georgetown's first trashion show. 

Student-Run, Student-Designed, Student-Modeled


Students can get involved by designing outfits, walking on the runway, representing a club, or just by showing up to enjoy the event

What is a trashion show?

Trash + Fashion = Trashion

A Trashion Show merges art and sustainability by showcasing diverse art forms created entirely from recycled, upcycled, or repurposed materials. 

eat delicious home-grown food

Watermelon Rind Bhaji is one of the best, tastiest ways to repurpose watermelon rinds. At the Trashion Show, help make or eat delicious food out of the things you normally throw away.

enjoy upcycled outfits

One of GREEN's very own members created a dress from newspaper, and you can too! Get involved in designing or creating clothing that will be shown on the runway, or come watch as others model innovation designs.

observe sustainable space design

This chandelier is constructed of materials that were washed up by tides, now given new life. If you're interested in building furniture or decorations for the event, or if you have something already that you'd like to contribute, let us know!