Secrets To Building Muscle

The truth is, physical appearance matters a lot to us. Otherwise, gyms wouldn't be packed as much as they are. All the fitness content available today would have no market. But that is not the case because we are all out here trying to learn how to get big and ripped.

And while muscle gaining is a struggle for most people, there are people who have it worse. You know who? The skinny guys; the ones who naturally looking scrawny who, no matter how much they eat and how much they work out. They make very little progress in their attempts to gain body weight and muscles.

If you are one of them, then that explains why you are here. Well, the good news is that I do have an answer for you on how you can successfully build your muscles & strength. The answer is Jason Ferrrugia's Muscle Gaining Secret 2.0 - 90-day skinny-to-jacked transformation plan and this is my honest review of the book.

Muslce Gaining Secrets 2.0 Review

90 Day Skinny To Jacked! Jason Ferruggia

In the ebook, Jason Ferruggia covers the main aspects of training to get bigger: heavy compound movements at low-moderate reps (5-8), explosive concentric phase, rest periods, periodization, training length, and frequency.

For beginners, he advocates focusing on the big 4 lifts: squat, bench press, overhead press, and deadlifts, for high frequency, will drive neural adaptations the fastest for beginners. Full body sessions are not as brutal to beginners as they lack the efficiency to recruit great amounts of motor units, and therefore is easy for them to recover from these sessions. Frequent exposures of the movements will also perfect their form.

As for intermediate and advanced lifters, he writes programs in a phasic rep structure. There are generally 3 phases, 8 rep phase, 5 reps and 3 reps. The main movements are done in these rep ranges throughout the phase and at week 4, the lifter is supposed to find a rep max. Accessory work is done after the main lifts and at a moderate 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps.

Each week the program will have 3 mandatory strength workouts plus 1 more optional workout. Each strength workout would take around 30 minutes. There are also 1-2 conditioning workouts each week, which are 15-30 minutes each.


  • Different programs for different stages

  • Phasic structure, progress-driven

  • Good for people in a hurry