March 13th @ 11:30am

VIRTUAL College Visit with Georgia Film Academy

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March 20th

FREE BUS TOUR to Georgia State & University of Georgia!

9th, 10th, & 11th Grade STUDENTS ONLY.

Flyer TBA

Click here to complete Interest Survey

March 20th @

 6 pm

Graduation Rehearsal Meeting for seniors and senior parents/learning coaches

Click here to join meeting

March 18th @ 2pm

IN PERSON College Visit to Clayton State University

Click here to register

Click here to view flyer

Georgia Match program

GEORGIA MATCH is a simple way for you to know where you are eligible for admission (to be admitted to college), based on your high school calculated HOPE grade point average (GPA) through 11th grade. We want to make it easy for you to see where you could attend college in Georgia based on your current academic record and to apply to institutions you are most interested in attending! You will still need to submit an application, but that will be easy – keep reading to learn how! Your GEORGIA MATCH colleges are on your GAfutures Student Dashboard.

DISCLAIMER: The colleges and universities listed on the student’s GEORGIA MATCH letter or Dashboard represent a provisional acceptance only and does not guarantee acceptance to a college or university or a specific major/program of study. An official admissions status is determined by the college or university using their admission criteria and the student’s final transcript and high school graduation status.

 Get help on the following topics using the quick links or use the navigation tools at the top of the page.

 Need help with college and career planning?  Contact your school counselor below.

9th Grade A-Coo

Ms. Kendall Griffin ext. 3749

9th Grade Cop-Hoq

Ms. Jennifer Susko ext. 12850

9th Grade Hor-Odf

Ms. Alexis Mincey ext. 3277

9th Grade Og-Tre

Mr. Justin Simon ext. 3132

9th Grade Lead Trf-Z

 Mr. Derek Therrien ext. 2809

10th-12th A-Can

 Ms. Madeenah Alwakeel-Dawson ext. 3059

10th-12th  Cao-Fos

 Ms. Clair Collins ext. 2371

10th-12th Fot-Hur

Ms. Danielle McCarthy ext. 12757

10th-12th Hus-Mas

Mr. Derrick Westry ext. 3072

10th-12th Mat-Pol

Ms. Amy Grasso ext. 3589

10th-12th Pom-Sti

Ms. Brittany Ladson ext. 12349

10th-12th Stj-Z

Ms. Rasheda Foster-Shaw ext. 12461

GRASP Counselor

Ms. Patricia Couture-Beebe, ext. 3409

Dual Enrollment A-L

Ms. Charlotte Byrd ext. 12916

Dual Enrollment M-Z

Ms. Jolie Ganley ext. 2109