Year 10 via our celebration assembly, in which we awarded prizes to the forms and individuals with the most merits, with no demerits, with great attendance and to those who do the right thing every day. Mr Hewett and I genuinely have a very difficult task to decide the winners for some categories, as we have so many students that we wished to nominate, so a special congratulations to all our winners.

We hope that all of Year 10 enjoy a good rest and come back ready and reset after half term. With this in mind, we will be reminding them of the importance of our uniform policy, and we would be grateful for your support in ensuring that their hair, nails and makeup are in a natural state and that students have the full uniform which includes school shoes (not black trainers) and a blazer.


10CX: Eloise BG, Iris A and Regan P - for continued hard work and commitment shown in rehearsals for Sister Act; we cannot wait to see you perform this week!

10CY: Jessica H - for achieving her '75 merit' certificate this week!

10EX: Shalini B - for always being so considerate and hard-working and challenging herself, as shown by taking part in the Maths Challenge.

10EY: Tia C - for always having a positive attitude in form time.

10MX: Grace C - for great effort and determination in lesson this half term, especially in PE and the recent work around 9-mark questions; well done.

10MY: Iona P - for positivity and kindness each morning, as well as for reaching the halfway point of Year 10 with over 100 merits and no demerits.

10PX: All of 10PX - for being independent and self-motivated in tutor time, especially as work experience is a big task and Mrs Dever has been doing Sister Act rehearsals

10PY: Rosie R - for performances in assemblies, promoting Sister Act!

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Mr Hewett - Deputy Head of Year 10


I cannot believe we have finished the first half of the Spring term. Year 11 now have only 85 days until they finish formal lessons and begin their study leave. Time is going so quickly and this half term has been incredibly demanding for Year 11, and yet they have risen to the occasion.

A massive 'well done' to all the students who performed in Sister Act this week, but in particular, the Year 11 students who have had lots of rehearsals, yet have given their all to their learning as well. You should be very proud of your accomplishments, it was fantastic! Furthermore, it was lovely to reward students in Year 11 for their dedication in our celebration assembly this week. Keep up the great work, as we have one more celebration assembly to go and we want to give out as many prizes as possible.

Finally, a big thank you to parents and carers who came to our GCSE Preparation Evening yesterday, where we discussed revision, wellbeing and coaching your child to success. We hope you found this meaningful in helping your child during their exams. The slides from the event can be found HERE as well as the handout from the night (accessible by clicking HERE).

We hope that Year 11 have a wonderful half term. As mentioned last night, balance is key, and therefore we hope that students enjoy their time with family and friends as well as fitting in some revision ready for another busy half term. Well done Year 11, you have worked so hard and deserve a restful break.


11CX: Jacqueline T - for consistent commitment to studies and extra-curricular activities.

11CY: Georgia R, Maia Y, Zen D P and Lilly C - for being “Sis-Stars”.

11EX: Caitlin M - for courage and determination in lessons last week.

11EY: Jessica R - for dedication to her studies.

11MX: Bella W - for kindness and cheerfulness every morning.

11MY: Louisa P - for always doing the right thing - consistently positive attitude, no demerits and excellent punctuality.

11PX: Caitlyn M-B - for consistently great attitude to school and excellent punctuality.

11PY: Seema S - for positive attitude towards completing the Textiles NEA.

Miss Foster - Head of Year 11

Ms Godwin - Deputy Head of Year 11

Spring Term Extra-curricular Timetables

Please find our Spring Term Extra-curricular Timetables linked HERE.

Year 10 PDC Notice

We wanted to inform you of an update regarding the Personal Development Curriculum (PDC) scheme of work for this academic year for Year 10. We have made a revision to the advertised PDC scheme, and Year 10 students will now be focusing on the topic of 'Building Their Support Network' during the second half of the Spring term. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this update, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. 

Mrs Ringer - Director of Student Experience, Citizenship & Transition

The Nest Approach - Support autistic young people with meltdowns

Please click HERE to view a document created by the Spectrum Gaming community as a result of autistic young people sharing the negative impacts of support that has been offered while they are experiencing meltdowns. The Spectrum Gaming Community have created this guidance around meltdowns (using the insight of the community) plus the best practice work of Studio 3, Ross Greene and the PDA Society. Some of neurodiverse young people and their families may find this helpful to support them at home. 

Mrs Browne - SENDCo (KS3) and EBSA lead 

Bar Mock Trials Competition

Nerves were high; paper was strewn across the tables - the Rosebery Bar Mock team were getting ready for their last case for The Young Citizen’s Bar Mock Trial. 

On trial was fictitious character, Max Newton, accused of allegedly accessing and deleting files on another student's laptop. Rosebery School was prosecuting, therefore, we were up first. It was clear students were nervous, but itching to get started. Once the trial got going, nerves settled and the team persisted. It was clear that they were fully immersed in their character because responses were prompt and clear.

One of the Barristers, Iris A 10CX, was on the ball. She quickly adapted her questions to better suit the situation and went from feeling “complete stress” to “relief after I had changed the questions” successfully. 

To prepare, some students created a flow chart of events, others annotated their case. Most practised their public speaking skills whilst a few fine-tuned their writing. These are great skills, which students got a chance to develop through The Young Citizen’s Bar Mock Trial. As a result, later on in life, they will be capable of preparing for different situations they find themselves in. Whether that be effectively cooperating with others, or taking on a role in Law, Rosebery students have gained more than just the pride of participation, they have gained qualities which can be carried with them throughout their life.

Rania A 12B - Court Reporter

GLF Teacher Training - Get Into Teaching Event

Please see the flyer below for more information about the upcoming GLF Teacher Training 'Get Into Teaching' event taking place here at Rosebery School.

Rosebery PSA

Thank you to everyone who has given an hour or two of their time to help the PSA support school events this academic year, from Year 7 Parents' Evening to the School Production; it all helps us to raise valuable funds! 

Are you thinking of selling your home?

If you choose to sell through The Personal Agent, they will donate a percentage of their fee to Rosebery's PSA! Just mention that you are a parent and drop the PSA an email to let us know.


If your child has outgrown their uniform or PE kit, please donate it to the PSA and drop it off at school Reception. To buy pre-loved uniform, please email with your wish list. 

Our next meeting is on Monday 12 March 2024 6.30pm to 7.45pm at school. All parents and carers are welcome.

Measles - don't let your child catch it

Please click HERE for more information from the NHS about Measles.

Work with Us - School Standards Board (SSB)

We are looking for a community member to join our School Standards Board (SSB). We are looking for committed individuals from the local community, and from all walks of life and backgrounds, who can share their viewpoints, experience, expertise, skills and fresh ideas to enhance the opportunities for our children and families within the community. 

Click HERE for more information.

Follow Rosebery on Instagram

You can follow us on our Instagram page (@roseberyschool) for updates on events, opportunities and more at Rosebery. 

Design & Technology

February Design Recommendations

Please click HERE to see our February 2024 Design Recommendations which include:

Learning Resource Hub

Congratulations to Morgan W 7MY who has completed the Reading Bingo challenge. She has earned 16 merits and a book of her choice!

“A deeply romantic, challenging yet rewarding read. It is twisted and dark” 

Iona H 7EY

“I loved it because it had a strong female character and it told a journey from imprisonment to freedom and had a wise old dragon and magic”

Amelia R 7EY

“It shows how far humanity can go for a cause, and how the struggles between people of all ages are similar. It also shows why we are scared of aliens! We are scared of ourselves”

Alice S 9CX

“It was a very emotional and deep story about discovering autism”

Jasmine L 7EY


Year 11 Netball - District Tournament

The Year 11 netball team attended the District Tournament, at Manor House School, last Friday. Some fantastic play throughout saw the team remain unbeaten, coming out on top with gold medals. I cannot express how proud I am of this team's achievements this year, and I am very much looking forward to watching them compete in the next round of the County Championships on Sunday 3 March (further details will follow in due course). Congratulations to Imi W 11CY, who was awarded 'Players' Player' and Estella V 11MY, who was awarded 'Coach's Player'.

Miss Croft - Head of PE

Year 8 Football

What a great bounce back for the Year 8 football team, with a 12-0 win over Sutton High School last week. The team remained driven throughout the game, with goals from Brooke M 8PX (4), Violet A 8CX (2), Matilda D 8PX (2), Francesca B 8MY (2), Grace D 8CY (1) and Rhianna S 8MX (1). The girls not only showed great talent but also some great sportsmanship throughout. It was a great game to lead us into next half term's league fixtures.

Miss Croft - Head of PE

Surrey Schools' FA Cup - Quarter Final

Two weeks ago, the Year 7 football team travelled to Cobham Free School (CFS) for the quarter final of the Surrey Schools' FA Cup.  

Rosebery knew they were going to have a tough game from the first whistle, with CFS showing real strength when attacking. Rosebery held their own and put in some great challenges at critical moments throughout the game, with Lucy V 7PY quite literally throwing herself at the ball multiple times - incredible goalkeeping! Despite Rosebery's best defensive efforts, it was not enough to stop CFS from scoring twice. Rosebery did not give up and showed some promise when attacking, however, it was just not meant to be. We are so proud of how far the girls have come along this year and we cannot wait to see how they perform in the two leagues that they are part of.

A big congratulations to:

Miss Linehan - PE Teacher


Last Tuesday we took 8 of our Year 7 students to an indoor athletics event held at Esher CofE High School. The students took part in an array of field and track events ranging from obstacle relays to standing triple jump. Each and every student showed excellent determination and teamwork when supporting one another. Well done girls, you smashed it! I look forward to the athletics season starting this summer.

Miss Elms - PE Teacher



Year 7: Christina C 7CX

Year 8: Izzy C 8PY

Year 9: Lois T 9PX

Year 10: Alison E 10PX

Year 11: Evie T 11PY


Sara V 10EX and Lauren L 11CY 

Miss Watson - Maths Teacher 

The Hive

Rosebery School is currently closed for the half term and will reopen to students on Monday 19 February.

If you have a non-urgent safeguarding concern, please email .  Please note that this email will not be constantly monitored.  If your enquiry is in relation to an urgent safeguarding or emotional support need, please see the numbers below, which are available for support during the holiday period.

If you have any safeguarding concerns during half term, please contact the police in an emergency.  

For non-urgent concerns please contact Surrey Children’s Single Point of Access at 0300 470 9100, Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm. The out of hours phone number is 01483 517898. You can call this number to speak to the emergency duty team.

Emotional and Mental Health Wellbeing Support 

If you are worried about yourself, a friend, or your child or young person, please call 24/7 the crisis line free on 03004568342.  You can talk with a trained call handler who will provide advice, support and signposting to a range of community services. The crisis line is available for children and young people from the age of six. It can be used by those who are already receiving mental health services, and also by those who are not.  No formal request for support is needed

Free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere

To speak to someone about local services available and how to access them call Access and Advice at 0300 222 5755. We are open 8.00am to 8.00pm, Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 12.00pm on Saturday. The service is not open on bank holidays.

Out of Hours advice around behaviours/difficulties which could be related to neurodiversity including Autism and ADHD available via 0300 222 5755 from 5.00pm until 11.00pm everyday of the year. NB diagnosis not needed.

Please contact for emergency concerns that are less urgent than 999.

Also worth noting is CYP Haven in Epsom that is open for walk-in support. For more information, please click HERE.

Online Safety

CEOP help children stay safe online. If anybody acts inappropriately towards a child or young person online (such as sexual chat, or being asked to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable); you can report it HERE.

Other helpful contacts

Mrs Jenns - Hive Manager

External Clubs

Motion Dance

Rosebery Street Dance classes from Motion Dance take place on Wednesdays from 3.10pm to 4.10pm in the Sports Hall Dance Studio. All students are welcome and we hope to see lots of you there!

To book your free trial, please click HERE.

Executive Headteacher Commendations

I am delighted to recognise the achievements of the nominated students below:  

All members of the cast and crew of Sister Act should be so proud of what they have achieved this week! The hours of rehearsals and practice at home led to a brilliant show; congratulations to you all!  


Mr Holloway and Miss McCall have asked that Ella P 9PX, Jasmine W 9EX, Alvina W 9CX, Rhea T 10MY, Rachel A 13C are particularly acknowledged for their fantastic musicianship and invaluable contributions to the Sister Act band.  


Year 7 


Mrs Blake has nominated Emilia F, Neve K, Jude Y, Georgia J, Abi F, Caitlin H and Evie H 7CY for always volunteering to read in English and contributing to every single lesson this half term, Mrs Segovia has nominated Sophie S, Bella S and Zainab H 7PY for their excellent determination in Spanish and Ms Wiggins has nominated Zainab S and Dorcas L 7CX for their sheer hard work, passion and maturity that has driven some excellent artwork this half term. 


Year 8 


Mrs Massoudi has nominated Amy S 8CX, Bella P and Fern M 8MX, Mariam E, Katelyn L, Maisy R, Grace H, Ava W and Rosa F 8EX, Alice C, Emma M, Matilda D, Izzie M, Aliyah R and Quinn H 8PX for always being polite, on time and always working hard and contributing to lessons, Mrs Segovia has nominated Freya A and Liyaana A 8CY for being exceptionally disciplined in Spanish and  Isabella F d F 8CY for being courageous in Spanish and Sarah B and Ella H 8PY for being very determined in Spanish and Millie D 8PY for being courageous in Spanish and Ms Wiggins has nominated Khadija A I and Melissa N 8PX, Katelyn L, Shanaya K and Rebecca D 8EX, Sienna M and Rosie H 8EY for their sheer hard work, passion and maturity that has driven some excellent artwork this half term. 


Year 9 


Ms Wiggins has nominated Poppy M 9EY, Phoebe C 9CX and Madeline A 9EX for outstanding independent work on surrealist techniques, Mrs Massoudi  has nominated Matilda S F 9CX, Alicia H 9PX, Jenna H and Rosie M 9EX, Ms Newman has nominated Zulkaif H 9MX for being kind and encouraging to others during our revision lesson, Alannah R 9PX for always trying in French, even when she is unsure, Tiana W 9PX for being a kind buddy to the Taiwanese visitors and for making a phenomenal effort to catch up in French, which she had not studied previously, Phoebe D 9MX for her hard work in French this year so far, Izzy M 9MX  for her hard work in French this year so far, Izzy J 9MX for her hard work in French this year so far, Tanya C 9MX for her strong assessment results, despite joining Rosebery recently, Ellie H 9PX for her hard work, which was evident in her recent assessment and Sophia S 9PX for her hard work, which was evident in her recent assessment and Mrs Hatfield-Giraux has nominated Mabel H 9MY, Izzy J 9MX, Yasmin N 9CX, Tilly S 9CY, Hannah T 9CX for their impressive research methods assessment result and Mr Chamberlain has nominated Aaliyah-Zaina R, Billie Y, Ella S, Mariana R, Molly M, Poppy M, Rose C, Rosie W, Sania J and Akshita T 9EY for their excellent homework on the Battle of Britain and Mrs Segovia has nominated Teagan W 9PY for being determined in Spanish and Aliya H M and Lottie S 9MY for being disciplined in Spanish. 


Year 10 

Mr Hiller has nominated Meg B 10CX and Rowan W 10MX for absolutely smashing the very challenging stretch questions in Chemistry and Abi S 10EX for showing determination and resilience in Chemistry, Ms Newman has nominated Ruby T 10CX for being diligent in her work and always being willing to contribute, Betsy S 10EX  for putting in a good effort to improve her work, Eloise B G and Emma R 10CX  for her hard work in French this year and Serina S 10CX for being diligent and reflective in French, Mrs Segovia has nominated Isla D 10CY, Keira E and Olivia F 10PY for being disciplined in Spanish and Mrs Massoudi has nominated Zara Q 10EX and Eliza S 10PY for always being polite, on time, for always working hard and contributing to lessons. 

Year 11 


Mrs Burge has nominated Jess T 11PX, Aleksandra N 11CX, Riya C 11MX, Rose P and Abby K 11PY for their determination to succeed in answering  9-mark questions in Geography, Mrs Blake has nominated Lucy F and Bella W 11MX, Ellie Z and Kritika S 11EX, Caitlyn M-B, Ella M and Libby C 11PX who are giving their all to every single English lesson and to their revision at the moment, Miss Fletcher has nominated Lilia S 11MY for her improved effort in Sociology and showing determination to master her knowledge of key concepts and Evie A 11EY for being very disciplined in her approach to improve her sociological knowledge and application to exam questions.  Evie has drafted a number of answers in her own time and has sought feedback, which shows excellent determination. Mrs Hatfield-Giraux has nominated Lily C 11PX and Jade K 11CY for their improved effort in Sociology and striving to tackle the more challenging tasks in lessons and Rhea C 11CY, Elisa K 11EY, Swami M 11MX, Emma K and Anna S 11PY for their quiet determination to do well in Sociology and for always giving 100% effort in lessons and Mr Boreham has nominated Isabel B and Jessie P 11EX, Amy B, Olivia E and Lina P 11MY, Libby C, Amy H, Ella M and Inaayah S 11PX,  Emma K and Lola B T 11PY, Hannah C, Saffiyah O, Gia I and Matilda T 11MX, Shirel S and Roxy D, 11CX and Zara X 11CY for their continued hard work, practice and determination to improve. Mr Chamberlain has nominated Maia Y 11CY, Camille C 11EX, Matilda T 11MX, Elena E and Jessica R 11EY for their superb work on the Wall Street Crash and Lily Rose L 11CY for the big improvement in her effort and grades seen in her recent homework and Miss Keoshgerian has nominated Abi Y 11MY, Tiara M, Abby K and Seema S 11PY for their excellent commitment in completing English revision and homework, Mrs Segovia has nominated Abi Y and Elsie M 11MY for being determined in Spanish and Ms Wiggins has nominated Isla M 11EY, Willow G 11CX, Caitlin M, Camille C, Ellie Z and Laura R 11EX for the superb start they have made to the Externally Set Assignment, showing commitment and ambition.  


Sixth Form 


Mrs Miller has nominated Ilana A 13D, Edith P and Ysabel C 13B for their achievements in the extremely challenging National Physics Olympiad in which they were all awarded medals! Mrs Hatfield-Giraux has nominated Kate B 12C for her determination in Sociology and for upskilling her exam question answers, Mrs Carnegie has nominated Issy D 13E for a significantly improved essay on the links between religion and morality and Mr Boreham has nominated Scarlett T 13B for her continual determination, hard work and perseverance in the face of adversity and Kate B 12C and Lexie D 12D for being so reflective and demonstrating a willingness to improve.