Mentor TOOLS

This page has tools and resources to support Mentors in their practice.  Tools work best when downloaded as a Microsoft Word file (or Microsoft Excel for Scripting).  If you open the document with Google Docs or Sheets, select "Make a Copy" under "File" to edit the document.


Candidate Feedback Tool.pdf


Mentors use this tool to guide their midyear conversation with their Candidate.

Candidate Feedback Tool.mp4

candidate feedback tutorial

observation tools



This is the traditional CAL tool, with opportunities to share what is working as well as challenges and next steps. 

Classroom Environment Observation.docx

class environment

This observation tool is intended to support classroom observations related to CSTP 1 an/or CSTP 2.

CSTP Observation Tool


This tool can support mentors when observing CSTP specific practices. Once you open, select File then Make a Copy.  Save it to your Drive. 

Observation Guide.docx

Observation guide

This observation tool was for Mentors to record teacher and student interaction as well as feedback on celebrations and missed opportunities.

Observation Guide - SPED.docx

Observation guide - SPED

This observation tool was developed for Education Specialists, with opportunities to observe the interaction of the teacher, students, and paraprofessionals.



This tool can be used as a guide for mentor-teacher conversations after an observation.



This tool can be used as a guide for mentor-teacher conversations prior to an observation.



This tool can be used as a guide for mentor-teacher conversations prior to an observation.

Scripting Tool.xlsx


This tool can support mentors when scripting a teacher observation.

Scripting with Time Stamp

scripting with TIME STAMP

This tool can support mentors when scripting a teacher observation. Once you open, select File then Make a Copy.  Save it to your Drive. 

Do not type in Column B. This is automated once you hit enter in Column C or D.


Planning Guide.docx

AGENDA planning guide

This tool can support mentors in planning the agenda for their collaborative meetings with their candidate.

Lesson Plan Design.docx

lesson plan design

This tool can be used to support teachers with lesson planning.

Collaboration Guide Weekly 2023.pdf

MEETING planning guide - weekly

This sample is intended as a guide to support Mentors with long term planning.  *Collaboration is based on candidate need.

CSTP Question Guide.pdf

Question GUIDE - CSTP

This question guide can be used to support Candidates in narrowing their focus when completing the Continuum of Teaching Practice.

3-2-1 Worksheet.docx

3-2-1 Worksheet

This tool can be used for guided problem solving.