Classroom Materials & Procedures


  • Three-ring binder (at least 1-2 inches)
  • Lined Paper and Graph Paper
  • 4 binder dividers for notes, drills/labs, assessments, and lined/graph paper
  • Spiral bound notebook labeled "HOMEWORK"
  • Full name in Sharpie marker on the front of your binder and notebook (so I can return it to you)
  • Graphing Calculator TI-84 with full name on it (Algebra I-8-Required; Pre-Algebra- Highly Recommended)
  • Pencil case with #2 pencils and erasers (continue to get the items throughout the year as they tend to disappear!)
  • Small pencil sharpener

Homework Policy:

  • Homework is to be completed the night it is assigned. The purpose for homework is for you to practice what we learned in class that day.
  • If you forget your homework, you may earn half credit on the assignment by coming Period 9 to complete the homework the same day you forgot it.
  • If you are absent from class, log on to MathXL/Google Classroom to find the homework you missed. All homework will be posted for you to print, if necessary.
  • If you are having trouble with your homework, please come see me after school period 9 in room 301.

Grading Policy:

Grades are based on the Total Points Method. To find your average, add all points earned and divide by the total possible points.

  • Homework - Please write down each question and then your response, with the exception of word problems.

(5 points) completed assignment making sure you tried every problem and wrote down which problems you had difficulty with.

(4 points) completed assignment but missing some work shown.

(3 points) missing some problems

(0 points) not completed

  • MathXL Homework - Please write down each question and then your response, with the exception of word problems.
  • Graded Classwork - (Open Notebook Assessment)

(20 points) given prior to a quiz to help you recognize the concepts you fully understand and need more assistance with

  • Quizzes -

(30-80 points) given approximately half way and at the end of a unit

  • Projects -

(50-100 points) given once a marking period

  • Quarterly Tests -

(100 points) given at the end of each marking period on the units covered in that marking period

If you are absent the day of a review, you have one day to make-up the missed test during period 9. If you were present for the review, but absent for the test you are responsible to make-up the test the day you return to class period 9. All assignments or assessments completed the day you were absent can be obtained in room 301 at the end of the day period 9.

Discipline Policy:

  • All guidelines listed in the handbook are enforced in our classroom.
  • Including NO cell phones or iPods
  • Consequences include:

1st offense - warning

2nd offense - see you period 9 for a teacher detention

3rd offense - administration and parents are contacted