Science & STEM Resources

  • William & Mary Science Units Available for Purchase
  • GHAEA Science Web Page
  • The Girls Math & Science Partnership encourages and inspires teen girls interested in math and science.
  • is an organization dedicated to sharing the newer and emerging "learning tools" of science education. Tools such as real-time data collection, simulations, inquiry based lessons, interactive web lessons, micro-worlds, and imaging, among others, can help make teaching and learning science an exciting and engaging endeavor.
  • provides consistently updated links to websites selected by educators, based on interactivity, content, and appropriateness for K - 12 students. Subject include arts and humanities, language arts, mathematics, practical living, science, social studies, vocational studies, research, and news and publications.
  • Neuroscience Site: site for children wanting to know more about any neuroscience - includes an email list, games, articles, links, activities, puzzles.
  • Steve Spangler Science - lots of experiments
  • This site is sponsored by AAAS and is full of resources of various types for students and teachers.
  • This site is full of recent research and can stimulate students to ask more questions and find a topic of interest to look into further. Creative students can use future wheels to predict the impact of new discoveries or research on society.
  • WISE is a simple yet powerful learning environment where students examine real world evidence and analyze current scientific controversies. The curriculum projects are designed to meet standards and complement your current science curriculum and your grade 5-12 students will find them exciting and engaging. I believe a subscription is necessary, but it seems some components are free.
  • Try Engineering: lesson plans, games for students, interviews with engineers, universities with engineering programs, engineering newsletter and more
  • Science News for Kids - timely news items and ideas for hands-on activities and resources - for kids 9 - 14
  • National Science Resources Center - curriculum resources
  • Exploring the Solar System
  • MIT Highlights for High School new (Nov. 2007) site that will provide resources to improve science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) instruction at the high school level.
  • Iowa Online Advanced Placement Academy - a grant-supported initiative to offer AP online and AP ICN classes throughout Iowa. Grant $$ is available to pay for online courses, ICN courses, mentors for students, teacher training in AP classes (no Masters degree required), and more. A school simply registers to be eligible for the services.