Miss Dewarrat

School Counselor

Campo Verde High School

A-Co Alpha-Split


Dear Students, and Parents/Guardians,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself! My name is Monique Dewarrat and I am a school counselor at Campo Verde High School.

I am a former 7th grade Math teacher at Greenfield Junior High School. I taught for five years before moving into the counselor role. I have a Masters degree in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Higher Education from Northern Arizona University and completed my M.Ed in School Counseling in 2020. I am also a member of the American School Counseling Association.

What I love most about the secondary school level is student’s ability to learn more about themselves. This is a great time for students to discover their interests and plan for the future. I am excited to meet with students individually, in small groups, and in classrooms. As a School Counselor, my primary responsibility is to promote the academic, career, and social/emotional development of all students. It is important to me that I work closely as a team with parents/guardians, teachers, administration, and staff to ensure your student is receiving all the support they need to guide them through these high school years. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with you all and getting to know your students throughout the school year!


Monique Dewarrat


Every Person, Every Day

My mission as a high school counselor is to help provide a proactive and comprehensive program that addresses the personal, academic and career goals of all students. Our collaborative team of counselors, teachers, parents, students, administration and community members create a safe, caring, and supportive environment that enables all students to become successful, productive members of society and lifelong learners.


Preparing every person for tomorrow through experiences founded on relationships, relevance, & rigor.

The students of Campo Verde High School are empowered to reach their maximum potential. They are given the tools and resources to ensure they are college and career ready. This is done through an extensive program that addresses personal, academic and career goals. Students are met with a rigorous curriculum, personal growth, and social responsibility that will continue to benefit them in their lives after graduation. Our counselors at CVHS will foster each student’s success by promoting relationships between school, home, and the community.