Other Publications

'Attrition, Sample Selection and Censored Regressions in Panel Data'(Joint with B. Honore and M.Verbeek), The Econometrics of Panel Data edited L. Matyas and P. Sevestre , forthcoming.

'Occupational hierarchies among immigrant worker groups in the United States'(joint with A. Postepska)

'Occupational Sorting of Ethic Groups'(joint with K.Patel and Y.Savchenko) in International Handbook of International Migration (2013)

'Semi-Parametric Estimation of Sample Selection Models with Binary Selection Rules and Binary Outcomes'(joint with Roger Klein and Chan Shen) retitled 'Estimation of Marginal Effects in Semi-parametric Selection Models with Binary Outcomes'resubmitted to Journal of Econometrics

'Borrowing Constraints and Credit Demand in a Developing Economy' (joint with Jaime Ruiz-Tagle) resubmitted to Journal of Applied Econometrics

'Health and Income: Evidence from Panel Data Estimation'(joint with Ivan Fernandez-Val and Yevginya Savchenko) under revision for resubmission

'Occupational Mobility and Employment Reallocation: Evidence from the NLSY'(Joint with G.Moscarini)

'Aggregrate Worker Reallocation and Occupational Mobility in the US:1976-2000'(Joint with G.Moscarini)

'Rank order as an instrumental variable'(Joint with Marno Verbeek)

'Semi-Parametric Estimation of Non Separable Triangular Systems'(joint with W.Newey)

'Semiparametric estimation of structural functions''(joint with V.Chernozhukov, I. Fernandez-Val, W.Newey and S.Stouli)

'Bias Corrections for Panel Data Models with Interactive time and individual effects in the presence of individual specific slope parameters'(joint with Ivan Fernandez-Val)

'Quantile Regression Estimation of Sample Selection Models with Tobit Type Censoring'(joint Ivan Fernandez-Val and A.Van Vuuren)

'Control Functions'(joint with R.Blundell)

'Selection Bias' International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition (2008)