Cybersmart Term 3

Our challenge is to comment on our buddy class or individual blog every week this term. When you leave a comment on a class or learner blog submit your comment here so we can tally them up for the term.

Week 7: We are learning how to record, save and share a screencast

To help us learn the skills we will record ourselves reading a text we have prepared earlier.

This will help us focus on using our device and the screencast app confidently.

When we are reading our text we need to think about:

Notice exclamation marks, question marks and keywords e.g. 

How to Embed a Video in Edublogs.mp4
Screencast: Recording Your Screen

Practise recording your screen 

When you are ready to share embed your screencast on your blog.

Week 6: We are learning how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.

We are learning how to respond to comments on our blog. 

When someone leaves a comment on our blog we need to think about how we respond and the elements of a quality blog comment.

Instructions: One group member make a copy of this Jamboard and share with your group. Move it to your Cybersmart Folder  

Explore the blog comments and replies and identify elements of a quality comment in the replies. 

Week 5: Learn, Create and Share on your blog. Leave a comment on a Room 6 Blog.

Matariki Picture with Google Drawings

Week 4: Writing a helpful comment and adding some more information.

Check your Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu buddy blog from Koputaroa School Kea Class first today.

Thoughtful Comments

Week 3: Writing a thoughtful comment and making a connection.

Cybersmart Quality Comments.jpeg
Helpful Comments

Week 2: Writing a blog comment using positive words

Blog Comments Positive Vocab

Your turn - Try the Cybersmart Challenge: Quality Blog Comments during the week and share on your blog.

Remember to submit links to any new comments.

Week 1: Sharing with our Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu Team