Articles in Books

F. Vella and R.G.Gregory. "Real Wages, Employment and Wage Dispersion in US and Australian Labour Markets." Differences and Changes in Wage Structures, edited by R.Freeman and L.Katz, 205-226. University of Chicago Press, 1995.

Francis Vella and R.G.Gregory. "Are We Over-Educating Young Australians: Human Capital Investment and Self- Selection." Youth in the Eighties, edited by R.G.Gregory and T.Karmel, 125-151. Canberra: Center for Economic Policy Research, 1992.

Francis Vella. "Self-Discrimination and Human Capital Investment: The Relationship Between Gender Roles and Female Labor Market Performance." Youth in the Eighties, edited by R.G.Gregory and T.Karmel, 152-178. Canberra: Center for Economic Policy Research, 1992.