
Add a schedule of your class

Daily Schedule:

Morning Cohort

8:30-Students log onto Chromebook, view assignments for the day on Google Classroom, complete morning work (posted on daily assignments)

8:40-9:00 Morning Meeting (Both Cohorts)

9:00-10:00 Math

10:00-10:40 PE (M/W/F) SEL (T/TH)

10:40-11:00 Silent Reading; including reading log and reading journal *This is also a time I may work with individual students or small groups

11:00-12:00 ELA

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-1:00 Activity (*more info to follow), regroup for your afternoon

1:00-3:00 Flexible, Asynchronous, Learning & Assignments

**Students must be logged onto their Chromebooks for the entire school day even if the assignment or activity they are doing isn’t on the Chromebook.

Daily Schedule: Afternoon Cohort

8:30-Students log onto Chromebook, view assignments for the day on Google Classroom, complete morning work (posted on daily assignments)

8:40-9:00 Morning Meeting (Both Cohorts)

9:00-11:00 Flexible, Asynchronous, Learning & Assignments

11:00-11:30 Activity (*more info to follow)

11:30-12:00 Lunch

12:00-12:40 PE (M/W/F) SEL (T/TH)

12:40-1:00 Silent Reading; including reading log and reading journal *This is also a time I may work with individual students or small groups

1:00-2:00 ELA

2:00-3:00 Math

**Students must be logged onto their Chromebooks for the entire school day even if the assignment or activity they are doing isn’t on the Chromebook.