Mrs. Park's Kindergarten


Hello! My name is Sue Park and I'm really excited to be your child's Kindergarten teacher this year! I've been teaching for 15 years. I graduated my undergraduate and Master's Degree from The Ohio State University. Go Bucks! I absolutely love teaching and learning! I will love your children with all my heart and help them grow the best that they can, each and every day. Thank you for all of your kindness, understanding, and support! I am looking forward to a wonderful year together! I hope you love kindergarten as much as I do!

Contact Information:

Teacher: Mrs. Sue Park

School Phone: 614-759-5100

Daily Schedule:


Rocky's Report Announcements, Morning Work, Attendance, Lunch Count

Morning Meeting

Shared Reading

Reading Workshop


Interactive Writing

Writers' Workshop

Lunch 10:45

Recess 11:00-11:30

Quiet Time

Word Study: Fundations

Read Aloud

Related Arts


Math Workshop

Content: Social Skills, Science, Social Studies, Health

Clean up and Pack up


Our newsletter will feature more specific information about the learning in our classroom. It will be sent home at the beginning of every week in your child's binder or PRIDE folder.

Related Arts Schedules:

A Day - Phys. Ed. and Music 12:15-1:00

B Day - Library and Technology 12:15-1:00

C Day - Phys. Ed. and Music 12:15-1:00

D Day - Art 12:15-1:00

Here are some great websites to check out!