Graduate Units

Foothill Consortium has a Memorandum of Understanding with The University of La Verne and Whittier College to provide our Candidates with opportunities to earn graduate level credits for successfully completing induction with no additional work required.

To apply for units, a Verification of Completion is required.  These are sent to Candidates at the end of May.

Put Your Induction Program to Work Flyer.pdf


Candidates may earn up to 12 graduate level units when successfully completing induction (6 units per year).  The above attachment provides information on how to apply for these units. 

Note:  You must have completed Induction with our program within the last 5 years to participate.

Whittier College Induction Program for Teachers Registration Information Rev Feb 19, 2024_lb.pdf


Candidates may earn up to 12 graduate level units when successfully completing induction (6 units per year).  The above attachment provides information on how to apply for these units. 

Note:  You must have completed Induction with our program within the last 5 years to participate.

Whittier College Masters Info.pdf

information for whittier masters

Whittier College provides a Master of Arts in Education, and participation in induction may be used as coursework.  The above attachment provides more information on this process.

Need Additional Continuing Education Units?

Grand Canyon University offers Continuing Education Units, for as little as $150 for a one unit course.  Contact your Human Resources Credential Analyst to verify if these units can be used towards salary advancement.

Click Here for information.

How do I know if my district accepts Continuing Education Units?

Every district has unique policies on what units qualify for consideration on salary advancement.  It's important that you check with your district's Credential Analyst prior to purchasing units.  Below are guidelines from our Member Districts*

*Information above was provided as of 11/20/2024