What should I wear?
The short answer is whatever you're comfortable worshiping in. Many attenders dress "corporate casual", while most wear jeans.
Get Settled
At Geneva E-Free you'll notice all walks of life. You'll probably be greeted at the door by one of our elders and you can make your way to our coffee bar & enjoy a beverage. Then you can make your way to the sanctuary & find a seat. Once seated, you’ll notice slides rotating on the screen which are the events and activities happening at church.
Musical Worship
This time is set aside for communicating with God from our hearts. Everyone worships in his or her own unique way. For many, that means singing, and for others it means quietly reflecting on the words. Our worship team consists of vocalists, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, piano & drums.
Every Sunday, one of our pastors (and on occasion one of our elders) gives a message based on Scripture that is designed to be helpful in your everyday life. Find our past & current sermons within the "worship" tab or by clicking here (like & subscribe!) Our sermons are also livestreamed each Sunday (barring any technical difficulties).
You can find one of our offering boxes, one outside the sanctuary doors & one just inside the sanctuary. An online giving option will be made available soon.
Gathering (it's kinda like 'Sunday School'😉)
"Gathering" is an intentional time of 'gathering together' in conversation, in prayer, or in class and usually follows after the worship service. There's a place for all ages from nursery age children to adults. Official gathering, that is, classes for all ages, usually only runs during the school year. During the summer months, people are still encouraged to stick around after the service to gather with one another for as long as they like.
The Lord's Supper
We celebrate communion together on the second Sunday of each month. All followers of Jesus are invited to join us. The juice (of the grape variety, not wine) & bread that we share represent the blood & body of our Savior that He gave up so that our sins could be forgiven.
Nursery/Cry Room
At this time, we do not offer supervised/staffed nursery during the worship service. Nursing moms & parents are welcome to use the nursery or Classroom C (located in the foyer) as a 'cry room' when children need tending to. There is, however, a nursery option during the 'Gathering' hour for infants to 3 years old.