2 February 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers

This half term has raced by, and it is difficult to believe we only have a week left until half term. As ever this week has been exceptionally busy with trips to Poetry Live for Year 11, the Intermediate Maths Challenge, the Mock Trial competition, Year 7 Parents’ Evening, Year 11 pathway interviews, before and after school intervention, county and district netball tournaments, and the arrival of 25 Taiwanese guests who are sharing lessons with their buddies whilst also experiencing English history and culture for the first time.  

I have the privilege of having an office opposite the Hall and it has been a delight to see and hear an excerpt of Sister Act performed brilliantly by the cast to each year group in assembly. They are rehearsing day, night, and at the weekend, and I urge you to take a look at their trailer for the show which you will find below, and to buy tickets for next week’s performance whilst there are still some left. We are very proud of the cast of over 130 students who are working so hard and sincere thanks to Mrs Dever, Mr Holloway, Miss McCall, Mrs Mariner, Mrs House-Lee, Mr Waight and Miss Elms, for putting so much time and effort into these rehearsals. It promises to be a great show! 

Sister Act: The Musical - TRAILER.mp4

It was a pleasure to welcome governors to visit our school on Wednesday morning. They visited tutor time and lessons, met senior and middle leaders, and staff who lead the Hive and Rosebery Respite, and they toured the school with our impressive senior prefect team. They very much enjoyed seeing the school in action and we were able to bring to life so many of the things that we discuss in our frequent meetings. We do have a vacancy for another member of our School Standards Board. At present we are at our quota for parent representatives, but if you know of anyone from the local community who would like to get involved, who is not a parent of a Rosebery student, please encourage them to get in touch with our Clerk to the governors,  Collette Mathias, You will find more information regarding the post later in this issue.

It was announced this week that the government intends to ban disposable vapes ‘as soon as possible’. Research suggests that up to 1 in 5 15-year-old girls vape regularly, and the number of children vaping has tripled in the last three years. This is not a harmless activity; vapes contain solvents, heavy metals and nicotine, meaning that they can be detrimental to brain development and cause long term addiction and we welcome the government plans to make it more difficult for children to purchase them. We are making sure that the dangers of vaping are discussed in our PDC lessons and parents and carers may wish to refer to this summary from the National College when discussing this issue with your daughter. To view this summary, please go to the Hive section of this issue.

Ros Allen


TABLE OF CONTENTS - click to jump to an entry

Diary Dates - all dates subject to change

Week 2: w/c Monday 5 February

Monday 5 February - Friday 9 February

Taiwanese student visitors on site 

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 5

Monday 5 February

Sister Act: The Musical - rehearsal

Tuesday 6 February - Wednesday 7 February

SEND 'Emotional Regulation Strategies' Workshop

Sister Act: The Musical - tech/dress rehearsal - St Paul's Church, Howell Hill

Tuesday 6 February

DT NEA Workshop

Wednesday 7 February - Friday 9 February

Sister Act: The Musical - performances - St Paul's Church, Howell Hill

Wednesday 7 February

Y12 Gold Duke of Edinburgh Meeting

Thursday 8 February

Y11 Parental GCSE Preparation Evening

DT NEA Workshop

Friday 9 February

Y7 Movie Celebration Afternoon


Week 1: w/c Monday 19 February

Monday 19 February - Friday 23 February

Y7/8 Rolling Read - period 1

Y13 PPEs

Tuesday 20 February - Wednesday 21 February

Y11 Food Preparation & Nutrition NEA Days

Tuesday 20 February

Y10 Dry Ski Slope lessons, Sandown

Wednesday 21 February

LAMDA Showcase

Y10 Dry Ski Slope lessons, Sandown

Thursday 22 February

Y11 Trip to Southwark Cathedral, London

Head of Year Entries


It was such a joy to welcome many of you on-site for our Parents' Evening on Thursday evening. The opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about your child's progress and development was invaluable, and we hope the evening provided an opportunity for all to celebrate the fantastic start our students have made to their journey here at Rosebery.

Looking ahead to next week, we are excited for our third celebration assembly of the year on Monday, which will allow us to further recognise the efforts and achievements of our Year 7s. The form with the most merits will be treated to a movie afternoon with Miss Linehan on Friday afternoon!

Ahead of our assembly on Monday we want to congratulate a group of Year 7 students who play for The Pearls (from Alexandra United FC), who won a football tournament last weekend. The team went through the whole tournament without conceding a single goal and a volley from Annabel P secured them the win - an incredible feat! We are so proud of you all. Well done to Annabel P 7EY, Sophie S 7PY, Phoebe N 7CX and Lara V 7PY!

A reminder that Friday 9 February is a non-uniform day and any donations can be made via ParentPay.


7CX: Amelie H - for showing maturity and growth in handling tasks.

7CY: MJ M - for her enthusiasm for our weekly numeracy activity.

7EX: Nicoleta D - for achieving the highest number of merits in form this week. Well done for getting involved in all the extra-curricular activities and achieving ‘Enrichment Superstar’ merits.

7EY: Olivia S - for always showing great resilience and courage.

7MX: Clara T - for your integrity and politeness.

7MY: Daisy C, Skylar C and Ciara C - for their hard work and determination with rehearsals in preparation for Sister Act.

7PX: Beth G - for embracing all the new challenges of Year 7 with a smile.

7PY: Bella S - for showing kindness to others.

Miss Canessa - Head of Year 7

Miss Linehan - Deputy Head of Year 7

For all things Year 7, please check out our

Instagram: @roseberyyear7 

Year 7 Website


One of my favourite parts of each week is going onto Bromcom at the end of the week and seeing just how many merits Year 8 have accrued for such a plethora of wonderful reasons. This week is no different, and I’m so pleased that Year 8 are the highest merit-achieving year group this week, continuing a trend from the past few weeks. I am so pleased to see those being awarded for showing aspects of ambition, integrity and motivation that we value so much as a year group.

It’s no surprise to me that Year 8 are excelling when I’ve already seen such lovely and thoughtful engagement in lessons and form times this week. In form time, we had some critical discussions surrounding vaping and whether companies should be penalised for having appealing marketing to young people. Year 8 spoke so considerately and precisely about this and it’s a real joy to hear they’re engaging with topical issues so seriously.

Finally, we were lucky enough to have the cast of the upcoming Sister Act performance come and perform one of the many numbers we can expect next week in their final performances. Not only was it such an energetic, fun and exciting snippet to watch, but it was also such a joy to see the amount of Year 8 students that are involved in the production. I’m so excited to see the final product next week - I’ll be in the crowd cheering on Year 8 on their closing night!


8CX: Mia C - for being such a welcoming, and enthusiastic support for her Taiwanese buddy.

8CY: Marisol F - for her great effort this week in her lessons and always showing kindness to others.

8EX: Sophie-Anne B - for showing great confidence when sharing with the form an overview of a Harry Potter show.

8EY: Sienna M and Elodie T - for their excellent contributions to the form discussion on vaping.

8MX: Italia D - for her commitment to excellent attendance, impeccable uniform and consistently giving her best effort in all lessons. Great job Italia!

8MY: Megan H - for excellent and thoughtful contributions to form discussions this week.

8PX: Emma E - for being an amazing Rosebery role model to her Taiwanese buddy.

8PY: Zayna A - for being a lovely buddy to our international students!

Mr Pingree - Head of Year 8

Miss Morris - Deputy Head of Year 8


Year 9 have really stepped up this week following the launch of our Brave Award last week, totalling 196 courageous merits being awarded to our wonderful students. This is just a small section of the 985 merits that have been awarded this week in total.

Congratulations to Vivi H 9PY and Mabel H 9MY who have received the Brave Awards so far. It was a joy to have been part of the Sister Act cast coming into our assembly this week to share a snippet of the show. This was a true example of some of our Year 9 students and others across the whole school being brave and pushing themselves out of their comfort zones a little.

As we draw closer to half term, can you ensure that over the break, pencil cases are checked at home as we are aware many Year 9s are not bringing them to school and are therefore not equipped with what they need in lessons.

Finally, we are really excited to be taking some students to the Harry Potter Studios for a workshop and tour in April. A letter has been sent out separately with all the information, so please make sure you look at this and sign your child up if they are wanting to take part.


9CX: Phoebe C - for her excellent efforts with Sparx Maths.

9CY: Candace S - for her amazing effort on Sparx Maths.

9EX: Amischa R - for achieving a high number of merits so far this term!

9EY: Billie Y - for her fantastic effort in English.

9MX: Tania C - for her excellent support of a new student in our tutor group.

9MY: Chloe Y - for her excellent effort in helping peers to write an email.

9PX: Sindy N - for identifying the South Korean flag in the quiz and then making an excellent replica of the flag out of playdough.

9PY: Darin A - for always being so friendly and for being a great buddy to our Taiwanese visitors.

Mr Waight - Head of Year 9

Miss Fielding - Deputy Head of Year 9


We are always proud of Year 10, but this week the students have truly outdone themselves. During their visit on Wednesday, the governors were highly complimentary about the work they saw being produced by Year 10 and the way the students conducted themselves. This is in addition to the many extra activities in which Year 10 have participated, and which we would like to share here:

The cast of Sister Act have been working incredibly hard to make this show come to life, including rehearsals after school and at the weekends. Each day this week, some of the cast also performed in assembly, and a special mention goes to Eloise B-G 10CX, Jess K 10MX and Rosie R 10PY for their excellent performances.

On Wednesday this week, several students represented the school by participating in the Bar Mock Trial competition, where they argued a case with great skill. Congratulations to (and maybe, beware of arguing with): Iris A 10CX, Megan G 10EY, Isabella G 10MY, Diana J 10PY, Ayushi S 10MY, Lucy S 10EY, Sushritha T 10PX, Sresta T 10EX, Yashita S 10EY, Fatima R 10EY and Alice S 10EY. This was followed on Thursday by 35 students taking part in the Intermediate Maths Challenge, a brilliant testament to their hard work.

And finally, we have nearly 80% of Year 10 already logged into Unifrog and ready to begin planning their work experience!

Individual mentions this week go to Layla G 10MX, who has become an accredited football coach and has been celebrated as part of the coaching staff for Epsom and Ewell Colts U9s. In addition, special mention to Emily C 10MX, who played the role of Dangerous Dan in the pantomime of ‘Babes in the Wood’ and, in the words of one audience member, ‘stole the show with her comic timing and water gun!’ For both of these students, this is in addition to maintaining a very busy schedule with activities in and out of school and we commend them both for their dedication and success.


10CX: Ela A, Gianna CDS and Mia H - for being super helpful with Mrs Garner in setting up the technology for tutor time and being so friendly and approachable all the time!

10CY: Poppy B - for achieving her 75 merits tutor certificate this week! Well done!

10EX: Sresta T - for taking part in the Bar Mock Trial competition.

10EY: Lois D and Olivia B – for their hard work in rehearsals for Sister Act.

10MX: Hannah E - for achieving a top number of merits in the form last week and for having such a positive approach to tutor time and lessons.

10MY: Stephanie L - for receiving nearly 20 merits in a single week.

10PX: Kitty Y – For acting with integrity since September as she hasn't had a single demerit!

10PY: Amy H - For successfully establishing the Christian Society; and Elena D - for having a maths merit bonanza last week!

Ms Newman - Head of Year 10

Mr Hewett - Deputy Head of Year 10


It has been a brilliant week for Year 11, who have really pushed themselves in their lessons and preparations for their last round of mocks. This week in form time students have had the opportunity to complete a revision timetable that we hope will enable them to use their time more effectively, leading up to their mocks. Each Tuesday, in form time, we will be looking at different revision strategies and exam skills to ensure students are set up for both their mocks and Summer exams. It has been lovely having the Year 11 pathway interviews to see how each student is getting on, as well as their plans for next year. As we have discussed before, it is essential to have a goal to drive students over the finish line for Year 11.

In assembly this week, we had representatives from NCS come in to inform students about the voluntary personal and social development programme that usually takes place over the summer holiday. It is a great opportunity to enhance their skills and meet new people, if students have any further questions, they should go onto our Year 11 Google Classroom, where all the resources have been shared by NCS.

Furthermore, around 50 Year 11 students attended Poetry Live on Wednesday. The English Department wanted to say how proud they are of the Rosebery students who accompanied them on the trip. They even had front row seats and managed to ask the poets some perceptive questions. Well done Year 11 for your engagement - it was a joy!


11CX: Emily W - for supporting her peers with their revision.

11CY: Amaya T - for being a consistent superstar.

11EX: Emma G - for embodying the Rosebery Way.

11EY: Phoebe S - for her determination and hard work.

11MX: Matilda T - for great attendance, consistent effort and great improvement in French.

11MY: Lina P - for her organisation and planning for revision and independent study sessions.

11PX: Sheenaz N - for her dedication to revision and consistent approach she is taking to school, exams and intervention.

11PY: Tiara M - for excellent attendance, zero demerits and great determination in lessons.

John Agard speaking at Poetry Live

Miss Foster - Head of Year 11

Ms Godwin - Deputy Head of Year 11

Student News

Swimming Gala Success

Congratulations to Caitlan H 9MX, Erica F 8CX, Naomi F 7CX and Rebecca D 9MY, who competed in a swimming gala in Woking last December. Between them, the girls managed to collect 4 gold medals, 3 silver medals, 4 bronze medals and 2 reindeer awards (heat winners). Well done girls!

Guildford Spectrum Swimming Competition

Rosebery girls took part in a swimming competition at Guildford Spectrum on Saturday afternoon and represented the school fantastically. A big thank you to the girls' mums who volunteered at the event and organised the girls into their races. Here are a few photos of the event. A special congratulations goes to Freya B who got a bronze medal in the intermediate 100m freestyle. 

Sister Act: The Musical

Our production of Sister Act: The Musical will be taking place in February and tickets are now on sale! Over 100 students are involved in the show and preparations are well under way to bring you an evening of uplifting songs, entertaining characters and a host of dancing nuns!

Please come and show your support for the students who are working so hard to create a show to remember. Tickets are available for anyone to purchase, so please do share the ticket link with people in the wider community who would like to come along! The performances will take place at St Paul's Church, Cheam (a modern, comfortable venue with plenty of space for audience and performers alike)!

The PSA will be selling refreshments before the show and during the interval so you will also be helping to raise valuable funds for the school. Please click HERE for ticket information and bookings. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Mrs Dever - Head of Drama

Spring Term Extracurricular Timetables

Please find our Spring Term Extra-curricular Timetables linked HERE.

The Career Quiz

Please click HERE to find out more information about the InvestIN Career Quiz, which will help to equip students with relevant and insightful resources to navigate their futures with confidence.

Mrs Keaveney - Student Careers, Guidance and Health Mentor

Rolling Read Programme

The Rolling Read continues on Monday 5 February for Years 7 & 8 only. Students will have 15 minutes at the start of every period 5 lesson next week to read their own book for pleasure. 

Thank you for your support!

Miss Hoban - English Teacher & Literacy Lead

Rosebery PSA

Help needed

Can you spare an hour or two to help us serve refreshments at school events? We need more help at the Drama productions on 8 and 9 February. To sign up and see the full list of dates, please click HERE.

Match Funding

Huge thanks to the kind parents who have arranged match funding/donations to the PSA through their employers. If you think your employer can help us, please do get in touch at .

PSA Mufti-Day

Our next Mufti-Day will take place on Friday 9 February 2024. £2 donations can be made via ParentPay. All money raised will go towards making school improvements.

Work with Us - School Standards Board (SSB)

We are looking for a community member to join our School Standards Board (SSB). We are looking for committed individuals from the local community, and from all walks of life and backgrounds, who can share their viewpoints, experience, expertise, skills and fresh ideas to enhance the opportunities for our children and families within the community. 

Click HERE for more information.

Follow Rosebery on Instagram

You can follow us on our Instagram page (@roseberyschool) for updates on events, opportunities and more at Rosebery. 


On Friday 26 January, a group of Year 11 GCSE musicians and one A Level musician returned to the Yehudi Menuhin School for their second visit. Our students took their “mostly-finished-but-not-quite” compositions with them and each had 20 minutes listening to Yehudi students play their pieces for the first time, bringing them to life. The Yehudi staff gave our students lots of valuable feedback as to how to improve their pieces, add more contrast, which techniques would work well for string instruments, etc. A special thanks goes to Jasmine L 7EY, who came with us and played her French horn beautifully in order to help one of our student’s compositions.

We will return to the school on Tuesday 19 March for our final visit, which will be a recording session where our students will be able to hear their final pieces and will get a professional recording of their work. Well done to the Year 11 GCSE musicians for all their hard work so far.

Mr Holloway - Head of Music


KS4 National Schools Squash Competition

The Rosebery squash team travelled to Epsom College on Tuesday afternoon to compete in the second round of the KS4 National Schools Squash Competition. The girls were nervous going into the competition as they knew Epsom College had some very strong national players. The other two schools in our pool were Benenden School (who we had played previously, so felt quietly confident) and Downe House School who we had no prior knowledge of. Our first game was against Downe House School, and the girls felt like it was a must-win match, knowing how strong Epsom would be.

Hazel P 8EX and India S 7CX started their games first and they were very competitive. Hazel put up a good fight but was beaten in both games. India started very confidently and stuck to her game plan, convincingly winning both her games 11-6 and 11-7. Jessie P 11EX put up a good fight against her opponent but lost out in both her games. Imi W 11CY and Maja L 11EX played their respective ranked players and had superb matches! Maja had an 11-1 win and then a bagel with a score of 11-0! Imi did equally well with wins of 11-2 and 11-1. Overall, we managed to beat Downe House School 3-2, with a bonus 5 points for winning the fixture. 

The girls then played against Epsom College and, just as they predicted, it was tough! Their top two seeded players were phenomenal and they had a very strong squad overall. The games were tough, yet our girls did not give up easily. They played hard until the end and India did extremely well and actually beat her opponent 11-4 in both games. India is in Year 7 and is playing in a KS4 tournament, so to come away with these wins is something she should be very proud of!

Our final round of games was against Benenden School, and we knew we had to win this to finish in the top two. Going into the last game we had won two matches and lost two, so it was a must-win for Imi (who realised the pressure was on)! Everyone was watching as it was the final match and the outcome was so important. Imi handled this pressure so well and controlled the game from the start. It was a much easier game than we had all predicted, with Imi winning both games 11-1 and 11-4 - well done Imi!

The girls finished second in the pool, which is an amazing result! This means that Rosebery are in the top eight squash teams in the country which is truly amazing. I have loved seeing how passionate these girls are about squash and how encouraging they are in their coaching and feedback towards each other. This result should put us in the Championship Finals in March, but we are still awaiting confirmation of all the details.

Well done girls for such a fantastic day.

Mrs Hart-McKee - PE Teacher

Year 8 Football

What a fantastic performance from the Year 8 Football team last week, where students attended a tournament hosted by Epsom & Ewell School. The girls were incredibly determined throughout their 5 games, with the majority of time spent in possession of the ball and on the front foot. The team were unbeaten with 3 wins and a draw. A big well done must go to Isabelle L 8PX, who kept any ball from making it to the back of the goal. Francesca B 8MY also got a number of goals to her name along with Matilda D 8PX, Niamh P 8CY and Rhianna S 8MX

However, my Player of the Tournament goes to Amelia M 8CY for her strength in the back row and her confidence when dropping forward to support with attacking play.

Miss Croft - Head of PE

Year 8 & Year 11 Netball - Rosebery Vs Howard of Effingham

Year 8

Last Tuesday, Year 8 traveled to Howard of Effingham School to play netball. I was so proud of their excellent defence and determination. The cheers from their team mates and the supportive attitude of their peers made the game even more pleasant to watch. Sadly, the overall score was 23-5, and the Player of the Match went to Rhianna S 8MX. We have loved watching this team develop over the year, and we are excited to see what the remainder of the season holds.

Year 11

On Tuesday, we also took our Year 11 netball team to Howard of Effingham School! The Year 11s showed a great deal of courage and excitement as they took to the court to play in a fast-paced, great quality game of netball. Unfortunately, the team lost 19-23, but the standard of play from both sides was phenomenal. We are so proud that netball remains an outlet for our Year 11s as revision for their upcoming exams begins to pick up. The Player of the Match went to Maisie D 11CY.

House Games

It has been an absolute joy to watch Years 7, 8 and 9 collaborating and demonstrating great sportsmanship, with some competitive house spirit and teams giving it their all. Our students demonstrated great integrity throughout, making sure everyone was included and had the opportunity to play in their preferred position with determination and resilience. 

The games kicked off on Monday, with Year 9 showcasing their talent, skills and teamwork, with the girls passing the ball with precision as well as making some amazing shots. The scores were close throughout, adding to the suspense. All the teams fought hard and made some impressive comebacks. 

On Tuesday, it was Year 8's turn and the team spirit was second to none. Every single student was smiling, having fun and being kind to one another! The competition was tight throughout, with all our teams playing for victory. The players on the court were fantastic (and so were the students supporting from the side lines) - the atmosphere was certainly exciting. Well done Year 8.

Finally on Thursday, we ran some joint Year 7 House Games of netball and football, due to the rain calling it off last term. It was lovely to see every single Year 7 taking part in an afternoon of sport. 

House Games - Year 7 Netball

It was so impressive to see how Year 7 students worked together with such kindness and teamwork. They communicated well on the court, made quick passes and set up some fantastic scoring opportunities. As the games went on, the scores were getting closer and closer and the excitement was unbearable. Students cheered and celebrated as a team. Every single Year 7 should be proud of their efforts.

House Games - Year 7 Football

What an amazingly competitive football House Games for Year 7. All teams were excited and ready to showcase their talents. The dribbling, passing and shooting was so impressive. There were lots of moments of joy, cheering and supportive sportsmanship. The quality of the games was fantastic. All our players did some amazing goal-stopping tackles, and their agility and ability to dribble around defenders was fantastic. Well done Year 7 footballers, you were amazing. 

Year 8 - District Netball

Last Thursday, we took two Year 8 teams to our annual District Netball competition at St Teresa's, Effingham. Despite the wind and cold weather, both teams gave it their all. The teams played 5 matches each against other local schools, which were all very intense! The girls faced some tough opponents but they didn't back down. There was some lovely shooting from Millie D 8PY, Fearne L 8EX, India R 8CY, Katie S 8CY and Grace D 8CY. Well done to everyone who took part and I look forward to seeing you all progress in your future matches and in training.  

Miss Elms - PE Teacher



Year 7: Lily S 7CY

Year 8: Izzie M 8PX

Year 9: Tiana W 9PX

Year 10: Emily A 10EX

Year 11: Cara H 11E


Sara V 10EX and Lauren L 11CY 

Miss Watson - Maths Teacher 

The Hive

Young People, Big Voices

Please click HERE to view a flyer with information about a Wellbeing Festival, run by Mindworks Surrey for young people and families. 

Free courses for parents and carers

Surrey Family Learning offer free courses and workshops to help you create a better family life. Please click HERE to view their flyer for more information. 

Dangers of Vaping

The National College have produced a useful guide (click HERE to view) for parents and carers on the dangers of vaping.

Mrs Jenns - Hive Manager

External Clubs

Motion Dance

Rosebery Street Dance classes from Motion Dance take place on Wednesdays from 3.10pm to 4.10pm in the Sports Hall Dance Studio. All students are welcome and we hope to see lots of you there!

To book your free trial, please click HERE.

Executive Headteacher Commendations

I am delighted to recognise the achievements of the nominated students below:  

Mock Trial Competition 

Miss Allen has nominated the following students for their outstanding efforts in the Young Citizens Bar Mock Trial Competition today; they were highly impressive and articulate in making their cases today: Melody M 12A, Noreen I 12E, Jasmine K 11PX, Iris A 10CX, Sresta T 10EX, Diana J and Sushritha T 10PY, Isabella G and Ayushi S 10MY, Megan G, Fatima R, Lucy S, Yashita S, Alice S and Isabella G 10EY


Year 7 

Miss McCall has nominated Isla L 7MY for demonstrating great kindness and Morgan W 7MY for always challenging herself in Music lessons, Mr Holloway has nominated Jasmine L 7EY for coming to the Yehudi Menuhin School to play and helping a Year 11 student with her composition, Miss Elms has nominated the following students for their efforts at the Indoor Athletics event last night. These students were extremely brave, courageous and determined in their events. They also had lovely manners in thanking staff who organised the event: Amelia R and Saanvi M 7EY, Polly H and Machaela L 7EX, Sofia L 7MX, Izzy C, Mimi B and Lucy C 7MY, Mrs Saber has nominated following students on maintaining an excellent effort and standard of work in Geography Isla C, Poppy D, Elise M, Eva P and Dulcie S 7EX and Hana A, Sophie B, Sophia F, Iona H, Jasmine L, Sophia P, Lauren R, Amelia R and Chloe R 7EY and Miss Elms has nominated Naomi F 7CX for achieving 1x Gold and 1x Bronze medal and for her hard work competing in the Woking Swimming Gala. Well done!  


Year 8 

Miss Canessa has nominated the following students for always doing the right thing without fail. They arrive to every lesson ready to learn, are inquisitive, polite and incredibly hard working: Rosie E, Francesca B and Aoife C 8MY, Miss McCall has nominated Rosie C 8PY for rehearsing diligently for her solo performance in and out of lessons and Mr Caines has nominated Olivia L, Eva L and Maya K 8EY for consistently working as hard as they can, Miss Baker has nominated Cleide M 8MX, Ophelia G 8CY, Ruby D 8PY, Maisie B 8EY, Bethany C, Sienna L and Sofja P 8CX for always demonstrating integrity in their Maths classes and Miss Elms has nominated Erica F 8CX for achieving 1x Gold and 1x Silver  Bonze and for her hard work competing in the Woking Swimming Gala. Well done!  


Year 9 

Miss McCall has nominated Lucy S, Rosie W, Daisy H, Aaliyah-Zaina R and Ella S 9EY for consistently demonstrating such integrity both in and out of form time, Mr Lowde has nominated Nia D and Mia H-E 9MY, Hailey C and Lucy S 9EY for consistently working hard and engaging with Physics lessons, always completing work to the best of their ability. Miss Robbins has nominated Emily F 9MX for working incredibly hard on a very powerful speech about neurodiversity in English and Sindy N 9PX for her determination in English and her hard work this week during the 200 word challenge and Miss Elms has nominated both Rebecca D 9MY and Caitlan H 9MX for achieving 2x Gold, 2x Silver and 3x Bronze and for their hard work competing in the Woking Swimming Gala.  Well done! 


Year 10 

Miss McCall has nominated Nina K 10PX for rehearsing diligently for her ensemble performance and Lili W 10CX for her kindness in helping another student with their ensemble performance, Mrs Goatham  has nominated Amy H and Mia L 10PY, Georgina M 10MY, Jess B 10CY, Lucy S and Isabella G 10EY for their diligence and determination in Spanish this term, Miss Reilly has nominated Grace B and Alice S 10MX, Kristy G 10EY, Amy F 10PX, Lilia H and Tilly H 10EX for their excellent independent work in preparation for their assessments and for always being polite, focused and engaged in their Maths lessons, Mrs Dever has nominated Imogen R 10EY, Georgia P 10CX, Ida S 10MY and Emily C 10MX for always showing integrity, working hard, and consistently contributing to lessons and Rosie R 10PY, Betsy S 10EX, Iona P and Issy G 10MY for creating a hugely impactful and powerful scene as part of their devised drama - it blew me away! Mrs Browne has nominated Lilia H 10EX for striving for excellence in Chemistry this half term and Eliza S 10PY for her excellent improvement in effort in Chemistry this half term and Miss Canessa has nominated Niamh K 10PY, Tilly H 10EX and Eloise B G 10CX for always doing the right thing without fail. They arrive to every lesson ready to learn, are inquisitive, polite and incredibly hard working.   


Year 11 

Mr Caines has nominated Lucy F 11MX for her excellent insight and application of knowledge in Physics, Mrs Browne has nominated Lauren D 11CX, Lily C and Diandra N 11PX for their fantastic effort in Chemistry and Mr Chamberlain has nominated Holly S and Evie A 11EY, Camille C 11EX, Nancy G 11PX, Ella J 11MX, Abi Y 11MY, Maia Y 11CY, Daisy M, Mubeen B and Seema S 11PY for their excellent independent work on exam questions and Nancy L T 11MY for the initiative and determination she has shown in her work.  


Sixth Form 

Mr Sharp has nominated Sophie K 13D, Becca J 13E and Alexandra M G 13C for their outstanding effort and determination in lesson and Mrs Royall has nominated the following for their consistently excellent effort on their integration homeworks: Nicole H and Ysabel C 13B, Ilana A 13D, Alana S and Jessica W 13A.