Senior Project is now on Glave

  1. [Feb. 6] Complete your project Prospectus in GLAVE, exploring the four Pathways
  2. [April 2] Complete AND Secure Final Approvals (Advisor, Parent, Mentor, and Faculty Panel) for your Letter of Intent
  3. [May 13] Complete your Forty Field Hours on-site, and Prepare your Exhibition
  4. [May 16-22] Present Your Scheduled Exhibition and Critique Peer Exhibitions

Career Exploration

  • combination of observation, research, and experience
  • NOT simply shadowing

Creative Enterprise

  • create an authentic, original work
  • NOT time to focus learning new skills

Service Learning

  • collaborative project that fills a need in society
  • NOT a fundraiser

Scholarly Pursuit

  • advanced research on a topic you love
  • NOT (usually) a research paper

Present Your Exhibition

Prepare and then present your public Exhibition as scheduled. In this section are some sample Exhibition Rubrics like those that will be used by your judges. Also, pay special attention to the Exhibition Guidelines and Tech Considerations, to help you ensure you are ready to present and pass your exhibition!

(Remember to also attend and critique two other advisory peer exhibitions as required.)

Example rubrics